
This tutorial is available as a Jupyter notebook.

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Text Data: Synthetic NLP#

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create a Synthetic dataset, write a synthetic dataset into a streaming format and use the StreamingDataset class to load the dataset.

Tutorial Goals and Concepts Covered#

The goal of this tutorial is to showcase how to prepare the dataset and use Streaming data loading to iterate and fetch the samples. It will consist of a few steps:

  1. Generate a synthetic dataset

  2. Preparing the dataset for streaming

  3. Streaming the dataset to the local machine

  4. Iterate through the dataset and fetch the samples

Let’s get started!


Let’s start by making sure the right packages are installed and imported. We need to install the mosaicml-streaming package which installs the sufficient dependencies to run this tutorial.

[ ]:
%pip install mosaicml-streaming
# To install from source instead of the last release, comment the command above and uncomment the following one.
# %pip install git+https://github.com/mosaicml/streaming.git

# (Optional) To upload a streaming dataset to an AWS S3 bucket
%pip install awscli
[ ]:
import os
import shutil
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm

We’ll be using Streaming’s MDSWriter which writes the dataset in Streaming format and StreamingDataset to load the streaming dataset.

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from streaming import MDSWriter, StreamingDataset

Global settings#

For this tutorial, let’s import some of the global setting at the start.

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# the location of the "remote" streaming dataset (`sds`).
# Upload `out_root` to your cloud storage provider of choice. If `out_root` is a cloud provider
# path, shard files are automatically uploaded.
out_root = "./sds"
out_train = "./sds/train"
out_val = "./sds/val"

# the location to download the streaming dataset during training
local = './local'
local_train = './local/train'
local_val = './local/val'

# toggle shuffling in dataloader
shuffle_train = True
shuffle_val = False

# training batch size
batch_size = 512
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# upload location for the dataset splits (change this if you want to upload to a different location, for example, AWS S3 bucket location)
upload_location = None

if upload_location is None:
    upload_train_location = None
    upload_val_location = None
    upload_train_location = os.path.join(upload_location, 'train')
    upload_val_location = os.path.join(upload_location, 'val')

Create a Synthetic NLP dataset#

In this tutorial, we will be creating a synthetic number-saying dataset, i.e. converting a numbers from digits to words, for example, number 123 would spell as one hundred twenty three. The numbers are generated sequentially with a random positive/negative prefix sign.

Let’s import a utility functions to generate those synthetic number-saying dataset.

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# Word representation of a number
ones = ('zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen ' +
        'fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen').split()

tens = 'twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety'.split()

def say(i: int) -> List[str]:
    """Get the word form of a number.

        i (int): The number.

        List[str]: The number in word form.
    if i < 0:
        return ['negative'] + say(-i)
    elif i <= 19:
        return [ones[i]]
    elif i < 100:
        return [tens[i // 10 - 2]] + ([ones[i % 10]] if i % 10 else [])
    elif i < 1_000:
        return [ones[i // 100], 'hundred'] + (say(i % 100) if i % 100 else [])
    elif i < 1_000_000:
        return say(i // 1_000) + ['thousand'] + (say(i % 1_000) if i % 1_000 else [])
    elif i < 1_000_000_000:
        return say(i // 1_000_000) + ['million'] + (say(i % 1_000_000) if i % 1_000_000 else [])
        assert False

def get_numbers(num_train: int, num_val: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
    """Get two non-overlapping splits of a sequential random numbers.

    The train sample indices goes from [0, num_train] and val sample indices goes
    from [num_train, num_val].

        num_train (int): Number of training samples.
        num_val (int): Number of validation samples.

        Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: The two generated splits.
    total = num_train + num_val
    numbers = []
    bar = tqdm(total=total, leave=False)
    i = 0
    while i < total:
        was = len(numbers)
        sign = (np.random.random() < 0.8) * 2 - 1
        numbers.append(sign * i)
        bar.update(len(numbers) - was)
        i += 1
    return numbers[:num_train], numbers[num_train:]

Initialize a method to generate a train and validation samples where each sample is a dictionary with attributes {'number': <Integer number>, 'words': <word representation of an integer number as string>}.

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def generate_samples(numbers: List[int]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Generate samples from a list of numbers.

        numbers (List[int]): The numbers.

