
class composer.profiler.Marker(state, should_record, trace_handlers, name, record_instant_on_start, record_instant_on_finish, categories)[source]#

Profiler Marker.

Used by the Engine to measure the duration of Event during training.


Marker should not be instantiated directly; instead use Profiler.marker().

Markers can record the following types of events:

  1. Duration: Records the start and stop time of an event of interest (Marker.start(), Marker.finish()).

  2. Instant: Record time a particular event occurs, but not the full duration (Marker.instant()).

  3. Counter: The value of a variable at given time (Marker.counter()).

A Marker can also be used as a context manager or decorator to record a duration:

  1. Use a Marker with a context manager:

    >>> def something_to_measure():
    ...     print("something_to_measure")
    >>> marker = profiler.marker("foo")
    >>> with marker:
    ...     something_to_measure()
  2. Use a Marker as a decorator:

    >>> marker = profiler.marker("foo")
    >>> @marker
    ... def something_to_measure():
    ...     print("something_to_measure")
    >>> something_to_measure()

Record a counter event.

To record a counter event:

>>> marker = profiler.marker("foo")
>>> counter_event = 5
>>> marker.counter({"counter_event": counter_event})
>>> counter_event = 10
>>> marker.counter({"counter_event": counter_event})

Record the end of a duration event.

See Marker.start() for a usage example.


Record an instant event.

To record an instant event:

>>> def something_to_measure():
...     print("something_to_measure")
>>> marker = profiler.marker("instant")
>>> marker.instant()
>>> something_to_measure()

Record the start of a duration event.

To record the duration of an event, invoke Marker.start() followed by Marker.finish().

>>> def something_to_measure():
...     print("something_to_measure")
>>> marker = profiler.marker("foo")
>>> marker.start()
>>> something_to_measure()
>>> marker.finish()