Source code for composer.loggers.console_logger

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Logs metrics to the console and without a progress bar."""

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Sequence, TextIO, Union

import numpy as np
import yaml

from composer.core.time import Time, TimeUnit
from composer.loggers.logger import Logger, format_log_data_value
from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination
from composer.utils import dist
from composer.utils.import_helpers import MissingConditionalImportError

    from composer.core import State

# We use deciles here, so 11 events because deciles including 0.

[docs]class ConsoleLogger(LoggerDestination): """Log metrics to the console. .. note:: This logger is automatically instantiated by the trainer via the ``log_to_console``, and ``console_stream`` options. This logger does not need to be created manually. Args: log_interval (int | str | Time): How frequently to log to console. (default: ``'1ep'``) stream (str | TextIO, optional): The console stream to use. If a string, it can either be ``'stdout'`` or ``'stderr'``. (default: :attr:`sys.stderr`) log_traces (bool): Whether to log traces or not. (default: ``False``) """ def __init__( self, log_interval: Union[int, str, Time] = '1ba', stream: Union[str, TextIO] = sys.stderr, log_traces: bool = False, ) -> None: log_interval = Time.from_input(log_interval, TimeUnit.EPOCH) self.last_logged_batch = 0 if log_interval.unit not in (TimeUnit.EPOCH, TimeUnit.BATCH): raise ValueError('The `console_log_interval` argument must have units of EPOCH or BATCH.') self.log_interval = log_interval # set the stream if isinstance(stream, str): if stream.lower() == 'stdout': stream = sys.stdout elif stream.lower() == 'stderr': stream = sys.stderr else: raise ValueError(f'stream must be one of ("stdout", "stderr", TextIO-like), got {stream}') self.should_log_traces = log_traces = stream self.hparams: dict[str, Any] = {} self.hparams_already_logged_to_console: bool = False self.logged_metrics: dict[str, float] = {} self.eval_batch_idxs_to_log: Sequence[int] = [] self.tables: dict[str, str] = {} def log_traces(self, traces: dict[str, Any]): if self.should_log_traces: for trace_name, trace in traces.items(): trace_str = format_log_data_value(trace) self._log_to_console(f'[trace]: {trace_name}:' + trace_str + '\n') def log_hyperparameters(self, hyperparameters: dict[str, Any]): # Lazy logging of hyperparameters. self.hparams.update(hyperparameters) def log_table( self, columns: list[str], rows: list[list[Any]], name: str = 'Table', step: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: del step try: import pandas as pd except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError( extra_deps_group='pandas', conda_package='pandas', conda_channel='conda-forge', ) from e table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=rows, columns=columns).to_json(orient='split', index=False) self.tables[name] = str(table) def log_metrics(self, metrics: dict[str, float], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: del step # Lazy logging of metrics. # Stores all metrics logged until they are cleared with a log_to_console call self.logged_metrics.update(metrics) def _log_hparams_to_console(self): if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: self._log_to_console('*' * 30) self._log_to_console('Config:') self._log_to_console(yaml.dump(self.hparams)) self._log_to_console('*' * 30) def epoch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: cur_epoch = int(state.timestamp.epoch) # epoch gets incremented right before EPOCH_END unit = self.log_interval.unit if unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH and (cur_epoch % int(self.log_interval) == 0 or self.last_logged_batch == 0): self.log_to_console(self.logged_metrics, prefix='Train ', state=state) self.last_logged_batch = int(state.timestamp.batch) self.logged_metrics = {} # Clear logged metrics. def batch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: cur_batch = int(state.timestamp.batch) unit = self.log_interval.unit if unit == TimeUnit.BATCH and (cur_batch % int(self.log_interval) == 0 or self.last_logged_batch == 0): self.log_to_console(self.logged_metrics, prefix='Train ', state=state) self.last_logged_batch = cur_batch self.logged_metrics = {} # Clear logged metrics. def iteration_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: cur_iteration = int(state.timestamp.iteration) # iteration gets incremented right before ITERATION_END unit = self.log_interval.unit if unit == TimeUnit.ITERATION and (cur_iteration % int(self.log_interval) == 0 or self.last_logged_batch == 0): self.log_to_console(self.logged_metrics, prefix='Train ', state=state) self.last_logged_batch = int(state.timestamp.batch) self.logged_metrics = {} # Clear logged metrics. def fit_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # Always clear logged metrics so they don't get logged in a subsequent eval call. cur_batch = int(state.timestamp.batch) if self.last_logged_batch != cur_batch: self.log_to_console( self.logged_metrics, prefix='Train ', state=state, ) # log at the end of training if you didn't just log self.logged_metrics = {} def eval_batch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: cur_batch = int(state.eval_timestamp.batch) if cur_batch in self.eval_batch_idxs_to_log: self.log_to_console({}, prefix='Eval ', state=state, is_train=False) def eval_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # Log to the console at the end of eval no matter what log interval is selected. self.log_to_console(self.logged_metrics, prefix='Eval ', state=state, is_train=False) self.logged_metrics = {} def fit_start(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: if not self.hparams_already_logged_to_console: self.hparams_already_logged_to_console = True self._log_hparams_to_console() def predict_start(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: if not self.hparams_already_logged_to_console: self.hparams_already_logged_to_console = True self._log_hparams_to_console() def eval_start(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: self.logged_metrics = {} # Clear logged metrics before eval so they don't get logged subsequently. total_eval_batches = self._get_total_eval_batches(state) deciles = np.linspace(0, 1, NUM_EVAL_LOGGING_EVENTS) batch_idxs = np.arange(1, total_eval_batches + 1) if total_eval_batches < NUM_EVAL_LOGGING_EVENTS: self.eval_batch_idxs_to_log = list(batch_idxs) else: self.eval_batch_idxs_to_log = list(np.quantile(batch_idxs, deciles).round().astype(dtype=int)) # Remove index of last batch, so that we don't print progress at end of last batch and then # at eval end. last_batch_idx = total_eval_batches if last_batch_idx in self.eval_batch_idxs_to_log: # eval_batch_idxs_to_log may be empty self.eval_batch_idxs_to_log.remove(last_batch_idx) if not self.hparams_already_logged_to_console: self.hparams_already_logged_to_console = True self._log_hparams_to_console() def _get_eval_progress_string(self, state: State): eval_batch = state.eval_timestamp.batch.value eval_dataloader_label = state.dataloader_label total_eval_batches = self._get_total_eval_batches(state) curr_progress = f'[Eval batch={eval_batch}/{total_eval_batches}] Eval on {eval_dataloader_label} data' return curr_progress def _get_total_eval_batches(self, state: State) -> int: cur_evaluator = [evaluator for evaluator in state.evaluators if evaluator.label == state.dataloader_label][0] total_eval_batches = int( state.dataloader_len, ) if state.dataloader_len is not None else cur_evaluator.subset_num_batches # To please pyright. Based on _set_evaluator_interval_and_subset_num_batches, total_eval_batches can't be None assert total_eval_batches is not None return total_eval_batches def _get_progress_string(self, state: State): if state.max_duration is None: training_progress = '' elif state.max_duration.unit == TimeUnit.EPOCH: cur_batch = int(state.timestamp.batch_in_epoch) cur_epoch = int(state.timestamp.epoch) if cur_batch == 0 and cur_epoch != 0: cur_epoch -= 1 cur_batch = int(state.dataloader_len) if state.dataloader_len is not None else cur_batch if state.dataloader_len is None: curr_progress = f'[batch={cur_batch}]' else: total = int(state.dataloader_len) curr_progress = f'[batch={cur_batch}/{total}]' training_progress = f'[epoch={cur_epoch + 1}]{curr_progress}' else: unit = state.max_duration.unit curr_duration = int(state.timestamp.get(unit)) total = state.max_duration.value training_progress = f'[{}={curr_duration}/{total}]' return training_progress def log_to_console(self, data: dict[str, Any], state: State, prefix: str = '', is_train=True) -> None: # log to console if is_train: progress = self._get_progress_string(state) else: progress = self._get_eval_progress_string(state) log_str = f'{progress}' + (':' if len(data) > 0 else '') for data_name, data in data.items(): data_str = format_log_data_value(data) log_str += f'\n\t {prefix}{data_name}: {data_str}' for table_name, table in self.tables.items(): log_str += f'\n\t {prefix}{table_name}: {table}' self._log_to_console(log_str) def _log_to_console(self, log_str: str): """Logs to the console, avoiding interleaving with a progress bar.""" # write directly to; no active progress bar print(log_str,, flush=True)