Source code for composer.callbacks.activation_monitor

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Monitor activation values during training."""

import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch

from composer.core import Callback, State, Time, TimeUnit
from composer.loggers import Logger
from composer.loggers.wandb_logger import WandBLogger

__all__ = ['ActivationMonitor']

[docs]class ActivationMonitor(Callback): """Logs stats of activation inputs and outputs. This callback triggers at a user defined interval, and logs some simple statistics of the inputs, outputs for every torch module. This is done by attaching a forward hook to the module. Additionally, when after we finish logging we detach the forwards hook. Example: .. doctest:: >>> from composer import Trainer >>> from composer.callbacks import ActivationMonitor >>> # constructing trainer object with this callback >>> trainer = Trainer( ... model=model, ... train_dataloader=train_dataloader, ... eval_dataloader=eval_dataloader, ... optimizers=optimizer, ... max_duration="1ep", ... callbacks=[ActivationMonitor()], ... ) The metrics are logged by the :class:`.Logger` to the following keys described below. Over an input of shape (batch, hid_dim), (batch, seq_len, hid_dim), etc. we compute statistics across `hid_dim` then take the average of these statistics. For convenience we have included example metrics logged: +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Logged data | +=======================================================+=====================================================+ | | The average max value of the `hid_dim` of the | | ``activations/max/MODULE_NAME/input_{n}`` | nth input activations into the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average value of the `hid_dim` input | | ``activations/average/MODULE_NAME/input_{n}`` | activations into the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average L2 Norm of the `hid_dim` of the | | ``activations/l2_norm/MODULE_NAME/input_{n}`` | nth input activations into the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average kurtosis of the `hid_dim` of the nth | | ``activations/kurtosis/MODULE_NAME/input_{n}`` | input activations into the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average max value of the `hid_dim` of the | | ``activations/max/MODULE_NAME/output_{n}`` | nth ouput activations of the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average value of the `hid_dim` of the output | | ``activations/average/MODULE_NAME/output_{n}`` | activations of the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average L2 Norm of the values of the `hid_dim` | | ``activations/l2_norm/MODULE_NAME/input_{n}`` | activations of the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | The average kurtosis of the `hid_dim` of the nth | | ``activations/kurtosis/MODULE_NAME/input_{n}`` | output activations of the current module. | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ Args: interval (Union[int, str, Time], optional): Time string specifying how often to attach the logger and log the activations. For example, ``interval='5ba'`` means every 5 batches we log the activations. Default: '25ba'. ignore_module_types (Optional[list[str]], optional): A list of strings representing the class attributes we should ignore. For example passing in the list ['dropout', 'ln'] will cause the class attributes that contain 'dropout' or 'ln' to not be logged. Default: 'None'. only_log_wandb (bool, optional): A bool that determines if we should only log to Weights and Biases. This is recommended in partcular for larger models as this callback logs a lot. Default: 'True'. """ def __init__( self, interval: Union[int, str, Time] = '25ba', ignore_module_types: Optional[list[str]] = None, only_log_wandb: bool = True, ): self.ignore_module_types = ignore_module_types self.only_log_wandb = only_log_wandb self.handles = [] # Check that the interval timestring is parsable and convert into time object self.interval = Time.from_input(interval, TimeUnit.BATCH) if self.interval.unit == TimeUnit.BATCH and self.interval < Time.from_timestring('10ba'): warnings.warn( f'Currently the ActivationMonitor`s interval is set to {self.interval} ' f'which is below our recommended value of 10ba. We recommend you raise ' f'the interval to at least 10ba, as the activation monitor adds extra overhead ' f'and decreases