Source code for composer.utils.file_helpers

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Helpers for working with files."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import tempfile
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
import tqdm

from composer.utils import dist
from composer.utils.iter_helpers import iterate_with_callback
from composer.utils.misc import partial_format
from composer.utils.object_store import (
from composer.utils.object_store.mlflow_object_store import MLFLOW_DBFS_PATH_PREFIX

    from composer.core import Timestamp
    from composer.loggers import LoggerDestination, RemoteUploaderDownloader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

def _get_dist_config(strict: bool = True) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns a dict of distributed settings (rank, world_size, etc.).

    If ``strict=True``, will error if a setting is not available (e.g. the
    environment variable is not set). Otherwise, will only return settings
    that are available.
    settings = {
        'rank': dist.get_global_rank,
        'local_rank': dist.get_local_rank,
        'world_size': dist.get_world_size,
        'local_world_size': dist.get_local_world_size,
        'node_rank': dist.get_node_rank,

    dist_config = {}
    for name, func in settings.items():
            value = func()
        except dist.MissingEnvironmentError as e:
            if strict:
                raise e
            dist_config[name] = value

    return dist_config

[docs]def is_tar(name: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> bool: """Returns whether ``name`` has a tar-like extension. Args: name (str | pathlib.Path): The name to check. Returns: bool: Whether ``name`` is a tarball. """ parts = str(name).split('.') return len(parts) > 1 and ('tar' in parts[-2:] or parts[-1] == 'tgz')
[docs]def ensure_folder_is_empty(folder_name: Union[str, pathlib.Path]): """Ensure that the given folder is empty. Hidden files and folders (those beginning with ``.``) and ignored. Sub-folders are checked recursively. Args: folder_name (str | pathlib.Path): The folder to ensure is empty. Raises: FileExistsError: If ``folder_name`` contains any non-hidden files, recursively. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_name, topdown=True): # Filter out hidden folders dirs[:] = (x for x in dirs if not x.startswith('.')) for file in files: if not file.startswith('.'): raise FileExistsError(f'{folder_name} is not empty; {os.path.join(root, file)} exists.')
[docs]def ensure_folder_has_no_conflicting_files(folder_name: Union[str, pathlib.Path], filename: str, timestamp: Timestamp): """Ensure that the given folder does not have any files conflicting with the ``filename`` format string. If any filename is formatted with a timestamp where the epoch, batch, sample, or token counts are after ``timestamp``, a ``FileExistsError`` will be raised. If ``filename`` and occurs later than ``timestamp``, raise a ``FileExistsError``. Args: folder_name (str | pathlib.Path): The folder to inspect. filename (str): The pattern string for potential files. timestamp (Timestamp): Ignore any files that occur before the provided timestamp. Raises: FileExistsError: If ``folder_name`` contains any files matching the ``filename`` template before ``timestamp``. """ # Prepare regex pattern by replacing f-string formatting with regex. pattern = f'^{filename}$' # Format time vars for regex match for unit in ['epoch', 'batch', 'sample', 'token', 'batch_in_epoch', 'sample_in_epoch', 'token_in_epoch']: if unit in filename: pattern = pattern.replace(f'{{{unit}}}', f'(?P<{unit}>\\d+)') # Format rank information pattern = pattern.format(**_get_dist_config(strict=False)) template = re.compile(pattern) for file in os.listdir(folder_name): match = template.match(file) if match is not None: match = match.groupdict() for unit, value in match.items(): if unit.endswith('_in_epoch'): if 'epoch' not in match: raise ValueError(f'{filename} has {{unit}} but not {{epoch}}. Add {{epoch}} for uniqueness.') if int(match['epoch']) != timestamp.epoch: continue # only check _in_epoch if both files have same epoch count if int(value) > int(getattr(timestamp, unit)): raise FileExistsError( f'{os.path.join(folder_name, file)} may conflict with a future checkpoint of the current run.' 'Please delete that file, change to a new folder, or set overwrite=True.', )
FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_TABLE = """ +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +========================+=======================================================+ | ``{run_name}`` | The name of the training run. See | | | :attr:`.Logger.run_name`. | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{rank}`` | The global rank, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_global_rank`. | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{local_rank}`` | The local rank of the process, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_local_rank`. | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{world_size}`` | The world size, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_world_size`. | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{local_world_size}`` | The local world size, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_local_world_size`. | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{node_rank}`` | The node rank, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_node_rank`. | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ """
[docs]def format_name_with_dist(format_str: str, run_name: str, **extra_format_kwargs: object): # noqa: D103 formatted_str = partial_format( format_str, run_name=run_name, **_get_dist_config(strict=False), **extra_format_kwargs, ) return formatted_str
format_name_with_dist.__doc__ = f""" Format ``format_str`` with the ``run_name``, distributed variables, and ``extra_format_kwargs``. The following format variables are available: {FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_TABLE} For example, assume that the rank is ``0``. Then: >>> from composer.utils import format_name_with_dist >>> format_str = '{{run_name}}/rank{{rank}}.{{extension}}' >>> format_name_with_dist( ... format_str, ... run_name='awesome_training_run', ... extension='json', ... ) 'awesome_training_run/rank0.json' Args: format_str (str): The format string for the checkpoint filename. run_name (str): The value for the ``{{run_name}}`` format variable. extra_format_kwargs (object): Any additional :meth:`~str.format` kwargs. """ FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_AND_TIME_TABLE = """ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +============================+============================================================+ | ``{run_name}`` | The name of the training run. See | | | :attr:`.Logger.run_name`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{rank}`` | The global rank, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_global_rank`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{local_rank}`` | The local rank of the process, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_local_rank`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{world_size}`` | The world size, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_world_size`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{local_world_size}`` | The local world size, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_local_world_size`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{node_rank}`` | The node rank, as returned by | | | :func:`~composer.utils.dist.get_node_rank`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{epoch}`` | The total epoch count, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.epoch`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{batch}`` | The total batch count, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.batch`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{batch_in_epoch}`` | The batch count in the current epoch, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.batch_in_epoch`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{sample}`` | The total sample count, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.sample`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{sample_in_epoch}`` | The sample count in the current epoch, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.sample_in_epoch`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{token}`` | The total token count, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.token`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{token_in_epoch}`` | The token count in the current epoch, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.token_in_epoch`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{total_wct}`` | The total training duration in seconds, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.total_wct`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{epoch_wct}`` | The epoch duration in seconds, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.epoch_wct`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``{batch_wct}`` | The batch duration in seconds, as returned by | | | :meth:`~composer.core.time.Timestamp.batch_wct`. | +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ """
