๐Ÿชต Logging#

By default, the trainer enables ProgressBarLogger, which logs information to a tqdm progress bar.

If you donโ€™t want to use a progress bar, but you still want metrics logged to the console, you can set the log_to_console, console_log_interval, and console_stream arguments in Trainer, like the following code, which will log metrics to the console every 100 batches:

trainer = Trainer(

To attach other loggers, use the loggers argument. For example, the below logs the results to Weights and Biases, MLflow, CometML, and neptune.ai, and also saves them to the file log.txt.

from composer import Trainer
from composer.loggers import WandBLogger, CometMLLogger, MLFlowLogger, NeptuneLogger, FileLogger

wandb_logger = WandBLogger()
cometml_logger = CometMLLogger()
mlflow_logger = MLFlowLogger()
neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger()
file_logger = FileLogger(filename="log.txt")

trainer = Trainer(
    loggers=[wandb_logger, cometml_logger, mlflow_logger, neptune_logger, file_logger],

Available Loggers#


Log data to a file.


Log to Weights and Biases.


Log to MLflow.


Log to Comet.


Log to neptune.ai.


Log metrics to the console and optionally show a progress bar.


Log to Tensorboard.


Logs metrics to dictionary objects that persist in memory throughout training.


Logger destination that uploads (downloads) files to (from) a remote backend.

Automatically Logged Data#

The Trainer automatically logs the following data:

  • trainer/algorithms: a list of specified algorithm names.

  • epoch: the current epoch.

  • trainer/global_step: the total number of training steps that have been performed.

  • trainer/batch_idx: the current training step (batch) within the epoch.

  • loss/train: the training loss calculated from the current batch.

  • All the validation metrics specified in the ComposerModel object passed to Trainer.

Logging Additional Data#

To log additional data, create a custom Callback. Each of its methods has access to the Logger.

from composer import Callback, State
from composer.loggers import Logger

class EpochMonitor(Callback):

    def epoch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger):
        logger.log_metrics({"Epoch": int(state.timestamp.epoch)})

Similarly, Algorithm classes are also provided the Logger to log any desired information.

See also

Algorithms and Callbacks

Custom Logger Destinations#

To use a custom logger destination, create a class that inherits from LoggerDestination. Here is an example which logs all metrics into a dictionary:

from typing import Any, Optional

from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination
from composer.core.time import Timestamp
from composer.core.state import State

class DictionaryLogger(LoggerDestination):
    def __init__(self):
        # Dictionary to store logged data
        self.data = {}

    def log_metrics(self, metrics: dict[str, float], step: Optional[int] = None):
        for k, v in self.data.items():
            if k not in self.data:
                self.data[k] = []
            self.data[k].append((state.timestamp, v))

# Construct a trainer using this logger
trainer = Trainer(..., loggers=[DictionaryLogger()])

# Train!

In addition, LoggerDestination can also implement the typical event-based hooks of typical callbacks if needed. See Callbacks for more information.