# Copyright 2022-2024 MosaicML Streaming authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Shuffling algorithm that shuffles intra-shard in one place.
This algorithm is roughly twice as fast as algorithm ``py2s``, and ever so slightly biased.
Bias in this case merely refers to how we assign samples when we split shards at canonical node
boundaries, which is non-random in this algorithm. In practice, we found this does not matter to
convergence, while making us faster.
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
def divide_spans(spans: list[tuple[int, int]], num_samples: int, num_parts: int) -> \
tuple[list[tuple[int, int]], list[tuple[int, int]]]:
"""Divide the spans into discrete, equal sized partitions.
Don't use ``spans`` after this, as it is modified in-place for performance reasons.
spans (List[Tuple[int, int]]): List of spans to partition.
num_samples (int): Total number of samples across all spans.
num_parts (int): Number of groupings to divide spans into.
Tuple[List[Tuple, int, int]], List[Tuple[int, int]]]: Spans and super spans.
begin_part = 0
span_index = 0
samples_so_far = 0
out_spans = []
super_spans = []
for part in range(num_parts):
# note that the size of a part (canonical node) is num_samples // num_parts.
part_end = num_samples * (part + 1) // num_parts
# loop over spans until we've filled up our part (canonical node) completely
while True:
if span_index == len(spans):
# input spans are the shard spans. these can be unequally sized and may cross
# part (canonical node) boundaries.
span = spans[span_index]
# spans are (begin, end excl)
samples_this_span = span[1] - span[0]
# check if the shard span contains more samples than the part (canonical node) can fit
if part_end < samples_so_far + samples_this_span:
# if there is space left in the part, split the span
if samples_so_far < part_end:
split = part_end - samples_so_far
# create a span, filling up with as many samples as possible from shard span
new_span = span[0], span[0] + split
# modify the old shard span to reflect that it's been split
spans[span_index] = span[0] + split, span[1]
samples_so_far += split
span_index += 1
samples_so_far += samples_this_span
# super spans are tell us which new spans belong to each part (canonical node)
# as a tuple of (begin span index, end span index excl)
super_span = begin_part, len(out_spans)
begin_part = len(out_spans)
return out_spans, super_spans
[docs]def get_shuffle_py1s(shard_sizes: NDArray[np.int64],
num_canonical_nodes: int,
seed: int,
epoch: int,
block_size: int = 1 << 18) -> NDArray[np.int64]:
"""Get the shuffled global ordering of samples for an epoch.
The assignment of shards to nodes is fixed across epochs, but each grouping of shards is
processed concurrently in a different order by each node's workers each epoch.
shard_sizes (NDArray[np.int64]): Number of samples contained in each shard, in order.
num_canonical_nodes (int): Number of canonical nodes.
seed (int): Base random seed, which is held constant over an entire training run.
epoch (int): Current epoch, which is added to the seed to get a different deterministic
shuffle each epoch.
block_size (int): Unit of shuffle (ignored, because we shuffle on the basis of shards).
Defaults to ``1 << 18``.
NDArray[np.int64]: 1:1 mapping of sample ID to shuffled sample ID.
# Create each shard's sample ID span (begin, end excl).
spans = []
num_samples = 0
for shard_size in shard_sizes:
span = num_samples, num_samples + shard_size
num_samples += shard_size
# Generate the initial ordering of shards, which is fixed over an entire training run.
run_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
# Break the shard spans at canonical node boundaries.
spans, super_spans = divide_spans(spans, num_samples, num_canonical_nodes)
# Shuffle the span ordering within each canonical node uniquely to this epoch.
epoch_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed + epoch)
for begin, end in super_spans:
part = spans[begin:end]
epoch_rng.shuffle(part) # pyright: ignore
spans[begin:end] = part
# Populate the global sample ID mapping, shuffling within each span.
ids = np.empty(num_samples, np.int64)
offset = 0
for begin, end in spans:
span_size = end - begin
ids[offset:offset + span_size] = np.arange(begin, end)
epoch_rng.shuffle(ids[offset:offset + span_size])
offset += span_size
return ids