# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Modules and layers for applying the Stochastic Depth algorithm."""
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import logging
from typing import Optional, Union
import torch
from torchvision.models.resnet import Bottleneck
from composer.algorithms.stochastic_depth.stochastic_layers import make_resnet_bottleneck_stochastic
from composer.core import Algorithm, Event, State
from composer.core.time import Time, TimeUnit
from composer.loggers import Logger
from composer.utils import module_surgery
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_VALID_LAYER_DISTRIBUTIONS = ('uniform', 'linear')
_VALID_STOCHASTIC_METHODS = ('block', 'sample')
_STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING = {'ResNetBottleneck': (Bottleneck, make_resnet_bottleneck_stochastic)}
__all__ = ['apply_stochastic_depth', 'StochasticDepth']
[docs]def apply_stochastic_depth(
model: torch.nn.Module,
target_layer_name: str,
stochastic_method: str = 'block',
drop_rate: float = 0.2,
drop_distribution: str = 'linear',
) -> None:
"""Applies Stochastic Depth (`Huang et al, 2016 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09382>`_) to the specified model.
The algorithm replaces the specified target layer with a stochastic version
of the layer. The stochastic layer will randomly drop either samples or the
layer itself depending on the stochastic method specified. The block-wise
version follows the original paper. The sample-wise version follows the
implementation used for EfficientNet in the
`Tensorflow/TPU repo <https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu>`_.
.. note::
Stochastic Depth only works on instances of :class:`torchvision.models.resnet.ResNet`
for now.
model (torch.nn.Module): model containing modules to be replaced with
stochastic versions.
target_layer_name (str): Block to replace with a stochastic block
equivalent. The name must be registered in ``STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING``
dictionary with the target layer class and the stochastic layer class.
Currently, only :class:`torchvision.models.resnet.Bottleneck` is supported.
stochastic_method (str, optional): The version of stochastic depth to use.
``"block"`` randomly drops blocks during training. ``"sample"`` randomly
drops samples within a block during training. Default: ``"block"``.
drop_rate (float, optional): The base probability of dropping a layer or sample.
Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: `0.2``.
drop_distribution (str, optional): How ``drop_rate`` is distributed across
layers. Value must be one of ``"uniform"`` or ``"linear"``.
``"uniform"`` assigns the same ``drop_rate`` across all layers.
``"linear"`` linearly increases the drop rate across layer depth,
starting with 0 drop rate and ending with ``drop_rate``.
Default: ``"linear"``.
.. testcode::
import composer.functional as cf
from torchvision import models
model = models.resnet50()
transforms = {}
target_layer, stochastic_converter = _STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING[target_layer_name]
module_count = module_surgery.count_module_instances(model, target_layer)
stochastic_from_target_layer = functools.partial(
transforms[target_layer] = stochastic_from_target_layer
module_surgery.replace_module_classes(model, policies=transforms)
[docs]class StochasticDepth(Algorithm):
"""Applies Stochastic Depth (`Huang et al, 2016 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09382>`_) to the specified model.
The algorithm replaces the specified target layer with a stochastic version
of the layer. The stochastic layer will randomly drop either samples or the
layer itself depending on the stochastic method specified. The block-wise
version follows the original paper. The sample-wise version follows the
implementation used for EfficientNet in the
`Tensorflow/TPU repo <https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu>`_.
Runs on :attr:`.Event.INIT`, as well as
:attr:`.Event.BATCH_START` if ``drop_warmup > 0``.
.. note::
Stochastic Depth only works on instances of :class:`torchvision.models.resnet.ResNet` for now.
target_layer_name (str): Block to replace with a stochastic block
equivalent. The name must be registered in ``STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING``
dictionary with the target layer class and the stochastic layer class.
Currently, only :class:`torchvision.models.resnet.Bottleneck` is supported.
stochastic_method (str, optional): The version of stochastic depth to use.
``"block"`` randomly drops blocks during training. ``"sample"`` randomly drops
samples within a block during training. Default: ``"block"``.
drop_rate (float, optional): The base probability of dropping a layer or sample.
Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: ``0.2``.
drop_distribution (str, optional): How ``drop_rate`` is distributed across
layers. Value must be one of ``"uniform"`` or ``"linear"``.
``"uniform"`` assigns the same ``drop_rate`` across all layers.
