Source code for composer.algorithms.swa.swa

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Core code for Stochastic Weight Averaging."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import warnings
from typing import Any, Optional

import torch
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LRScheduler
from torch.optim.swa_utils import SWALR, AveragedModel

from composer.core import Algorithm, Event, State, Time, TimeUnit
from composer.loggers import Logger

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['SWA']

def _assert_valid_duration(time: Time):
    if time.unit == TimeUnit.DURATION and (time < 0 or time > 1):
        raise ValueError(f'time in duration units must be [0, 1], got {time}')

[docs]class SWA(Algorithm): """Applies Stochastic Weight Averaging (`Izmailov et al, 2018 <>`_). Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) averages model weights sampled at different times near the end of training. This leads to better generalization than just using the final trained weights. Because this algorithm needs to maintain both the current value of the weights and the average of all of the sampled weights, it doubles the model's memory consumption. Note that this does not mean that the total memory required doubles, however, since stored activations and the optimizer state are not doubled. .. note:: The AveragedModel is currently stored on the CPU device, which may cause slow training if the model weights are large. Uses PyTorch's `torch.optim.swa_util <>`_ under the hood. See the :doc:`Method Card </method_cards/swa>` for more details. Example: .. testcode:: from composer.algorithms import SWA from composer.trainer import Trainer swa_algorithm = SWA( swa_start="6ep", swa_end="8ep" ) trainer = Trainer( model=model, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, eval_dataloader=eval_dataloader, max_duration="10ep", algorithms=[swa_algorithm], optimizers=[optimizer] ) Args: swa_start (str, optional): The time string denoting the amount of training completed before stochastic weight averaging begins. Currently only units of duration ('dur') and epoch ('ep') are supported. Default: ``'0.7dur'``. swa_end (str, optional): The time string denoting the amount of training completed before the baseline (non-averaged) model is replaced with the stochastic weight averaged model. It's important to have at least one epoch of training after the baseline model is replaced by the SWA model so that the SWA model can have its buffers (most importantly its batch norm statistics) updated. If ``swa_end`` occurs during the final epoch of training (e.g. ``swa_end = 0.9dur`` and ``max_duration = "5ep"``, or ``swa_end = 1.0dur``), the SWA model will not have its buffers updated, which can negatively impact accuracy, so ensure ``swa_end`` < :math:`\\frac{N_{epochs}-1}{N_{epochs}}`. Currently only units of duration ('dur') and epoch ('ep') are supported. Default: ``'0.97dur'``. update_interval (str, optional): Time string denoting how often the averaged model is updated. For example, ``'1ep'`` means the averaged model will be updated once per epoch and ``'5ba'`` means the averaged model will be updated every 5 batches. Note that for single-epoch training runs (e.g. many NLP training runs), ``update_interval`` must be specified in units of ``'ba'``, otherwise SWA won't happen. Also note that very small update intervals (e.g. ``"1ba"``) can substantially slow down training. Default: ``'1ep'``. schedule_swa_lr (bool, optional): Flag to determine whether to apply an SWA-specific LR schedule during the period in which SWA is active. Default: ``False``. anneal_strategy (str, optional): SWA learning rate annealing schedule strategy. ``"linear"`` for linear annealing, ``"cos"`` for cosine annealing. Default: ``"linear"``. anneal_steps (int, optional): Number of SWA model updates over which to anneal SWA learning rate. Note that updates are determined by the ``update_interval`` argument. For example, if ``anneal_steps = 10`` and ``update_interval = '1ep'``, then the SWA LR will be annealed once per epoch for 10 epochs; if ``anneal_steps = 20`` and ``update_interval = '8ba'``, then the SWA LR will be annealed once every 8 batches over the course of 160 batches (20 steps * 8 batches/step). Default: ``10``. swa_lr (float, optional): The final learning rate to anneal towards with the SWA LR scheduler. Set to ``None`` for no annealing. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__( self, swa_start: str = '0.7dur', swa_end: str = '0.97dur', update_interval: str = '1ep', schedule_swa_lr: bool = False, anneal_strategy: str = 'linear', anneal_steps: int = 10, swa_lr: Optional[float] = None, ): warnings.warn( 'SWA has known issues when resuming from a checkpoint on multiple GPUs, which will cause an error when resuming without `load_weights_only=True`.', ) self.schedule_swa_lr = schedule_swa_lr self.anneal_strategy = anneal_strategy self.anneal_steps = anneal_steps self.swa_lr = swa_lr self.swa_model: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None self.swa_completed = False self.swa_started = False # Check timestrings are parsable and convert into time objects self.swa_start = Time.from_timestring(swa_start) self.swa_end = Time.from_timestring(swa_end) self.update_interval = Time.from_timestring(update_interval) self._validate_time() if anneal_steps <= 0: raise ValueError('anneal_steps must be greater