Source code for mcli.api.exceptions

"""Cloud exceptions thrown"""
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import re
from concurrent.futures import TimeoutError as FuturesTimeoutError
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import requests
from websockets.exceptions import ConnectionClosedError, InvalidStatusCode

from mcli.utils.utils_logging import FAIL

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_MESSAGE = 'Unknown Error'
ERROR_AUTH_KEY_MISSING = 'No API key or auth token was found. To create an API key, use `mcli set api-key`.'

class MCLIException(Exception):
    """Base custom exception that MCLI will raise

    All errors should inherit this base so that expected errors can be properly caught

class InputDisabledError(MCLIException):
    """Error thrown when interactivity is requested but input has been disabled.

class ValidationError(MCLIException):
    """Base class for interactive validation errors

class MCLIConfigError(MCLIException):
    """Exception raised when local MCLI config cannot be loaded or is missing information

class MCLIRunConfigValidationError(MCLIException):
    """Exception raised when RunConfig cannot be finalized

class MCLIDeploymentConfigValidationError(MCLIException):
    """Exception raised when DeploymentConfig cannot be finalized

class InferenceServerException(MCLIException):
    """Exception raised when inference deployment server requests fail
    status: HTTPStatus
    message: str
    e: Exception
    description: Optional[str] = None

    def __init__(self, status: HTTPStatus, message: str = DEFAULT_MESSAGE, description: Optional[str] = None):
        self.status = status
        self.message = message
        self.description = description

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        error_message = f'Inference Deployment Server Error {self.status.value}: {self.message}'

        if self.description:
            error_message = f'{error_message}. {self.description}'

        return error_message

    def from_server_error_response(cls, error: str, code: int) -> InferenceServerException:
        """Initializes a new exception based on error dict from a Infernece Server response
            status = HTTPStatus(code)
        except ValueError:
            logger.debug(f'Unknown status code {code}. Setting to 500')
            status = HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

        message = error if error else DEFAULT_MESSAGE
        description = None
        if code == 503:
            description = (
                "Inference deployment could not be reached. It is likely "
                "either not yet ready or is currently failing. Check `mcli describe deployment "
                "<deployment>` and if the deployment is failing, try `mcli get deployment logs <deployment>` "
                "to see what\'s wrong")
        if code == 408:
            description = ("Request timed out. This could be due to generating a long output sequence. "
                           "Consider increasing the timeout in your predict request.")

        return InferenceServerException(status=status, message=message, description=description)

    def from_bad_response(cls, response: requests.Response) -> InferenceServerException:
        return InferenceServerException(

    def from_requests_error(cls, error: requests.exceptions.RequestException) -> InferenceServerException:
        """Initializes a new exception based on a requests RequestException
        msg = 'Unable to connect'
        if error.args:
            con = error.args[0]
                # Try to get the destination we tried to connect to
                # if the app is fully not accessible
                source = f'http://{}{con.url}'
            except AttributeError:
                msg = f'{msg} to {source}'
        return InferenceServerException(status=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, message=msg)