``"linear"`` linearly increases the drop rate across layer depth,
starting with 0 drop rate and ending with ``drop_rate``. Default: ``"linear"``.
drop_warmup (str | Time | float, optional): A :class:`Time` object,
time-string, or float on ``[0.0, 1.0]`` representing the fraction of the
training duration to linearly increase the drop probability to
`linear_drop_rate`. Default: ``0.0``.
def __init__(
target_layer_name: str,
stochastic_method: str = 'block',
drop_rate: float = 0.2,
drop_distribution: str = 'linear',
drop_warmup: Union[float, Time, str] = 0.0,
'Stochastic depth has known issues of weight mismatch when loading from a checkpoint, which will cause an error when resuming without `load_weights_only=True`.',
if drop_rate == 0.0:
log.warning('Stochastic Depth will have no effect when drop_rate set to 0')
self.target_layer_name = target_layer_name
self.stochastic_method = stochastic_method
self.drop_rate = drop_rate
self.drop_distribution = drop_distribution
if isinstance(drop_warmup, str):
drop_warmup = Time.from_timestring(drop_warmup)
if isinstance(drop_warmup, float):
drop_warmup = Time(drop_warmup, TimeUnit.DURATION)
self.drop_warmup = drop_warmup
self.num_stochastic_layers = 0 # Initial count of stochastic layers
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(target_layer_name='{self.target_layer_name}',stochastic_method='{self.stochastic_method}',drop_rate={self.drop_rate},drop_distribution='{self.drop_distribution}',drop_warmup={repr(self.drop_warmup)})"
def find_unused_parameters(self) -> bool:
return self.stochastic_method == 'block'
def required_on_load() -> bool:
return True
def match(self, event: Event, state: State) -> bool:
return (event == Event.INIT) or (event == Event.BATCH_START and self.drop_warmup > 0.0)
def apply(self, event: Event, state: State, logger: Logger) -> Optional[int]:
assert state.model is not None
target_block, _ = _STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING[self.target_layer_name]
if event == Event.INIT:
if module_surgery.count_module_instances(state.model, target_block) == 0:
log.warning(f'No {self.target_layer_name} found in model! Algorithm will function as a no-op.')
self.num_stochastic_layers = module_surgery.count_module_instances(state.model, target_block)
logger.log_metrics({'stochastic_depth/num_stochastic_layers': self.num_stochastic_layers})
elif event == Event.BATCH_START and self.num_stochastic_layers:
elapsed_duration = state.get_elapsed_duration()
assert elapsed_duration is not None, 'elapsed duration is set on BATCH_START'
if elapsed_duration < self.drop_warmup:
current_drop_rate = float(elapsed_duration / self.drop_warmup) * self.drop_rate
current_drop_rate = self.drop_rate
logger.log_metrics({'stochastic_depth/drop_rate': current_drop_rate})
def _validate_stochastic_hparams(
target_layer_name: str,
stochastic_method: str,
drop_rate: float,
drop_distribution: str,
drop_warmup: str = '0dur',
"""Helper function to validate the Stochastic Depth hyperparameter values.
if stochastic_method and (stochastic_method not in _VALID_STOCHASTIC_METHODS):
raise ValueError(
f'stochastic_method {stochastic_method} is not supported.'
f' Must be one of {_VALID_STOCHASTIC_METHODS}',
if target_layer_name and (target_layer_name not in _STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING):
raise ValueError(
f'target_layer_name {target_layer_name} is not supported with {stochastic_method}.'
f' Must be one of {list(_STOCHASTIC_LAYER_MAPPING.keys())}',
if drop_rate and (drop_rate < 0 or drop_rate > 1):
raise ValueError(f'drop_rate must be between 0 and 1: {drop_rate}')
if drop_distribution and (drop_distribution not in _VALID_LAYER_DISTRIBUTIONS):
raise ValueError(
f'drop_distribution "{drop_distribution}" is'
f' not supported. Must be one of {list(_VALID_LAYER_DISTRIBUTIONS)}',
if stochastic_method == 'sample' and Time.from_timestring(drop_warmup).value != 0:
raise ValueError(f'drop_warmup can not be used with "sample" stochastic_method')
def _update_drop_rate(
module: torch.nn.Module,
target_block: type[torch.nn.Module],
drop_rate: float,
drop_distribution: str,
module_count: int,
module_id: int = 0,
"""Recursively updates a module's drop_rate attributes with a new value.
for child in module.children():
if isinstance(child, target_block) and hasattr(child, 'drop_rate'):
module_id += 1
if drop_distribution == 'linear':
current_drop_rate = (module_id / module_count) * drop_rate # type: ignore
current_drop_rate = drop_rate
child.drop_rate = torch.tensor(current_drop_rate)
module_id = _update_drop_rate(child, target_block, drop_rate, drop_distribution, module_count, module_id)
return module_id