Source code for composer.profiler.trace_handler

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Profiler Trace Handler."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import pathlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from composer.core.callback import Callback

    from composer.core import Timestamp

__all__ = ['TraceHandler']

[docs]class TraceHandler(Callback, abc.ABC): """Base class for Composer Profiler trace handlers. Subclasses should implement :meth:`process_duration_event`, :meth:`process_instant_event`, :meth:`process_counter_event`, and :meth:`process_chrome_json_trace_file` to record trace events. Since :class:`TraceHandler` subclasses :class:`.Callback`, a trace handler can run on any :class:`.Event` (such as on :attr:`.Event.INIT` to open files or on :attr:`.Event.BATCH_END` to periodically dump data to files) and use :meth:`.Callback.close` to perform any cleanup. """
[docs] def process_duration_event( self, name: str, categories: Union[list[str], tuple[str, ...]], is_start: bool, timestamp: Timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns: int, ) -> None: """Invoked whenever there is a duration event to record. This method is called twice for each duration event -- once with ``is_start = True``, and then again with ``is_start = False``. Interleaving events are not permitted. Specifically, for each event (identified by the ``name``), a call with ``is_start = True`` will be followed by a call with ``is_start = False`` before another call with ``is_start = True``. Args: name (str): The name of the event. categories (Union[list[str], tuple[str, ...]]): The categories for the event. is_start (bool): Whether the event is a start event or end event. timestamp (Timestamp): Snapshot of the training time. wall_clock_time_ns (int): The :py:func:`time.time_ns` corresponding to the event. """ del name, categories, is_start, timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns # unused pass
[docs] def process_instant_event( self, name: str, categories: Union[list[str], tuple[str, ...]], timestamp: Timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns: int, ) -> None: """Invoked whenever there is an instant event to record. Args: name (str): The name of the event. categories (list[str] | tuple[str, ...]): The categories for the event. timestamp (Timestamp): Snapshot of current training time. wall_clock_time_ns (int): The :py:func:`time.time_ns` corresponding to the event. """ del name, categories, timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns # unused pass
[docs] def process_counter_event( self, name: str, categories: Union[list[str], tuple[str, ...]], timestamp: Timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns: int, values: dict[str, Union[int, float]], ) -> None: """Invoked whenever there is an counter event to record. Args: name (str): The name of the event. categories (list[str] | tuple[str, ...]): The categories for the event. timestamp (Timestamp): The timestamp. wall_clock_time_ns (int): The :py:func:`time.time_ns` corresponding to the event. values (dict[str, int | float]): The values corresponding to this counter event. """ del name, categories, timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns, values # unused pass
[docs] def process_chrome_json_trace_file(self, filepath: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Invoked when there are events in Chrome JSON format to record. See `this document <>`_ for more information. Args: filepath (pathlib.Path): The filepath to a Chrome JSON trace file. """ del filepath # unused pass