Source code for composer.loggers.cometml_logger

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Log to `Comet <>`_."""

from __future__ import annotations

import textwrap
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torchvision.utils import draw_segmentation_masks

from composer.core.state import State
from composer.loggers.logger import Logger
from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination
from composer.utils import MissingConditionalImportError, dist

__all__ = ['CometMLLogger']

[docs]class CometMLLogger(LoggerDestination): """Log to `Comet <>`_. Args: workspace (str, optional): The name of the workspace which contains the project you want to attach your experiment to. If nothing specified will default to your default workspace as configured in your comet account settings. project_name (str, optional): The name of the project to categorize your experiment in. A new project with this name will be created under the Comet workspace if one with this name does not exist. If no project name specified, the experiment will go under Uncategorized Experiments. log_code (bool): Whether to log your code in your experiment (default: ``False``). log_graph (bool): Whether to log your computational graph in your experiment (default: ``False``). name (str, optional): The name of your experiment. If not specified, it will be set to :attr:`.State.run_name`. rank_zero_only (bool, optional): Whether to log only on the rank-zero process. (default: ``True``). exp_kwargs (dict[str, Any], optional): Any additional kwargs to comet_ml.Experiment(see `Comet documentation <>`_). """ def __init__( self, workspace: Optional[str] = None, project_name: Optional[str] = None, log_code: bool = False, log_graph: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, rank_zero_only: bool = True, exp_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: try: from comet_ml import Experiment except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError( extra_deps_group='comet_ml', conda_package='comet_ml', conda_channel='conda-forge', ) from e self._enabled = (not rank_zero_only) or dist.get_global_rank() == 0 if exp_kwargs is None: exp_kwargs = {} if workspace is not None: exp_kwargs['workspace'] = workspace if project_name is not None: exp_kwargs['project_name'] = project_name exp_kwargs['log_code'] = log_code exp_kwargs['log_graph'] = log_graph = name self._rank_zero_only = rank_zero_only self._exp_kwargs = exp_kwargs self.experiment = None if self._enabled: self.experiment = Experiment(**self._exp_kwargs) self.experiment.log_other('Created from', 'mosaicml-composer') def init(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: del logger # unused # Use the logger run name if the name is not set. if is None: = state.run_name # Adjust name and group based on `rank_zero_only`. if not self._rank_zero_only: += f'-rank{dist.get_global_rank()}' if self._enabled: assert self.experiment is not None self.experiment.set_name( def log_table( self, columns: list[str], rows: list[list[Any]], name: str = 'Table', step: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: del step if self._enabled: assert self.experiment is not None try: import pandas as pd except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError( extra_deps_group='pandas', conda_package='pandas', conda_channel='conda-forge', ) from e table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=rows, columns=columns) # Formatting to be consistent with mlflow and wandb json formats self.experiment.log_table( filename=f'{name}.json', tabular_data=table, orient='split', # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] cometml has incorrect type hints for kwargs index=False, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] cometml has incorrect type hints for kwargs ) def log_metrics(self, metrics: dict[str, Any], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if self._enabled: assert self.experiment is not None self.experiment.log_metrics(dic=metrics, step=step) def log_hyperparameters(self, hyperparameters: dict[str, Any]): if self._enabled: assert self.experiment is not None self.experiment.log_parameters(hyperparameters) def log_images( self, images: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, Sequence[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]], name: str = 'Image', channels_last: bool = False, step: Optional[int] = None, masks: Optional[dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, Sequence[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]]] = None, mask_class_labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None, use_table: bool = True, ): del use_table, mask_class_labels # Unused (only for wandb) if self._enabled: image_channels = 'last' if channels_last else 'first' # Convert to singleton sequences if a single image or mask is specified. if not isinstance(images, Sequence) and images.ndim <= 3: images = [images] # For pyright. assert self.experiment is not None if masks is not None: for mask_name, mask_tensor in masks.items(): if not isinstance(mask_tensor, Sequence) and mask_tensor.ndim == 2: masks[mask_name] = [mask_tensor] mask_names = list(masks.keys()) for index, (image, *mask_set) in enumerate(zip(images, *masks.values())): # Log input image comet_image = _convert_to_comet_image(image) self.experiment.log_image( comet_image, name=f'{name}_{index}', image_channels=image_channels, step=step, ) # Convert 2D index mask to one-hot boolean mask. mask_set = [_convert_to_comet_mask(mask) for mask in mask_set] # Log input image with mask overlay and mask by itself for each type of mask. for mask_name, mask in zip(mask_names, mask_set): if channels_last: # permute to channels_first to be compatible with draw_segmentation_masks. assert isinstance(image, torch.Tensor) comet_image = image.permute(2, 0, 1) # Log input image with mask superimposed. im_with_mask_overlay = draw_segmentation_masks(, mask, alpha=0.6) self.experiment.log_image( im_with_mask_overlay, name=f'{name}_{index} + {mask_name} mask overlaid', image_channels='first', step=step, ) # Log mask only. mask_only = draw_segmentation_masks(torch.zeros_like(, mask) self.experiment.log_image( mask_only, name=f'{mask_name}_{index} mask', step=step, image_channels='first', ) else: for index, image in enumerate(images): comet_image = _convert_to_comet_image(image) self.experiment.log_image( comet_image, name=f'{name}_{index}', image_channels=image_channels, step=step, ) def post_close(self): if self._enabled: assert self.experiment is not None self.experiment.end()
def _convert_to_comet_image(image: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor): image = elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = torch.from_numpy(image) # Error out for empty arrays or weird arrays of dimension 0. if np.any(np.equal(image.shape, 0)): raise ValueError(f'Got an image (shape {image.shape}) with at least one dimension being 0! ') image = image.squeeze() if image.ndim > 3: raise ValueError( textwrap.dedent( f'''Input image must be 1, 2, or 3 dimensions, but instead got {image.ndim} dims at shape: {image.shape} Your input image was interpreted as a batch of {image.ndim}-dimensional images because you either specified a {image.ndim + 1}D image or a list of {image.ndim}D images. Please specify either a 4D image of a list of 3D images''', ), ) return image def _convert_to_comet_mask(mask: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): mask = torch.from_numpy(mask) mask = mask.squeeze() if mask.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( textwrap.dedent( f'''Each input mask must be 2 dimensions, but instead got {mask.ndim} dims at shape: {mask.shape}. Please specify a sequence of 2D masks or 3D batch of 2D masks .''', ), ) num_classes = int(torch.max(mask)) + 1 one_hot_mask = nn.functional.one_hot(mask, num_classes).permute(2, 0, 1).bool() return one_hot_mask