
composer.utils.format_name_with_dist_and_time(format_str, run_name, timestamp, **extra_format_kwargs)[source]#

Format format_str with the run_name, distributed variables, timestamp, and extra_format_kwargs.

In addition to the variables specified via extra_format_kwargs, the following format variables are available:




The name of the training run. See Logger.run_name.


The global rank, as returned by get_global_rank().


The local rank of the process, as returned by get_local_rank().


The world size, as returned by get_world_size().


The local world size, as returned by get_local_world_size().


The node rank, as returned by get_node_rank().


The total epoch count, as returned by epoch().


The total batch count, as returned by batch().


The batch count in the current epoch, as returned by batch_in_epoch().


The total sample count, as returned by sample().


The sample count in the current epoch, as returned by sample_in_epoch().


The total token count, as returned by token().


The token count in the current epoch, as returned by token_in_epoch().


The total training duration in seconds, as returned by total_wct().


The epoch duration in seconds, as returned by epoch_wct().


The batch duration in seconds, as returned by batch_wct().

For example, assume that the current epoch is 0, batch is 0, and rank is 0. Then:

>>> from composer.utils import format_name_with_dist_and_time
>>> format_str = '{run_name}/ep{epoch}-ba{batch}-rank{rank}.{extension}'
>>> format_name_with_dist_and_time(
...     format_str,
...     run_name='awesome_training_run',
...     timestamp=state.timestamp,
...     extension='json',
... )
  • format_str (str) โ€“ The format string for the checkpoint filename.

  • run_name (str) โ€“ The value for the {run_name} format variable.

  • timestamp (Timestamp) โ€“ The timestamp.

  • extra_format_kwargs (object) โ€“ Any additional format() kwargs.