
class composer.loggers.NeptuneLogger(*, project=None, api_token=None, rank_zero_only=True, upload_checkpoints=False, base_namespace='training', mode=None, **neptune_kwargs)[source]#

Log to

For instructions, see the integration guide.

  • project (str, optional) โ€“ The name of your Neptune project, in the form โ€œworkspace-name/project-nameโ€. If you leave it empty, the NEPTUNE_PROJECT environment variable will be used.

  • api_token (str, optional) โ€“ Your Neptune API token. You can leave out this argument if you save your token to the NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN environment variable (recommended). You can find your API token in the user menu of the Neptune web app.

  • rank_zero_only (bool) โ€“ Whether to log only on the rank-zero process (default: True).

  • upload_checkpoints (bool) โ€“ Whether the logger should upload checkpoints to Neptune (default: False).

  • base_namespace (str, optional) โ€“ The name of the base namespace where the metadata is logged (default: โ€œtrainingโ€).

  • neptune_kwargs (dict[str, Any], optional) โ€“ Any additional keyword arguments to the neptune.init_run() function. For options, see the Run API reference.

property base_handler#

Gets a handler for the base logging namespace.

Use the handler to log extra metadata to the run and organize it under the base namespace (default: โ€œtrainingโ€). You can operate on it like a run object: Access a path inside the handler and assign metadata to it with = or other Neptune logging methods.


Whether the logger supports uploading files.

property neptune_run#

Gets the Neptune run object from a NeptuneLogger instance.

To log additional metadata to the run, access a path inside the run and assign metadata with = or other Neptune logging methods.