🤔 FAQs and Tips#

❓ FAQs#

Can I write datasets in parallel? How does this work?#

Yes, you can! Please see the parallel dataset conversion page for instructions. If you’re using Spark, follow the Spark dataframe to MDS example.

Is StreamingDataset’s batch_size the global or device batch size?#

The batch_size argument to StreamingDataset is the device batch size. It should be set the same as the DataLoader batch_size argument. For optimal performance and deterministic resumption, you must pass batch_size to StreamingDataset.

How can I calculate ingress and egress costs?#

Ingress costs will depend on your GPU provider, but egress costs from cloud storage are equal to the egress costs for a single epoch of training. Streaming is smart about how samples are partitioned, and minimizes duplicate shard downloads between nodes. The egress cost is calculated as:

\[\text{Egress cost} = (\text{Egress cost per MB}) \times (\text{Average shard size in MB}) \times (\text{Total number of shards})\]

For multi-epoch training, if your nodes have persistent storage or if your training job does not experience hardware failures, the egress cost will be the same as a single epoch of training. Otherwise, with ephemeral storage and training failures, you will likely have to redownload shards.

How can I mix and weight different data sources?#

Mixing data sources is easy, flexible, and can even be controlled at the batch level. The mixing data sources page shows how you can do this.

Can I use only a subset of a data source when training for multiple epochs?#

Yes, you can! For example, if your dataset is 1000 samples, but you want to train only on 400 samples per epoch, simply set epoch size to 400. For more control over how these 400 samples are chosen in each epoch, see the inter-epoch sampling section.

How can I apply a transformation to each sample?#

StreamingDataset is a subclass of PyTorch’s IterableDataset, so applying transforms works the exact same way. See here for an example on how to use transforms with PyTorch. Our CIFAR-10 guide also has an example of using transforms with StreamingDataset.

If my dataset is larger than disk, how can I train?#

You can set the per-node cache limit using StreamingDataset’s cache_limit argument, detailed here. When shard usage hits the cache_limit Streaming will begin evicting shards.

I’m seeing loss spikes and divergence on my training runs. How do I fix this?#

Training loss may suffer from loss spikes or divergence for a variety of reasons. Higher quality shuffling and dataset mixing can help mitigate loss variance, divergence, and spikes. First, make sure that shuffle is set to True in your dataset. If you’re already shuffling, you should make your shuffle strength higher. If using a shuffle-block-based shuffling algorithm like ‘py1e’ or ‘py1br’, increase the shuffle_block_size parameter. If using an intra-shard shuffle such as ‘py1s’ or ‘py2s’, increase the num_canonical_nodes parameter. Read more about shuffling here.

Changing how datasets are mixed can also help with training stability. Specifically, setting batching_method to stratified when mixing datasets provides consistent dataset mixing in every batch. Read more about dataset mixing here.

When training for multiple epochs, training takes a long time between epochs. How can I address this?#

Training is likely taking longer between epochs due to DataLoader workers not persisting. Make sure to set persistent_workers=True in your DataLoader, which will keep StreamingDataset instances alive between epochs. More information can be found here.

If this still does not address the issue, refer to the performance tuning page.

I’m not seeing deterministic resumption on my training runs. How can I enable this?#

To enable elastic determinism and resumption, you should be using the streaming.StreamingDataLoader instead of the generic PyTorch DataLoader. You should also make sure you’re passing in batch_size to StreamingDataset in addition to your DataLoader. Certain launchers, such as Composer, support deterministic resumption with StreamingDataset automatically. See the resumption page for more information.

Is it possible for each global or device batch to consist only of samples from one Stream?#

Yes. For global batches drawn from a single stream, use the per_stream batching method, and for device batches drawn from a single stream, use the device_per_stream batching method. More details are in the batching methods section.

I’m seeing a shared memory error. How can I fix this?#

Streaming uses shared memory to communicate between workers. These errors are indicative of stale shared memory, likely from a previous training run. To fix this, call python in your terminal and run the commands below:

>>> import streaming.base.util as util
>>> util.clean_stale_shared_memory()

What’s the difference between StreamingDataset’s epoch_size, __len__(), and size()?#

The epoch_size attribute of StreamingDataset is the number of samples per epoch of training. The __len__() method returns the epoch_size divided by the number of devices – it is the number of samples seen per device, per epoch. The size() method returns the number of unique samples in the underlying dataset. Due to upsampling/downsampling, size() may not be the same as epoch_size.

What’s the difference between StreamingDataset vs. datasets vs. streams?#

StreamingDataset is the dataset class. It can take in multiple streams, which are just data sources. It combines these streams into a single dataset. StreamingDataset does not stream data, as continuous bytes; instead, it downloads shard files to enable a continuous flow of samples into the training job. StreamingDataset is an IterableDataset as opposed to a map-style dataset – samples are retrieved as needed.

Should I wrap the Streaming DataLoader with HuggingFace Accelerate’s DataLoader wrapper when training?#

When using HF Accelerate with Streaming for training, do not wrap the DataLoader as this can may cause hangs during training. StreamingDataset is ready for distributed training out of the box and does not need the wrapping that HF Accelerate provides.

🤓 Helpful Tips#

Using locally available datasets#

If your dataset is locally accessible from your GPUs, you only need to specify the local argument to StreamingDataset as the path to those shard files. You should leave the remote field as None.

Access specific shards and samples#

You can use the get_item method of StreamingDataset to access particular samples – StreamingDataset supports NumPy-style indexing. To further access information at the shard and sample level, the StreamingDataset attributes below are useful:

  • dataset.stream_per_shard: contains the stream index for each shard.

  • dataset.shards_per_stream: contains the number of shards per stream

  • dataset.samples_per_shard: contains the number of samples per shard

  • dataset.samples_per_stream: contains the number of samples per stream

  • dataset.spanner: maps global sample index to the corresponding shard index and relative sample index

  • dataset.shard_offset_per_stream: contains the offset of the shard indices for a stream. Can be used to get the shard index in a certain stream from the global shard index.

  • dataset.prepare_shard(shard_id): downloads and extracts samples from shard with shard_id

  • dataset[sample_id]: retrieves sample with sample_id, implicitly downloading the relevant shard.

You can use these in a variety of ways to inspect your dataset. For example, to retrieve the stream index, relative shard index in that stream, and sample index in that shard, for every sample in your dataset, you could do:

# Instantiate a StreamingDataset however you would like
dataset = StreamingDataset(
# Retrieves the number of unique samples -- no up or down sampling applied
num_dataset_samples = dataset.size
# Will contain tuples of (stream id, shard id, sample id)
stream_shard_sample_ids = []
for global_sample_idx in range(num_dataset_samples):
    # Go from global sample index -> global shard index and relative sample index (in the shard)
    global_shard_idx, relative_sample_idx = dataset.spanner[global_sample_idx]
    # Get the stream index of that shard
    stream_idx = dataset.stream_per_shard[global_shard_idx]
    # Get the relative shard index (in the stream) by subtracting the offset
    relative_shard_idx = global_shard_idx - dataset.shard_offset_per_stream[stream_idx]

    stream_shard_sample_ids.append((stream_idx, relative_shard_idx, relative_sample_idx))

Don’t make your shard file size too large or small#

You can control the maximum file size of your shards with the size_limit argument to the Writer objects – for example, in streaming.MDSWriter. The default shard size is 67MB, and we see that 50-100MB shards work well across modalities and workloads. If shards are too small, then you will get too many download requests, and if shards are too large, then shard downloads become more expensive and harder to balance.