Source code for composer.loggers.mosaicml_logger

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Log to Mosaic AI Training."""

from __future__ import annotations

import fnmatch
import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import time
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import wait
from functools import reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

import mcli
import torch

from composer.core.time import TimeUnit
from composer.loggers import Logger
from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination
from composer.loggers.mlflow_logger import MLFlowLogger
from composer.loggers.wandb_logger import WandBLogger
from composer.utils import dist

    from composer.core import State

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



[docs]class MosaicMLLogger(LoggerDestination): """Log to Mosaic AI Training. Logs metrics to Mosaic AI Training. Logging only happens on rank 0 every ``log_interval`` seconds to avoid performance issues. When running on Mosaic AI Training, the logger is automatically enabled by Trainer. To disable, the environment variable 'MOSAICML_PLATFORM' can be set to False. Args: log_interval (int, optional): Buffer log calls more frequent than ``log_interval`` seconds to avoid performance issues. Defaults to 60. ignore_keys (list[str], optional): A list of keys to ignore when logging. The keys support Unix shell-style wildcards with fnmatch. Defaults to ``None``. Example 1: ``ignore_keys = ["wall_clock/train", "wall_clock/val", "wall_clock/total"]`` would ignore wall clock metrics. Example 2: ``ignore_keys = ["wall_clock/*"]`` would ignore all wall clock metrics. (default: ``None``) ignore_exceptions: Flag to disable logging exceptions. Defaults to True. """ def __init__( self, log_interval: int = 60, ignore_keys: Optional[list[str]] = None, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, ) -> None: self.log_interval = log_interval self.ignore_keys = ignore_keys self.ignore_exceptions = ignore_exceptions self._enabled = dist.get_global_rank() == 0 if self._enabled: self.time_last_logged = 0 self.train_dataloader_len = None self.buffered_metadata: dict[str, Any] = {} self._futures = [] self.run_name = os.environ.get(RUN_NAME_ENV_VAR) if self.run_name is not None:'Logging to mosaic run {self.run_name}') else: log.warning( f'Environment variable `{RUN_NAME_ENV_VAR}` not set, so MosaicMLLogger ' 'is disabled as it is unable to identify which run to log to.', ) self._enabled = False def log_hyperparameters(self, hyperparameters: dict[str, Any]): self.log_metadata(hyperparameters) def log_metrics(self, metrics: dict[str, Any], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: self.log_metadata(metrics) def after_load(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # If model was resumed from checkpoint, log the checkpoint path if int(state.timestamp.batch) > 0 and state.load_path is not None: log.debug(f'Logging checkpoint path to metadata: {state.load_path}') self.log_metadata({'checkpoint_resumed_path': state.load_path}) # Log model data downloaded and initialized for run events log.debug(f'Logging model initialized time to metadata') self.log_metadata({'model_initialized_time': time.time()}) # Log WandB run URL if it exists. Must run on after_load as WandB is setup on event init for callback in state.callbacks: if isinstance(callback, WandBLogger): run_url = callback.run_url if run_url is not None: self.log_metadata({'wandb/run_url': run_url}) log.debug(f'Logging WandB run URL to metadata: {run_url}') else: log.debug('WandB run URL not found, not logging to metadata') if isinstance(callback, MLFlowLogger) and callback._enabled: self.log_metadata({'mlflow/run_url': callback.run_url}) log.debug(f'Logging MLFlow run URL to metadata: {callback.run_url}') self._flush_metadata(force_flush=True) def batch_start(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: if state.dataloader_len is not None and self._enabled: self.train_dataloader_len = state.dataloader_len.value def batch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: training_progress_data = self._get_training_progress_metrics(state) self.log_metadata(training_progress_data) self._flush_metadata() def epoch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: self._flush_metadata() def fit_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # Log model training finished time for run events self.log_metadata({'train_finished_time': time.time()}) training_progress_data = self._get_training_progress_metrics(state) log.debug(f'\nLogging FINAL training progress data to metadata:\n{dict_to_str(training_progress_data)}') self.log_metadata(training_progress_data) self._flush_metadata(force_flush=True) def fit_start(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # Log model training started time for run events self.log_metadata({'train_started_time': time.time()}) self._flush_metadata(force_flush=True) def eval_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: self._flush_metadata(force_flush=True) def predict_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: self._flush_metadata(force_flush=True) def close(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # Skip flushing metadata as it should be logged by fit/eval/predict_end. Flushing here # might schedule futures while interpreter is shutting down, which will raise an error. if self._enabled: wait(self._futures) # Ignore raised errors on close
