# Copyright 2022-2024 MosaicML Streaming authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Apportion shards/samples to nodes/ranks/workers for elastically deterministic sample order."""
import logging
import math
import warnings
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_partitions_orig(num_samples: int,
num_canonical_nodes: int,
num_physical_nodes: int,
ranks_per_node: int,
workers_per_rank: int,
batch_size: int,
drop_first: int = 0,
initial_physical_nodes: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray[np.int64]:
"""Partition the given number of samples to nodes, ranks, and workers.
Either canonical or physical nodes must be evenly divisible by the other.
It is suggested to set num_canonical_nodes higher than your expected number of physical nodes,
because scaling your number of nodes below that level may result in more shards being used
across node boundaries due to preserving the same global sample order.
num_samples (int): Dataset size.
num_canonical_nodes (int): Number of canonical nodes.
num_physical_nodes (int): Number of physical nodes.
ranks_per_node (int): Number of ranks per node.
workers_per_rank (int): Number of worker partitions per rank.
batch_size (int): Batch size of DataLoader and dataset, which affects how the dataset is
partitioned over the workers.
drop_first (int): Number of samples seen already, which are dropped. Defaults to ``0``.
initial_physical_nodes (int, optional): Number of physical nodes at the start of training.
Defaults to ``None``.
NDArray[np.int64]: Partitions of shape (physical nodes, ranks per node, workers per rank,
batches per worker, batch size).
if num_canonical_nodes < num_physical_nodes:
if num_physical_nodes % num_canonical_nodes:
raise ValueError('Either canonical or physical nodes must be evenly divisible by ' +
'the other, otherwise striping slices of shards over nodes may ' +
'lead to each node downloading all shards')
elif num_physical_nodes < num_canonical_nodes:
if num_canonical_nodes % num_physical_nodes:
raise ValueError('Either canonical or physical nodes must be evenly divisible by ' +
'the other, otherwise striping slices of shards over nodes may ' +
'lead to each node downloading all shards')
# If drop_first isn't a multiple of num_physical_nodes, round down to make it divisible.
if drop_first % num_physical_nodes:
'`drop_first` was not divisible by `num_physical_nodes`. Rounding it down ' +
'to make it divisible.')
drop_first -= drop_first % num_physical_nodes
# Divide the full dataset sample range into a sample range per canonical node.
samples_per_canonical_node = (num_samples + num_canonical_nodes - 1) // num_canonical_nodes
node_ratio = 0
padding = 0
if num_canonical_nodes < num_physical_nodes:
node_ratio = num_physical_nodes // num_canonical_nodes
overflow = samples_per_canonical_node % node_ratio
if overflow:
padding = node_ratio - overflow
padded_samples_per_canonical_node = samples_per_canonical_node + padding
# For samples to be properly split across canonical nodes, there must be more samples than nodes.
# The edge case is when the number of samples is equal to the number of canonical nodes, but this only works when
# there is an equal or greater number of canonical nodes than physical nodes.
# If these conditions are not met, an alternative sampling approach is used that leads to many repeats.
if num_samples > num_canonical_nodes or (num_samples == num_canonical_nodes and
num_canonical_nodes >= num_physical_nodes):
# Create the initial sample ID matrix.
# ids: (canonical nodes, padded samples per canonical node).
ids = np.arange(num_canonical_nodes * padded_samples_per_canonical_node, dtype=np.int64)
ids = ids.reshape(num_canonical_nodes, padded_samples_per_canonical_node)
# Adjust row offsets to ignore the padding.
# row_offsets: (canonical nodes, 1).
row_offsets = np.arange(num_canonical_nodes) * padding
row_offsets = np.expand_dims(row_offsets, 1)