than 0') # Check annealing_strategy string if self.anneal_strategy.lower() in ['linear', 'lin']: self.anneal_strategy = 'linear' elif self.anneal_strategy.lower() in ['cos', 'cosine']: self.anneal_strategy = 'cos' else: raise ValueError("anneal_strategy must be one of {'linear', 'cos'}.") self.swa_scheduler = None self.swa_model = None # Keeps track of # steps so that we can know when to update averaged model self.step_counter = 0 # Check units for update_interval and set match event accordingly if self.update_interval.unit == TimeUnit.BATCH: self.match_event = Event.BATCH_END elif self.update_interval.unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH: self.match_event = Event.EPOCH_END def _validate_time(self): # validate time units if self.swa_start.unit != self.swa_end.unit: raise ValueError(f'swa_start and swa_end must have same units, got {self.swa_start} and {self.swa_end}') if self.swa_start.unit not in [TimeUnit.DURATION, TimeUnit.EPOCH]: raise ValueError(f'swa_start must be DURATION or EPOCH, got {self.swa_start.unit}') if self.update_interval.unit not in [TimeUnit.BATCH, TimeUnit.EPOCH]: raise ValueError(f'update_iterval must be BATCH or EPOCH, got {self.update_interval.unit}') # validate time if self.swa_start >= self.swa_end: raise ValueError('swa_end must be > swa_start.') if self.swa_end.unit == TimeUnit.DURATION and self.swa_end == 1: log.warning( "'swa_end' = '1dur'. Batch norm statistics of averaged model " 'will not be updated. This will negatively impact accuracy. ' 'See the documentation for the `swa_end` parameter for details.', ) _assert_valid_duration(self.swa_start) _assert_valid_duration(self.swa_end) def _get_time(self, state: State): """helper function to retrieve either the epoch or the duration depending on the units""" unit = self.swa_start.unit if unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH: return state.timestamp.epoch elif unit == TimeUnit.DURATION: time_elapsed = state.get_elapsed_duration() assert time_elapsed is not None, 'Time should have been set on BATCH_END or EPOCH_END.' return time_elapsed else: raise ValueError('units must be in epoch or duration.') def _get_last_lr(self, schedulers: list[LRScheduler]): """ retrieves the last lr from current schedulers. """ if len(schedulers) == 0: return 1.0 if len(schedulers) != 1: raise RuntimeError(f'SWA supports only one scheduler, got {len(schedulers)}') scheduler = schedulers[0] last_lr = scheduler.get_last_lr() if len(last_lr) != 1: raise RuntimeError(f'SWA supports only one LR; instead found {len(last_lr)}') return last_lr[0] def match(self, event: Event, state: State) -> bool: if event == Event.INIT: return True # only match on BATCH_END or EPOCH_END, depending on the setting if event != self.match_event or self.swa_completed: return False return self._get_time(state) >= self.swa_start def _initialize_swa(self, state: State) -> None: if self.schedule_swa_lr: self.swa_lr = self._get_last_lr(state.schedulers) if len(state.optimizers) != 1: raise RuntimeError('SWA supports only one optimizer') self.swa_scheduler = SWALR( state.optimizers[0], swa_lr=self.swa_lr, anneal_epochs=self.anneal_steps, anneal_strategy=self.anneal_strategy, ) self.swa_model = AveragedModel(state.model, device=torch.device('cpu')) def apply(self, event: Event, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: if event == event.INIT: # on trainer init, we create the schedulers and models # so that the checkpoints can be loaded self._initialize_swa(state) return if not self.swa_started: # re-initialize swa once time > swa_start self._initialize_swa(state) self.swa_started = True if self.step_counter % self.update_interval.value == 0: assert self.swa_model is not None self.swa_model.update_parameters(state.model) # type: ignore if self.schedule_swa_lr: assert self.swa_scheduler is not None self.swa_scheduler.step() self.step_counter += 1 # Determine whether it's time to end SWA if self._get_time(state) >= self.swa_end: self.swa_completed = True if state.get_elapsed_duration() == 1: log.warning(( 'The baseline model was replaced with the SWA model after the end of ' 'training. This means that SWA model will not have its batch norm ' 'statistics updated. This will negatively impact accuracy. See the ' 'documentation for the `swa_end` parameter for details.' )) state.model.load_state_dict(self.swa_model.module.state_dict()) # type: ignore'Set model to the averaged model') def state_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: state_dict = super().state_dict() # we pop the anneal_func from the SWALR state # since it is set in the SWALR __init__ swa_scheduler_state = None if self.swa_scheduler: swa_scheduler_state = self.swa_scheduler.state_dict() swa_scheduler_state.pop('anneal_func') state_dict = { 'swa_model': self.swa_model.state_dict() if self.swa_model else None, 'swa_completed': self.swa_completed, 'swa_started': self.swa_started, 'swa_scheduler': swa_scheduler_state, 'step_counter': self.step_counter, **state_dict, } return state_dict def load_state_dict(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.swa_completed = state['swa_completed'] self.step_counter = state['step_counter'] self.swa_started = state['swa_started'] if self.swa_scheduler and state['swa_scheduler']: self.swa_scheduler.load_state_dict(state['swa_scheduler']) if self.swa_model and state['swa_model']: self.swa_model.load_state_dict(state['swa_model'])