throughput.', ) # Verify that the interval has supported units if self.interval.unit not in [TimeUnit.BATCH, TimeUnit.EPOCH]: raise ValueError( f'Invalid time unit for parameter interval: ' f'{self.interval.unit}', ) self.last_train_time_value_logged = -1 self.module_names = {} def before_forward(self, state: State, logger: Logger): current_time_value = state.timestamp.get(self.interval.unit).value if current_time_value % self.interval.value == 0 and current_time_value != self.last_train_time_value_logged: if not self.module_names: self.create_module_names(state.model) self.attach_forward_hooks(state, logger) def after_forward(self, state: State, logger: Logger): current_time_value = state.timestamp.get(self.interval.unit).value if current_time_value % self.interval.value == 0 and current_time_value != self.last_train_time_value_logged: self.last_train_time_value_logged = current_time_value self.remove_forward_hooks() def attach_forward_hooks(self, state: State, logger: Logger): step = state.timestamp.batch.value self.register_forward_hook(state.model, logger, step) def remove_forward_hooks(self): for handle in self.handles: handle.remove() # Resetting handles we track self.handles = [] def register_forward_hook(self, model: torch.nn.Module, logger: Logger, step: Optional[int]): model.apply(partial(self._register_forward_hook, logger, step)) def _register_forward_hook(self, logger: Logger, step: Optional[int], module: torch.nn.Module): self.handles.append(module.register_forward_hook(partial(self.forward_hook, logger, step))) def forward_hook( self, logger: Logger, step: Optional[int], module: torch.nn.Module, input: Optional[Sequence], output: Optional[Sequence], ): module_name = self.module_names[module] if self.ignore_module_types is not None: for ignore_module_type in self.ignore_module_types: if ignore_module_type in module_name: return metrics = {} if input is not None: for i, val in enumerate(input): if val is None or isinstance(val, dict): continue if isinstance(val, str) and isinstance(input, dict): self.recursively_add_metrics(metrics, module_name, f'_input.{i}', output[val]) # type: ignore else: self.recursively_add_metrics(metrics, module_name, f'_input.{i}', val) if output is not None: for i, val in enumerate(output): if val is None or isinstance(val, dict): continue if isinstance(val, str) and isinstance(output, dict): self.recursively_add_metrics(metrics, module_name, f'_output.{i}', output[val]) # type: ignore else: self.recursively_add_metrics(metrics, module_name, f'_output.{i}', val) if self.only_log_wandb: wandb_loggers = [ld for ld in logger.destinations if isinstance(ld, WandBLogger)] if len(wandb_loggers): for wandb_logger in wandb_loggers: wandb_logger.log_metrics(metrics, step) else: # In the case there were no WandB loggers, just default to # the standard logger and let it take care of it logger.log_metrics(metrics) else: logger.log_metrics(metrics) def recursively_add_metrics(self, metrics: dict, name: str, suffix: str, values: Any): # Becuase of the recursive diving, we need this call to prevent infinite recursion. if isinstance(values, str): return # Keep recursively diving if the value is a sequence if isinstance(values, Sequence): for i, value in enumerate(values): self.recursively_add_metrics(metrics, f'{name}_{i}', suffix, value) return else: self.add_metrics(metrics, name, suffix, values) def add_metrics(self, metrics: dict, name: str, suffix: str, value: torch.Tensor): # We shouldn't log booleans if value.dtype == torch.bool: return if value.is_floating_point() or value.is_complex(): metrics[f'activations/l2_norm/{name}{suffix}'] = torch.linalg.vector_norm(value, dim=-1).mean().item() metrics[f'activations/average/{name}{suffix}'] = value.mean().item() metrics[f'activations/kurtosis/{name}{suffix}'] = compute_kurtosis(value).item() # Because we call max with `dim=-1` we need to call .values to get the actual values metrics[f'activations/max/{name}{suffix}'] = value.max(dim=-1).values.mean().item() def create_module_names(self, model: torch.nn.Module): self.module_names = {m: name for name, m in model.named_modules()}
def compute_kurtosis(value: torch.Tensor): # Computes the kurtosis over the last dimension mean = torch.mean(value, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) diffs = value - mean m_4 = torch.mean(torch.pow(diffs, 4), dim=-1) var = torch.mean(torch.pow(diffs, 2), dim=-1) return (m_4 / (var**2)).mean()