[docs] def log_metadata(self, metadata: dict[str, Any], force_flush: bool = False) -> None: """Buffer metadata and prefix keys with mosaicml.""" if self._enabled: for key, val in metadata.items(): if self.ignore_keys and any(fnmatch.fnmatch(key, pattern) for pattern in self.ignore_keys): continue self.buffered_metadata[f'mosaicml/{key}'] = format_data_to_json_serializable(val) self._flush_metadata(force_flush=force_flush)
def _flush_metadata(self, force_flush: bool = False, future: bool = True) -> None: """Flush buffered metadata to MosaicML if enough time has passed since last flush.""" if self._enabled and len( self.buffered_metadata, ) > 0 and (time.time() - self.time_last_logged > self.log_interval or force_flush): try: assert self.run_name is not None if future: f = mcli.update_run_metadata(self.run_name, self.buffered_metadata, future=True, protect=True) self._futures.append(f) else: mcli.update_run_metadata(self.run_name, self.buffered_metadata, future=False, protect=True) self.buffered_metadata = {} self.time_last_logged = time.time() done, incomplete = wait(self._futures, timeout=0.01) # Raise any exceptions for f in done: if f.exception() is not None: raise f.exception() # type: ignore self._futures = list(incomplete) except Exception: log.exception('Failed to log metadata to Mosaic') # Prints out full traceback if self.ignore_exceptions:'Ignoring exception and disabling MosaicMLLogger.') self._enabled = False else:'Raising exception. To ignore exceptions, set ignore_exceptions=True.') raise def _get_training_progress_metrics(self, state: State) -> dict[str, Any]: """Calculates training progress metrics. If user submits max duration: - in tokens -> format: [token=x/xx] - in batches -> format: [batch=x/xx] - in epoch -> format: [epoch=x/xx] [batch=x/xx] (where batch refers to batches completed in current epoch) If batches per epoch cannot be calculated, return [epoch=x/xx] If no training duration given -> format: '' """ if not self._enabled: return {} assert state.max_duration is not None if state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.TOKEN: return { 'training_progress': f'[token={state.timestamp.token.value}/{state.max_duration.value}]', } if state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.BATCH: return { 'training_progress': f'[batch={state.timestamp.batch.value}/{state.max_duration.value}]', } training_progress_metrics = {} if state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH: cur_batch = state.timestamp.batch_in_epoch.value cur_epoch = state.timestamp.epoch.value if state.timestamp.epoch.value >= 1: batches_per_epoch = ( state.timestamp.batch - state.timestamp.batch_in_epoch ).value // state.timestamp.epoch.value curr_progress = f'[batch={cur_batch}/{batches_per_epoch}]' elif self.train_dataloader_len is not None: curr_progress = f'[batch={cur_batch}/{self.train_dataloader_len}]' else: curr_progress = f'[batch={cur_batch}]' if cur_epoch < state.max_duration.value: cur_epoch += 1 training_progress_metrics = { 'training_sub_progress': curr_progress, 'training_progress': f'[epoch={cur_epoch}/{state.max_duration.value}]', } return training_progress_metrics
def format_data_to_json_serializable(data: Any): """Recursively formats data to be JSON serializable. Args: data: Data to format. Returns: str: ``data`` as a string. """ try: ret = None if data is None: ret = 'None' elif type(data) in (str, int, float, bool): ret = data elif isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): if data.shape == () or reduce(operator.mul, data.shape, 1) == 1: ret = format_data_to_json_serializable(data.cpu().item()) else: ret = 'Tensor of shape ' + str(data.shape) elif isinstance(data, ret = {format_data_to_json_serializable(k): format_data_to_json_serializable(v) for k, v in data.items()} elif isinstance(data, ret = [format_data_to_json_serializable(v) for v in data] else: # Unknown format catch-all ret = str(data) json.dumps(ret) # Check if ret is JSON serializable return ret except RuntimeError as e: warnings.warn( f'Encountered unexpected error while formatting data of type {type(data)} to ' f'be JSON serializable. Returning empty string instead. Error: {str(e)}', ) return '' def dict_to_str(data: dict[str, Any]): return '\n'.join([f'\t{k}: {v}' for k, v in data.items()]) def exception_to_json_serializable_dict(exc: Exception): """Converts exception into a JSON serializable dictionary for run metadata.""" default_exc_attrs = set(dir(Exception())) exc_data = {'class': exc.__class__.__name__, 'message': str(exc), 'attributes': {}} for attr in dir(exc): # Exclude default attributes and special methods if attr not in default_exc_attrs and not attr.startswith('__'): try: value = getattr(exc, attr) if callable(value): continue if isinstance(value, (str, int, float, bool, list, dict, type(None))): exc_data['attributes'][attr] = value else: exc_data['attributes'][attr] = str(value) except AttributeError: pass return exc_data