Shard Retrieval#

Shards are downloaded on the fly during training and samples are retrieved from them. You can configure streaming.StreamingDataset’s shard retrieval to meet your training job’s needs. For more information about shard retrieval during distributed model training, refer to the main concepts page.

Loading datasets#

Pointing to your dataset#

To train on a dataset that lives in a remote location, simply pass the path to StreamingDataset’s remote argument. The dataset’s index.json file should live at this directory. StreamingDataset works with all major cloud providers. The local argument should be used to specify where the downloaded shards will be stored, on local disk.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    remote = 's3://some-bucket/my-dataset',    # dataset lives at this remote path
    local = '/local/dataset',    # shards downloaded and stored locally at this path

If your dataset is already available on local disk for your GPUs to access, only specify the local argument.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    local = '/local/dataset',    # dataset shards are already locally available at this path

The split argument can be used to specify a particular subdirectory to use – for example, a training dataset split.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    remote = 's3://some-bucket/my-dataset',
    local = '/local/dataset',
    split = 'train',    # dataset will be loaded from 's3://some-bucket/my-dataset/train'

Multiple streams#

If using multiple data sources, specify the remote and/or local paths for each one in a separate streaming.Stream object, and pass those to StreamingDataset’s streams argument. An example can be found here.

Hash Validation#

If you wrote out your dataset shards with specific hash functions (see here) and want to validate them at training time, set the validate_hash argument to StreamingDataset. Depending on the hash function, this may slow down data loading.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    validate_hash = 'sha1',    # validate shard using sha1 hash function

Controlling shard downloads#

Downloading ahead#

Setting the predownload argument ensures that StreamingDataset will download the shards needed for the upcoming predownload samples, per worker. For example, if predownload is set to 8, then each DataLoader worker will download the shards needed for up to 8 samples ahead of the current point in training. The default value of predownload in StreamingDataset performs well, so only set this argument if you want to prepare more samples ahead of the current training batch.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    predownload = 8,    # each worker will download shards for up to 8 samples ahead

Retries and Timeout#

Set the download_retry argument to the number of times a shard download should be retried. The download_timeout argument specifies, in seconds, how long to wait for a shard download before throwing an exception. For larger shards, a longer download_timeout can be necessary.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    download_retry = 3,    # retry shard downloads up to 3 times
    download_timeout = 120,    # wait 2 minutes for a shard to download

Configure shard storage#

Cache limit#

If you have limited local disk space, specify the cache_limit argument. Once locally stored shards reach the cache_limit, Streaming will begin evicting shards to stay under the limit. This is particularly useful for very large datasets or small disks. Setting cache_limit too low will hinder performance, since shards may be continually evicted and redownloaded. This can be specified as integer bytes or as a human-readable string.

cache_limit = 10*1024**2    # cache limit of 10mb
cache_limit = '10mb'    # also a cache limit of 10mb

Keeping compressed shards#

If your dataset shards are compressed (see here), StreamingDataset will decompress them upon download for use in training. To control whether the compressed versions of shards are kept locally, use the keep_zip flag. This defaults to False, meaning that StreamingDataset will default to deleting compressed shards and only keeping the decompressed shards.

dataset = StreamingDataset(
    keep_zip = True,    # keep compressed versions of shards locally