ids -= row_offsets
# Reconfigure where each row starts iterating for irregular-sized rows.
# row_starts: (canonical nodes, 1).
row_starts = np.arange(num_canonical_nodes) * num_samples // num_canonical_nodes
row_starts = np.expand_dims(row_starts, 1)
ids += row_starts - ids[:, :1]
# For short rows (length not evenly divisible), repeat the last ID to get even length.
# row_stops: (canonical nodes, 1).
row_stops = np.arange(1, 1 + num_canonical_nodes) * num_samples // num_canonical_nodes
row_stops = np.expand_dims(row_stops, 1)
are_rows_short = row_stops - row_starts < samples_per_canonical_node
ids[:, samples_per_canonical_node - 1:samples_per_canonical_node] -= are_rows_short
# If padding we needed, repeat samples to populate it.
if padding:
ids[:, -padding:] = ids[:,
-padding - node_ratio + 1 - padding:-padding - node_ratio + 1]
warnings.warn(f'Trying to partition {num_samples} samples over {num_canonical_nodes}' +
f' canonical nodes. This will result in many samples being repeated, and ' +
f'depending on your batching method, batches being completely dropped. ' +
f'Check if your dataset has the expected number of samples, and consider ' +
f'decreasing the number of canonical nodes.')
shape_needed = (num_canonical_nodes, padded_samples_per_canonical_node)
total_samples_needed = num_canonical_nodes * padded_samples_per_canonical_node
current_samples = np.arange(num_samples, dtype=np.int64)
full_repeats = total_samples_needed // num_samples
leftover_samples = total_samples_needed % num_samples
ids = np.concatenate(
[np.tile(current_samples, full_repeats), current_samples[:leftover_samples]])
ids = ids.reshape(shape_needed)
# Flatten, drop samples that have already been seen, reshape back.
# ids: (physical nodes, samples per node).
ids = ids.transpose()
ids = ids.flatten()
ids = ids[drop_first:]
ids = ids.reshape(-1, num_physical_nodes)
ids = ids.transpose()
# Interleave the node sample ranges over each node's ranks, padding with -1 for reshaping.
# ids: (physical nodes, samples per rank, ranks per node).
overflow = ids.shape[1] % ranks_per_node
if overflow:
underflow = ranks_per_node - overflow
enough_padding_samples = ranks_per_node + underflow - 1 <= ids.shape[1]
if enough_padding_samples:
last = ids[:, -ranks_per_node - underflow + 1:-ranks_per_node + 1]
# There are less samples than ranks. Usually, we pad by trying to ensure that the same
# samples don't get repeated over and over, but with in this case, we are forced to.
warnings.warn(f'Attempting to partition {ids.shape[1]} samples per physical node ' +
f'over {ranks_per_node} gpus. This will result in many samples being ' +
f'repeated, and depending on your batching method, batches being ' +
f'completely dropped. Check if your dataset has the expected number ' +
f'of samples.')
num_samples = ids.shape[1]
full_repeats = underflow // num_samples
leftover_samples = underflow % num_samples
last = np.concatenate([np.tile(ids, full_repeats), ids[:, :leftover_samples]], 1)
ids = np.concatenate([ids, last], 1)
ids = ids.reshape(num_physical_nodes, -1, ranks_per_node)
# Pad with -1 adequately for reshaping across workers.
# ids: (physical nodes, samples per rank, ranks per node).
overflow = ids.shape[1] % workers_per_rank
rounded_num_samples = math.ceil(
ids.shape[1] / (workers_per_rank * batch_size)) * (workers_per_rank * batch_size)
overflow = rounded_num_samples - ids.shape[1]
if overflow:
last = np.full((num_physical_nodes, overflow, ranks_per_node), -1, np.int64)
ids = np.concatenate([ids, last], 1)
# Interleave each rank's padded samples across its workers.
# ids: (physical nodes, ranks per node, workers per rank, batches per worker, batch size).
ids = ids.transpose(0, 2, 1)
ids = ids.reshape(num_physical_nodes, ranks_per_node, -1, workers_per_rank, batch_size)
return ids.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)