Source code for mcli.api.inference_deployments.api_create_inference_deployment

""" Create a InferenceDeployment """
from __future__ import annotations

from concurrent.futures import Future
from typing import Optional, Union, overload

from typing_extensions import Literal

from mcli.api.engine.engine import get_return_response, run_singular_mapi_request
from mcli.api.model.inference_deployment import InferenceDeployment
from mcli.models.inference_deployment_config import FinalInferenceDeploymentConfig, InferenceDeploymentConfig

QUERY_FUNCTION = 'createInferenceDeployment'
VARIABLE_DATA_NAME = 'createInferenceDeploymentData'
QUERY = f"""
mutation CreateInferenceDeployment(${VARIABLE_DATA_NAME}: CreateInferenceDeploymentInput!) {{

def create_inference_deployment(
    deployment: Union[InferenceDeploymentConfig, FinalInferenceDeploymentConfig],
    timeout: Optional[float] = 10,
    future: Literal[False] = False,
) -> InferenceDeployment:

def create_inference_deployment(
    deployment: Union[InferenceDeploymentConfig, FinalInferenceDeploymentConfig],
    timeout: Optional[float] = None,
    future: Literal[True] = True,
) -> Future[InferenceDeployment]:

[docs]def create_inference_deployment( deployment: Union[InferenceDeploymentConfig, FinalInferenceDeploymentConfig], *, timeout: Optional[float] = 10, future: bool = False, ) -> Union[InferenceDeployment, Future[InferenceDeployment]]: """Launch a inference deployment in the MosaicML platform The provided :class:`deploy <mcli.models.inference_deployment_config.InferenceDeploymentConfig>` must contain enough information to fully detail the inference deployment Args: deployment: A fully-configured inference deployment to launch. The deployment will be queued and persisted in the deployment database. timeout: Time, in seconds, in which the call should complete. If the deployment creation takes too long, a TimeoutError will be raised. If ``future`` is ``True``, this value will be ignored. future: Return the output as a :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future`. If True, the call to `create_deployment` will return immediately and the request will be processed in the background. This takes precedence over the ``timeout`` argument. To get the :type InferenceDeployment: output, use ``return_value.result()`` with an optional ``timeout`` argument. Returns: A InferenceDeployment that includes the launched deployment details and the deployment status """ if isinstance(deployment, InferenceDeploymentConfig): deployment = FinalInferenceDeploymentConfig.finalize_config(deployment) variables = { VARIABLE_DATA_NAME: deployment.to_create_deployment_api_input(), } response = run_singular_mapi_request( query=QUERY, query_function=QUERY_FUNCTION, return_model_type=InferenceDeployment, variables=variables, ) return get_return_response(response, future=future, timeout=timeout)