[docs]def format_name_with_dist_and_time( format_str: str, run_name: str, timestamp: Timestamp, **extra_format_kwargs: object, ): # noqa: D103 formatted_str = partial_format( format_str, run_name=run_name, epoch=int(timestamp.epoch), batch=int(timestamp.batch), batch_in_epoch=int(timestamp.batch_in_epoch), sample=int(timestamp.sample), sample_in_epoch=int(timestamp.sample_in_epoch), token=int(timestamp.token), token_in_epoch=int(timestamp.token_in_epoch), total_wct=timestamp.total_wct.total_seconds(), epoch_wct=timestamp.epoch_wct.total_seconds(), batch_wct=timestamp.batch_wct.total_seconds(), **_get_dist_config(strict=False), **extra_format_kwargs, ) return formatted_str
format_name_with_dist_and_time.__doc__ = f"""\ Format ``format_str`` with the ``run_name``, distributed variables, ``timestamp``, and ``extra_format_kwargs``. In addition to the variables specified via ``extra_format_kwargs``, the following format variables are available: {FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_AND_TIME_TABLE} For example, assume that the current epoch is ``0``, batch is ``0``, and rank is ``0``. Then: >>> from composer.utils import format_name_with_dist_and_time >>> format_str = '{{run_name}}/ep{{epoch}}-ba{{batch}}-rank{{rank}}.{{extension}}' >>> format_name_with_dist_and_time( ... format_str, ... run_name='awesome_training_run', ... timestamp=state.timestamp, ... extension='json', ... ) 'awesome_training_run/ep0-ba0-rank0.json' Args: format_str (str): The format string for the checkpoint filename. run_name (str): The value for the ``{{run_name}}`` format variable. timestamp (Timestamp): The timestamp. extra_format_kwargs (object): Any additional :meth:`~str.format` kwargs. """ def is_uri(path: str) -> bool: """Check if the path is a URI. Args: path (str): The path to check. Returns: bool: Whether the path is a URI. """ backend, _, _ = parse_uri(path) return backend != ''
[docs]def parse_uri(uri: str) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """Uses :py:func:`urllib.parse.urlparse` to parse the provided URI. Args: uri (str): The provided URI string Returns: tuple[str, str, str]: A tuple containing the backend (e.g. s3), bucket name, and path. Backend name will be empty string if the input is a local path """ if isinstance(uri, pathlib.Path): uri = str(uri) uri = uri.replace('AZURE_BLOBS', 'azure') # urlparse does not support _ in scheme parse_result = urlparse(uri) backend, net_loc, path = parse_result.scheme, parse_result.netloc, parse_result.path bucket_name = net_loc if '@' not in net_loc else net_loc.split('@')[0] if backend == '': return backend, bucket_name, path else: return backend, bucket_name, path.lstrip('/')
# Dictionary mapping backend names to ObjectStore factory functions BACKEND_TO_OBJECT_STORE_FACTORY: dict[str, Callable[[str, str], ObjectStore]] = { 's3': lambda bucket, path: S3ObjectStore(bucket=bucket), 'gs': lambda bucket, path: GCSObjectStore(bucket=bucket), 'oci': lambda bucket, path: OCIObjectStore(bucket=bucket), 'azure': lambda bucket, path: LibcloudObjectStore( provider='AZURE_BLOBS', container=bucket, key_environ='AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME', secret_environ='AZURE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY', ), }
[docs]def maybe_create_object_store_from_uri(uri: str) -> Optional[ObjectStore]: """Automatically creates an :class:`composer.utils.ObjectStore` from supported URI formats. Currently supported backends are ``s3://``, ``oci://``, and local paths (in which case ``None`` will be returned) Args: uri (str): The path to (maybe) create an :class:`composer.utils.ObjectStore` from. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raises when the URI format is not supported. Returns: Optional[ObjectStore]: Returns an :class:`composer.utils.ObjectStore` if the URI is of a supported format, otherwise None """ backend, bucket_name, path = parse_uri(uri) # If backend is empty, assume local path and return None if backend == '': return None # Handle special cases like WandB, MLFlow, etc. elif backend == 'wandb': raise NotImplementedError( f'There is no implementation for WandB load_object_store via URI. Please use WandBLogger', ) elif backend == 'dbfs': if path.startswith(MLFLOW_DBFS_PATH_PREFIX): store = None if dist.get_global_rank() == 0: store = MLFlowObjectStore(path) # The path may have had placeholders, so update it with the experiment/run IDs initialized by the store path = store.get_dbfs_path(path) # Broadcast the rank 0 updated path to all ranks for their own object stores path_list = [path] dist.broadcast_object_list(path_list, src=0) path = path_list[0] # Create the object store for all other ranks if dist.get_global_rank() != 0: store = MLFlowObjectStore(path) return store else: # validate if the path conforms to the requirements for UC volume paths UCObjectStore.validate_path(path) return UCObjectStore(path=path) # Check if backend is registered elif backend in BACKEND_TO_OBJECT_STORE_FACTORY: return BACKEND_TO_OBJECT_STORE_FACTORY[backend](bucket_name, path) # If backend is unknown, raise NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError( f'There is no implementation for the cloud backend {backend} via URI. Please use ' 'one of the supported object stores', )
