Source code for composer.utils.misc

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Miscellaneous Helpers."""

import logging
import math
import socket
import textwrap
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.datasets import VisionDataset

from composer.utils.string_enum import StringEnum

    from composer.core import Event, State, Time

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'fp32': torch.float32,
    'fp16': torch.float16,
    'bf16': torch.bfloat16,

[docs]class ParallelismType(StringEnum): """Enum class for different parallelism types in the device mesh. Attributes: DATA_PARALLEL_SHARD: Data parallel shard dimension. DATA_PARALLEL_REPLICATE: Data parallel replicate dimension. TENSOR_PARALLEL: Tensor parallel dimension. """ DATA_PARALLEL_SHARD = 'data_parallel_shard' DATA_PARALLEL_REPLICATE = 'data_parallel_replicate' TENSOR_PARALLEL = 'tensor_parallel'
[docs]def create_interval_scheduler( interval: Union[str, int, 'Time'], include_end_of_training: bool = True, checkpoint_events: bool = True, final_events: Optional[set['Event']] = None, ) -> Callable[['State', 'Event'], bool]: """Helper function to create a scheduler according to a specified interval. Args: interval (Union[str, int, :class:`.Time`]): If an integer, it will be assumed to be in :attr:`.TimeUnit.EPOCH`. Otherwise, the unit must be either :attr:`.TimeUnit.ITERATION`, :attr:`.TimeUnit.EPOCH`, :attr:`.TimeUnit.BATCH`, :attr:`.TimeUnit.TOKEN`, or :attr:`.TimeUnit.SAMPLE`. include_end_of_training (bool): If true, the returned callable will return true at the end of training as well. Otherwise, the returned callable will return true at intervals only. checkpoint_events (bool): If true, will use the EPOCH_CHECKPOINT and BATCH_CHECKPOINT events. If False, will use the EPOCH_END and BATCH_END events. final_events (Optional[set[Event]]): The set of events to trigger on at the end of training. Returns: Callable[[State, Event], bool]: A function that returns true at interval and at the end of training if specified. For example, it can be passed as the ``save_interval`` argument into the :class:`.CheckpointSaver`. """ # inlined to avoid circular import from composer.core import Event, State, Time, TimeUnit if final_events is None: final_events = {Event.BATCH_CHECKPOINT, Event.EPOCH_CHECKPOINT} time_interval: Time = Time.from_input(interval, TimeUnit.EPOCH) if time_interval.unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH: interval_event = Event.EPOCH_CHECKPOINT if checkpoint_events else Event.EPOCH_END elif time_interval.unit == TimeUnit.ITERATION: interval_event = Event.ITERATION_CHECKPOINT if checkpoint_events else Event.ITERATION_END elif time_interval.unit in { TimeUnit.BATCH, TimeUnit.TOKEN, TimeUnit.SAMPLE, TimeUnit.DURATION, TimeUnit.SECOND, }: interval_event = Event.BATCH_CHECKPOINT if checkpoint_events else Event.BATCH_END else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Unknown interval: {time_interval.unit}. Must be TimeUnit.ITERATION, TimeUnit.EPOCH, TimeUnit.BATCH, TimeUnit.TOKEN, ' +\ 'TimeUnit.SAMPLE, TimeUnit.SECOND', ) last_batch_seen = -1 def check_interval(state: State, event: Event): # `TimeUnit.Duration` value is a float from `[0.0, 1.0)` if not time_interval.unit == TimeUnit.DURATION and int(time_interval) <= 0: return False nonlocal last_batch_seen # required to use the last_batch_seen from the outer function scope # Previous timestamp will only be None if training has not started, but we are returning False # in this case, just to be safe if state.previous_timestamp is None: return False elapsed_duration = state.get_elapsed_duration() assert elapsed_duration is not None, 'elapsed_duration is set on the BATCH_CHECKPOINT and EPOCH_CHECKPOINT' if include_end_of_training and event in final_events and elapsed_duration >= 1.0 and state.timestamp.batch != last_batch_seen: return True if time_interval.unit in { TimeUnit.ITERATION, TimeUnit.EPOCH, TimeUnit.BATCH, TimeUnit.TOKEN, TimeUnit.SAMPLE, TimeUnit.SECOND, }: previous_count = state.previous_timestamp.get(time_interval.unit) count = state.timestamp.get(time_interval.unit) # If the eval_interval is a duration, we will track progress in terms of the unit of max_duration elif time_interval.unit == TimeUnit.DURATION: assert state.max_duration is not None previous_count = state.previous_timestamp.get(state.max_duration.unit) count = state.timestamp.get(state.max_duration.unit) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Unknown interval: {time_interval.unit}. Must be TimeUnit.ITERATION, TimeUnit.EPOCH, TimeUnit.BATCH, TimeUnit.TOKEN, ' +\ 'TimeUnit.SAMPLE, TimeUnit.SECOND', ) threshold_passed = math.floor(previous_count / time_interval.value) != math.floor(count / time_interval.value) if time_interval.unit != TimeUnit.DURATION and event == interval_event and threshold_passed: last_batch_seen = state.timestamp.batch return True elif time_interval.unit == TimeUnit.DURATION: assert state.max_duration is not None, 'max_duration should not be None' if state.dataloader_len is None: raise RuntimeError( f'Interval of type `dur` or {TimeUnit.DURATION} requires the dataloader to be sized.', ) if event == interval_event: if state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH and int(state.timestamp.batch) % math.ceil( state.max_duration.value * float(time_interval) * state.dataloader_len.value, ) == 0: last_batch_seen = state.timestamp.batch return True elif state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.BATCH and int(state.timestamp.batch) % math.ceil( state.max_duration.value * time_interval.value, ) == 0: last_batch_seen = state.timestamp.batch return True elif state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.SAMPLE: samples_per_interval = math.ceil(state.max_duration.value * time_interval) threshold_passed = math.floor( previous_count / samples_per_interval, ) != math.floor(count / samples_per_interval) if threshold_passed: last_batch_seen = state.timestamp.batch return True elif state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.TOKEN: tokens_per_interval = math.ceil(state.max_duration.value * time_interval) threshold_passed = math.floor( previous_count / tokens_per_interval, ) != math.floor(count / tokens_per_interval) if threshold_passed: last_batch_seen = state.timestamp.batch return True return False return check_interval
[docs]def is_model_deepspeed(model: torch.nn.Module) -> bool: """Whether ``model`` is an instance of a :class:`~deepspeed.DeepSpeedEngine`.""" try: import deepspeed except ImportError: return False else: return isinstance(model, deepspeed.DeepSpeedEngine)
def is_model_ddp(model: torch.nn.Module) -> bool: """Whether ``model`` is an instance of a :class:`.DistributedDataParallel`.""" return isinstance(model, DistributedDataParallel)
[docs]def is_model_fsdp(model: torch.nn.Module) -> bool: """Whether ``model`` is an instance of a :class:`.FullyShardedDataParallel`.""" try: from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP if isinstance(model, FSDP): return True # Check if model is wrapped with FSDP for _, obj in model.named_children(): if isinstance(obj, FSDP): return True return False except ImportError: return False
[docs]def is_notebook(): """Whether Composer is running in a IPython/Jupyter Notebook.""" try: __IPYTHON__ # type: ignore return True except NameError: return False
def warning_on_one_line( message: str, category: type[Warning], filename: str, lineno: int, file=None, line=None, ): """Force Python warnings to consolidate into one line.""" # From return f'{category.__name__}: {message} (source: {filename}:{lineno})\n'
[docs]def get_free_tcp_port() -> int: """Get free socket port to use as MASTER_PORT.""" # from tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tcp.bind(('', 0)) _, port = tcp.getsockname() tcp.close() return port
[docs]@contextmanager def model_eval_mode(model: torch.nn.Module): """Set model.eval() for context duration, restoring model status at end.""" is_training = try: model.eval() yield finally: model.train(mode=is_training)
[docs]def partial_format(s, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """Format a string with a partial set of arguments. Since `str.format()` raises a `KeyError` if a format key is missing from the arguments, this function allows for a partial set of arguments to be provided. Any missing arguments will be left as-is in the string. """ max_iters = 10_000 # Just in case we get stuck in a loop somehow. for _ in range(max_iters): try: return s.format(*args, **kwargs) except IndexError as e: # Missing positional arg args += ('{}',) except KeyError as e: # Missing keyword arg key = e.args[0] kwargs[key] = '{' + key + '}' raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to format string {s} after {max_iters} iterations.')
[docs]def add_vision_dataset_transform(dataset: VisionDataset, transform: Callable, is_tensor_transform: bool = False): """Add a transform to a dataset's collection of transforms. Args: dataset (VisionDataset): A torchvision dataset. transform (Callable): Function to be added to the dataset's collection of transforms. is_tensor_transform (bool): Whether ``transform`` acts on data of the type :class:`~torch.Tensor`. The transform will be inserted before or after :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor` depending on if this is ``True`` or ``False`` respectively. If :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor` is not present, the transform will be appended to the end of the collection of transforms. (default: ``False``) Returns: None: The ``dataset`` is modified in-place. """ transform_added_logstring = textwrap.dedent( f"""Transform {transform} added to dataset. Dataset now has the following transforms: {dataset.transform}""", ) if dataset.transform is None: dataset.transform = transform log.warning(transform_added_logstring) elif isinstance(dataset.transform, transforms.Compose): insertion_index = len(dataset.transform.transforms) for i, t in enumerate(dataset.transform.transforms): if isinstance(t, transforms.ToTensor): insertion_index = i break if is_tensor_transform: insertion_index += 1 dataset.transform.transforms.insert(insertion_index, transform) log.warning(transform_added_logstring) else: # transform is some other basic transform, join using Compose if isinstance(dataset.transform, transforms.ToTensor) and not is_tensor_transform: dataset.transform = transforms.Compose([transform, dataset.transform]) log.warning(transform_added_logstring) else: dataset.transform = transforms.Compose([dataset.transform, transform]) log.warning(transform_added_logstring)