        List[Dict[str, Any]]: The corresponding samples.
    samples = []
    for num in numbers:
        words = ' '.join(say(num))
        sample = {'number': num, 'words': words}
    return samples

def get_dataset(num_train: int, num_val: int) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
    """Generate a number-saying dataset of the given size.

        num_train (int): Number of training samples.
        num_val (int): Number of validation samples.

        Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: The two generated splits.
    train_nums, val_nums = get_numbers(num_train, num_val)
    train_samples = generate_samples(train_nums)
    val_samples = generate_samples(val_nums)
    return train_samples, val_samples

Create a non-overlapping train and val split dataset of unique random numbers.

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# Number of training and validation samples
num_train_samples = 10_000 # 10k samples
num_val_samples = 2000    # 2k samples

# Create the samples.
print(f'Generating synthetic dataset ({num_train_samples} train, {num_val_samples} val)...')
train_samples, val_samples = get_dataset(num_train_samples, num_val_samples)
splits = [
    ('train', train_samples),
    ('val', val_samples)

Let’s inspect the first train and test sample.

[ ]:
print(f'Train sample: {train_samples[0]}')
print(f'Val sample: {val_samples[0]}')

Convert the dataset to MosaicML Streaming#

We are going to use the MDSWriter to convert the raw synthetic NLP dataset into a .mds file format.

For more information on the Streaming MDSWriter class check out the API reference.

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# Mapping of sample keyword with their data type
columns = {
    'number': 'int',
    'words': 'str',

# Compression algorithm to use for dataset
compression = 'zstd:12'

# Hashing algorithm to use for dataset
hashes = ['sha1', 'xxh3_64']

# shard size limit, in bytes
size_limit = 1 << 16  # Override to a small number for more shards.

print(f'Saving dataset (to {out_root})...')
for split, samples in splits:
    print(f'* {split}')
    dirname = os.path.join(out_root, split)
    with MDSWriter(out=dirname, columns=columns, compression=compression,
                   hashes=hashes, size_limit=size_limit) as out:
        for sample in tqdm(samples, leave=False):

Now that we’ve written the datasets to out_root, one can upload them to a cloud storage provider, and we are ready to stream them.

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remote_train = upload_train_location or out_train # replace this with your URL for cloud streaming
remote_val  = upload_val_location or out_val

Loading the Data#

We extend Streaming’s Dataset to deserialize the data. Let’s verify that iterating over the StreamingDataset class gives us the exact raw samples in the same deterministic sample order.

Note that StreamingDataset requires passing in a batch_size parameter for iteration. This batch_size is per-device, and should be the same as the DataLoader batch size.

For more information on the StreamingDataset class check out the API reference.

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# Load the samples back.
print('Walking the dataset:')

print(f'verifying samples for train split')
train_dataset = StreamingDataset(remote=upload_location or out_root, local=local, batch_size=batch_size, split='train', shuffle=False)
for old, new in tqdm(zip(train_samples, train_dataset), total=len(train_samples), leave=False):
    assert old == new

print(f'verifying samples for val split')
val_dataset = StreamingDataset(remote=upload_location or out_root, local=local, batch_size=batch_size, split='val', shuffle=False)
for old, new in tqdm(zip(val_samples, val_dataset), total=len(val_samples), leave=False):
    assert old == new

We can also visualize the sample(s) by doing pythonic or NumPy indexing on a StreamingDataset.

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# Fetch the 10th sample and print it on a console
print(f'Sample 10: {train_dataset[10]}')

# Fetch multiple samples
indices = [-1, 30, [12, -14], slice(-1, -10, -2), np.array([10, -20])]
for indx in indices:
    print(f'Sample {indx}: {train_dataset[indx]}')

Below are some utility methods about the dataset which would be highly useful for debugging and model training. For more information on the StreamingDataset parameters, check out the API reference.

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# Get the total number of samples
print(f'Total number of samples: {train_dataset.num_samples}')

# Get the number of shard files
print(f'Total number of shards: {len(train_dataset.shards)}')

# Get the number of samples inside each shard files.
# Number of samples in each shard can vary based on each sample size.
print(f'Number of samples inside each shards: {train_dataset.samples_per_shard}')

We can now wrap our streaming datasets in a standard PyTorch dataloaders for training!

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train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size)


That’s it. No need to hang on to the files created by the tutorial…

[ ]:
shutil.rmtree(out_root, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(local, ignore_errors=True)

What next?#

You’ve now seen an in-depth look at how to prepare and use streaming datasets with PyTorch.

To continue learning about Streaming, please continue to explore our examples!

Come get involved with MosaicML!#

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