[docs]class MAPIException(MCLIException): """Exceptions raised when a request to MAPI fails Args: status: The status code for the exception message: A brief description of the error description: An optional longer description of the error Details: MAPI responds to failures with the following status codes: - 400: The request was misconfigured or missing an argument. Double-check the API and try again - 401: User credentials were either missing or invalid. Be sure to set your API key before making a request - 403: User credentials were valid, but the requested action is not allowed - 404: Could not find the requested resource(s) - 409: Attempted to create an object with a name that already exists. Change the name and try again. - 500: Internal error in MAPI. Please report the issue - 503: MAPI or a subcomponent is currently offline. Please report the issue """ status: HTTPStatus message: str description: Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, status: HTTPStatus, message: str = DEFAULT_MESSAGE, description: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self.status = status self.message = message self.description = description def __str__(self) -> str: error_message = f'Error {self.status.value}: {self.message}' if self.description: error_message = f'{error_message}. {self.description}' return error_message @classmethod def from_mapi_error_response(cls, error: Dict[str, Any]) -> MAPIException: """Initializes a new exception based on error dict from a MAPI response """ extensions = error.get('extensions', {}) code = extensions.get('code', HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) try: status = HTTPStatus(code) except ValueError: logger.debug(f'Unknown status code {code}. Setting to 500') status = HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR message = error.get('message', DEFAULT_MESSAGE) # TODO: could potentially include extensions['stacktrace'] as description for 500s internally # From apollo docs, this could only be available in dev? # Optionally translate to a more specific error, if one matches if RunConfigException.match(message): return RunConfigException(status=status, message=message) return MAPIException(status=status, message=message) @classmethod def from_bad_response(cls, response: requests.Response) -> MAPIException: return MAPIException( status=HTTPStatus(response.status_code), message=response.reason, ) @classmethod def from_requests_error(cls, error: requests.exceptions.RequestException) -> MAPIException: """Initializes a new exception based on a requests RequestException """ msg = 'Unable to connect to MAPI' if error.args: con = error.args[0] try: # Try to get the destination we tried to connect to # if the app is fully not accessible source = f'http://{}:{con.pool.port}{con.url}' except AttributeError: pass else: msg = f'{msg} at {source}' return MAPIException(status=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, message=msg)
class MintException(MCLIException): """Exception raised when connection to MINT fails or is broken """ message: str def __init__(self, message: str = DEFAULT_MESSAGE): super().__init__() self.message = message def __str__(self) -> str: error_message = f'Error: {self.message}' return error_message class MintServerException(MintException): """Exception type for MINT server errors """ class MintRequestException(MintException): """Exception type for bad requests to MINT """ class MintConnectionException(MintException): """Exception type for bad connections to MINT """ class RunConfigException(MAPIException): """Thrown when a run could not be created due to an incomplete FinalRunConfig """ MATCH_MESSAGE = 'Bad run request' FIELD_PATTERN = re.compile('([A-Za-z]+) is a required field') def __init__(self, status: HTTPStatus, message: str = DEFAULT_MESSAGE, description: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(status, message, description) fields = re.findall(self.FIELD_PATTERN, self.message) # Translate fields to make sense to the user fields_string = ", ".join(RunConfigException.translate_fields(fields)) if fields: self.message = f'Run configuration is missing the following required values: {fields_string}' else: self.message = message @staticmethod def translate_fields(fields: List[str]) -> List[str]: # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from mcli.models.run_config import FinalRunConfig # pylint: disable-next=protected-access return [FinalRunConfig._property_translations.get(f, f) for f in fields] @classmethod def match(cls, message: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the error message suggests a RunConfigException """ return RunConfigException.MATCH_MESSAGE in message MAPI_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR = MAPIException( status=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message='Unknown issue deserializing data', ) class MultiMAPIException(MAPIException): """Raises 1 or more MAPI Exceptions Graphql can technically return multiple errors in the response. This allows the user to see all of them at once rather than having to debug one by one """ def __init__(self, errors: list[MAPIException]) -> None: self.errors = errors status = max(e.status for e in errors) super().__init__(status) def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join([str(x) for x in self.errors]) class MAPIErrorMessages(Enum): NOT_FOUND_CLUSTER = 'No clusters found. Please contact your organization administrator to set one up' def cli_error_handler(command: Optional[str] = None): def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except InputDisabledError as e: help_msg = '' if command: help_msg = ('\n\nRun a help command for more information on required arguments:' f'\n\n[bold]{command} --help[/]') logger.error(f'{FAIL} {e}{help_msg}') return 1 except MCLIException as e: logger.error(f'{FAIL} {e}') return 1 except RuntimeError as e: # TODO: Create custom MCLIRuntimeError logger.error(f'{FAIL} {e}') return 1 except (TimeoutError, FuturesTimeoutError) as e: logger.error(f'{FAIL} Request has timed out. Please check your internet ' 'connection or extend the timeout using [bold]MCLI_TIMEOUT[/]') return 1 return wrapper return decorator class MintError(IntEnum): """Enum of known websocket errors from MINT """ OK = 1000 COMPLETED = 1001 BAD_REQUEST = 1002 def handle_mint_errors(func): """Decorator to handle errors from the MINT API""" @functools.wraps(func) async def decorated(*args, **kwargs): try: return await func(*args, **kwargs) except ConnectionClosedError as e: mint_handle_connection_closed(e) except OSError as e: if "Errno 61" in str(e): # e = MintConnectionException('Could not reach MosaicML platform') raise e except InvalidStatusCode as e: # This is _probably_ auth related raise MintException(f'Connection to run failed with code: {e.status_code}') from e return decorated def mint_handle_connection_closed(e: ConnectionClosedError): """Convert connection closed errors to MintExceptions, if needed Args: e (ConnectionClosedError): A websocket connection closed error Raises: MintRequestException: Raised when the user submitted a bad request MintServerException: Raised when the server encountered an error """ if e.code == MintError.OK: # 1000: ConnectionClosedOK # Connection closed normally pass elif e.code == MintError.COMPLETED: # 1000: Going away # Connection closed gracefully'Connection to run closed: {e.reason}') elif e.code == MintError.BAD_REQUEST: # 1002: Protocol error raise MintRequestException(f'Unable to connect to run. {e.reason}') from e else: raise MintServerException(f'Unexpected error connecting to run. {e.reason}\n' 'Please try again later.') from e