Source code for composer.utils.eval_client.local_eval_client

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Eval client for local evaluation."""
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import subprocess
import textwrap
import types

from composer.utils import dist
from composer.utils.eval_client.eval_client import EvalClient

__all__ = ['LocalEvalClient']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TIMEOUT = 5  # in seconds

[docs]class LocalEvalClient(EvalClient): """Utility for creating a client for and invoking local evaluations."""
[docs] def invoke(self, payload: list[list[list[dict[str, str]]]]) -> list[list[list[bool]]]: """Invoke a batch of provided payloads for code evaluations.""" ret = [] for prompt_group in payload: ret_prompt_group = [] for generation_group in prompt_group: ret_generation_group = [] for test_case in generation_group: ret_generation_group.append(self.invoke_helper(test_case)) ret_prompt_group.append(ret_generation_group) ret.append(ret_prompt_group) return ret
[docs] def invoke_helper(self, payload: dict[str, str]) -> bool: """Invoke a provided dictionary payload to a multiprocessing subprocess that performs code eval.""" ret = multiprocessing.Value('b', 0) # Store result of test case in shared memory p = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.update_offline_helper, args=( payload['code'], payload['input'], payload['output'], payload['entry_point'], payload['language'], ret, ), ) # Evaluate test case in an independent subprocess p.start() p.join(TIMEOUT) # wait for timeout to terminate p.terminate() return bool(ret.value) # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
[docs] def update_offline_helper( self, code_gen: str, test_input: str, test_output: str, entry_point: str, language: str, val: multiprocessing.Value, # type: ignore ): """Helper function to evaluate test case in a subprocess. This function compiles the code generation, and runs the function from the entry point, before running the test input through the function and checking it against the test output. Args: code_gen (str): The code generation to be evaluated. test_input (str): The input of the test case test_output (str): The output of the test case entry_point (str): The name of the function to call language (str): The language of the code generation val (multiprocessing.Value): The value in which to save the final value of the test case """ rank = dist.get_global_rank() if language == 'python': mod = types.ModuleType('test_module') val.value = 0 result = None expected_result = None try: exec(code_gen, mod.__dict__) result = mod.__dict__[entry_point](*eval(test_input)) syntax_compiled = True try: expected_result = eval(test_output) except: expected_result = test_output except Exception as _: syntax_compiled = False # don't print out warning b/c this can happen frequently if syntax_compiled: val.value = int(result == expected_result) else: val.value = 0 elif language == 'c++': # since we can't run tostring based comparisons in C++, initialize a series of overloaded equality functions prefix = '''\ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <map> #include <math.h> using namespace std; bool issame(vector<string> a,vector<string>b){ if (a.size()!=b.size()) return false; for (int i=0;i<a.size();i++) { if (a[i]!=b[i]) return false; } return true; } bool issame(float a, float b){ return abs(a - b) < 1e-4; } bool issame(bool a, bool b){ return a == b; } bool issame(int a, int b){ return a == b; } bool issame(vector<int> a,vector<int>b){ if (a.size()!=b.size()) return false; for (int i=0;i<a.size();i++) { if (a[i]!=b[i]) return false; } return true; } bool issame(string a, string b){ return a == b; } bool issame(vector<float> a,vector<float>b){ if (a.size()!=b.size()) return false; for (int i=0;i<a.size();i++) { if (abs(a[i]-b[i])>1e-4) return false; } return true; } bool issame(double a, double b){ return abs(a - b) < 1e-3; } bool issame(vector<vector<int>> a,vector<vector<int>> b){ if (a.size()!=b.size()) return false; for (int i=0;i<a.size();i++) { if (a[i].size()!=b[i].size()) return false; for (int j=0;j<a[i].size();j++) { if (a[i][j]!=b[i][j]) return false; } } return true; } bool issame(map<char,int> a,map<char,int> b){ if (a.size()!=b.size()) return false; map <char,int>::iterator it; for (it=a.begin();it!=a.end();it++) { char w1=it->first; int w2=it->second; if (b.find(w1)==b.end()) return false; if (b[w1]!=w2) return false; } return true; } bool issame(long long a, long long b){ return a == b; } ''' code_gen = textwrap.dedent(prefix) + code_gen # print out the result of the equality check to console, use double brackets to override f string defaults ending = f'''\ int main() {{ cout << issame({entry_point}({test_input}), {test_output}); return 0; }} ''' code_gen = code_gen + '\n' + textwrap.dedent(ending) with open(f'test_code_{rank}.cpp', 'w') as f: f.write(code_gen) compilation_process = [ 'g++', '-std=c++11', f'test_code_{rank}.cpp', '-o', f'test_code_{rank}', ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if compilation_process.returncode == 0: run_process ='./test_code_{rank}', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = run_process.stdout.decode() else: output = '0' if f'test_code_{rank}.cpp' in os.listdir(): os.remove(f'test_code_{rank}.cpp') if f'test_code_{rank}' in os.listdir(): os.remove(f'test_code_{rank}') val.value = output == '1' elif language == 'javascript': ending = '\nconsole.log(JSON.stringify(' + entry_point + '(' + test_input + ')) === JSON.stringify(' + test_output + '));' code_gen = code_gen + ending with open(f'test_code_{rank}.js', 'w') as f: f.write(code_gen) run_process = ['node', f'test_code_{rank}.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) output = run_process.stdout.decode() if f'test_code_{rank}.js' in os.listdir(): os.remove(f'test_code_{rank}.js') val.value = output == 'true\n' elif language == 'c': # since we can't run tostring based comparisons in C, initialize a series of overloaded equality functions prefix = '''\ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> bool issame_int(int a, int b){ return a == b; } bool issame_bool(bool a, bool b){ return a == b; } bool issame_float(float a, float b){ return fabs(a-b) < 1e-4; } #define issame(a, b) _Generic((a), int: issame_int, bool: issame_bool, float: issame_float)(a, b) ''' code_gen = textwrap.dedent(prefix) + code_gen # print out the result of the equality check to console, use double brackets to override f string defaults ending = f'''\ int main() {{ bool val = issame({entry_point}({test_input}), {test_output}); printf("%d", val); return 0; }} ''' code_gen = code_gen + '\n' + textwrap.dedent(ending) with open(f'test_code_{rank}.c', 'w') as f: f.write(code_gen) compilation_process = ['gcc', f'test_code_{rank}.c', '-o', f'test_code_{rank}'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if compilation_process.returncode == 0: run_process ='./test_code_{rank}', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = run_process.stdout.decode() else: output = '0' if f'test_code_{rank}.c' in os.listdir(): os.remove(f'test_code_{rank}.c') if f'test_code_{rank}' in os.listdir(): os.remove(f'test_code_{rank}') val.value = output == '1' else: raise ValueError(f'Language {language} not supported.')