
class composer.optim.LinearScheduler(alpha_i=1.0, alpha_f=0.0, t_max='1dur')[source]#

Adjusts the learning rate linearly.

See also

This scheduler is based on LinearLR from PyTorch.


Note that the defaults for this scheduler differ from the defaults for LinearLR. The PyTorch scheduler, by default, linearly increases the learning rate multiplier from 1.0 / 3 to 1.0, whereas this implementation, by default, linearly decreases the multiplier rom 1.0 to 0.0.

Linearly adjusts the learning rate multiplier from alpha_i to alpha_f over t_{max} time.

Specifically, the learning rate multiplier \(\alpha\) can be expressed as:

\[\alpha(t) = \alpha_i + (alpha_f - \alpha_i) \times \tau \]

Given \(\tau\), the fraction of time elapsed (clipped to the interval \([0, 1]\)), as:

\[\tau = t / t_{max} \]

Where \(\alpha_i\) represents the initial learning rate multiplier, \(\alpha_f\) represents the learning rate multiplier to decay to, and \(t_{max}\) represents the duration of this scheduler.

  • alpha_i (float) โ€“ Initial learning rate multiplier. Default = 1.0.

  • alpha_f (float) โ€“ Final learning rate multiplier. Default = 0.0.

  • t_max (str | Time) โ€“ The duration of this scheduler. Default = "1dur".