[docs]def maybe_create_remote_uploader_downloader_from_uri( uri: str, loggers: list[LoggerDestination], ) -> Optional['RemoteUploaderDownloader']: """Automatically creates a :class:`composer.loggers.RemoteUploaderDownloader` from supported URI formats. Currently supported backends are ``s3://``, ``oci://``, and local paths (in which case ``None`` will be returned) Args: uri (str):The path to (maybe) create a :class:`composer.loggers.RemoteUploaderDownloader` from loggers (list[:class:`composer.loggers.LoggerDestination`]): List of the existing :class:`composer.loggers.LoggerDestination` s so as to not create a duplicate Raises: NotImplementedError: Raises when the URI format is not supported. Returns: Optional[RemoteUploaderDownloader]: Returns a :class:`composer.loggers.RemoteUploaderDownloader` if the URI is of a supported format, otherwise None """ from composer.loggers import RemoteUploaderDownloader existing_remote_uds = [logger_dest for logger_dest in loggers if isinstance(logger_dest, RemoteUploaderDownloader)] backend, bucket_name, path = parse_uri(uri) if backend == '': return None for existing_remote_ud in existing_remote_uds: if ((existing_remote_ud.remote_backend_name == backend) and (existing_remote_ud.remote_bucket_name == bucket_name)): warnings.warn( f'There already exists a RemoteUploaderDownloader object to handle the uri: {uri} you specified', ) return None if backend in ['s3', 'oci', 'gs']: return RemoteUploaderDownloader(bucket_uri=f'{backend}://{bucket_name}') elif backend == 'azure': return RemoteUploaderDownloader( bucket_uri=f'libcloud://{bucket_name}', backend_kwargs={ 'provider': 'AZURE_BLOBS', 'container': bucket_name, 'key_environ': 'AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME', 'secret_environ': 'AZURE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY', }, ) elif backend == 'dbfs': return RemoteUploaderDownloader(bucket_uri=uri, backend_kwargs={'path': path}) elif backend == 'wandb': raise NotImplementedError( f'There is no implementation for WandB via URI. Please use ' 'WandBLogger with log_artifacts set to True', ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'There is no implementation for the cloud backend {backend} via URI. Please use ' 'one of the supported RemoteUploaderDownloader object stores', )
def list_remote_objects(remote_path: str) -> list[str]: """List objects at the remote path. Args: remote_path (str): Remote object store path. Returns: A list of objects at the remote path. """ object_store = maybe_create_object_store_from_uri(remote_path) if object_store is None: raise ValueError(f'Failed to create object store. The given path {remote_path} is a local path.') _, _, prefix = parse_uri(remote_path) objects = object_store.list_objects(prefix) return objects def validate_remote_path(): """Entry point to composer_validate_remote_path cli command. Validates a remote path. If the remote path is valid, prints a list of objects at the path. Otherwise, raises an error. """ import sys args = sys.argv if len(args) == 1: raise ValueError('Please provide a remote path.') if len(args) > 2: raise ValueError('Extra arguments found. Please provide only one remote path.') remote_path = sys.argv[1] objects = list_remote_objects(remote_path) if len(objects) == 0: raise ValueError(f'No objects at path {remote_path} found. Please check your path and your access credentials.') objects_str = '\n'.join(objects) print(f'Found {len(objects)} objects at {remote_path} \n{objects_str}')
[docs]def get_file( path: str, destination: str, object_store: Optional[Union[ObjectStore, LoggerDestination]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = True, ): """Get a file from a local folder, URL, or object store. Args: path (str): The path to the file to retrieve. * If ``object_store`` is specified, then the ``path`` should be the object name for the file to get. Do not include the the cloud provider or bucket name. * If ``object_store`` is not specified but the ``path`` begins with ``http://`` or ``https://``, the object at this URL will be downloaded. * If ``object_store`` is not specified, but the ``path`` begins with ``s3://``, or another backend supported by :meth:`composer.utils.maybe_create_object_store_from_uri` an appropriate object store will be created and used. * Otherwise, ``path`` is presumed to be a local filepath. destination (str): The destination filepath. If ``path`` is a local filepath, then a symlink to ``path`` at ``destination`` will be created. Otherwise, ``path`` will be downloaded to a file at ``destination``. object_store (ObjectStore, optional): An :class:`~.ObjectStore`, if ``path`` is located inside an object store (i.e. AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage). (default: ``None``) This :class:`~.ObjectStore` instance will be used to retrieve the file. The ``path`` parameter should be set to the object name within the object store. Set this parameter to ``None`` (the default) if ``path`` is a URL or a local file. overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite an existing file at ``destination``. (default: ``False``) progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Ignored if ``path`` is a local file. (default: ``True``) Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the ``path`` does not exist. """ if object_store is None and not (path.lower().startswith('http://') or path.lower().startswith('https://')): object_store = maybe_create_object_store_from_uri(path) _, _, path = parse_uri(path) if path.endswith('.symlink'): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: symlink_file_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file.symlink') # Retrieve the symlink _get_file( path=path, destination=symlink_file_name, object_store=object_store, overwrite=False, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) # Read object name in the symlink with open(symlink_file_name, 'r') as f: real_path = log.debug(f'Read path {real_path} from symlink file.') # Recurse return get_file( path=real_path, destination=destination, object_store=object_store, overwrite=overwrite, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) try: _get_file( path=path, destination=destination, object_store=object_store, overwrite=overwrite, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) except FileNotFoundError as e: new_path = path + '.symlink' try: # Follow the symlink return get_file( path=new_path, destination=destination, object_store=object_store, overwrite=overwrite, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) except FileNotFoundError as ee: # Raise the original not found error first, which contains the path to the user-specified file raise e from ee
def _get_file( path: str, destination: str, object_store: Optional[Union[ObjectStore, LoggerDestination]], overwrite: bool, progress_bar: bool, ): # Underlying _get_file logic that does not deal with symlinks if object_store is not None: if isinstance(object_store, ObjectStore): total_size_in_bytes = object_store.get_object_size(path) object_store.download_object( object_name=path, filename=destination, callback=_get_callback(f'Downloading {path}') if progress_bar else None, overwrite=overwrite, ) else: # Type LoggerDestination object_store.download_file( remote_file_name=path, destination=destination, progress_bar=progress_bar, overwrite=overwrite, ) return if path.lower().startswith('http://') or path.lower().startswith('https://'): # it's a url with requests.get(path, stream=True) as r: try: r.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if r.status_code == 404: raise FileNotFoundError(f'URL {path} not found') from e raise e total_size_in_bytes = r.headers.get('content-length') if total_size_in_bytes is not None: total_size_in_bytes = int(total_size_in_bytes) else: total_size_in_bytes = 0 tmp_path = destination + f'.{uuid.uuid4()}.tmp' try: with open(tmp_path, 'wb') as f: for data in iterate_with_callback( r.iter_content(2**20), total_size_in_bytes, callback=_get_callback(f'Downloading {path}') if progress_bar else None, ): f.write(data) except: # The download failed for some reason. Make a best-effort attempt to remove the temporary file. try: os.remove(tmp_path) except OSError: pass raise else: os.rename(tmp_path, destination) return # It's a local filepath if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Local path {path} does not exist') if os.path.exists(destination) and overwrite: os.remove(destination) os.symlink(os.path.abspath(path), destination) def _get_callback(description: str): if len(description) > 60: description = description[:42] + '...' + description[-15:] pbar = None def callback(num_bytes: int, total_size: int): nonlocal pbar if num_bytes == 0 or pbar is None: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(desc=description, total=total_size, unit='iB', unit_scale=True) n = num_bytes - pbar.n pbar.update(n) if num_bytes == total_size: pbar.close() return callback
[docs]def validate_credentials( remote_backend: ObjectStore, remote_file_name_to_test: str, ): """Upload a tiny text file to test if the credentials are setup correctly.""" # Validates the credentials by attempting to touch a file in the bucket # raises an error if there was a credentials failure. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb') as f: f.write(b'credentials_validated_successfully') remote_backend.upload_object( object_name=remote_file_name_to_test,, )