Source code for composer.utils.iter_helpers

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

# To keep the typing organized for this file, see iter_helpers.pyi
# All typing annotations are in there
# All methods signatures must be defined in there.

"""Utilities for iterating over collections."""
import contextlib
from import Sequence

[docs]def map_collection(collection, map_fn): """Apply ``map_fn`` on each element in ``collection``. * If ``collection`` is a tuple or list of elements, ``map_fn`` is applied on each element, and a tuple or list, respectively, containing mapped values is returned. * If ``collection`` is a dictionary, ``map_fn`` is applied on each value, and a dictionary containing the mapped values is returned. * If ``collection`` is ``None``, ``None`` is returned. * If ``collection`` is a single element, the result of applying ``map_fn`` on it is returned. Args: collection: The element, or a tuple of elements. map_fn: A function to invoke on each element. Returns: Collection: The result of applying ``map_fn`` on each element of ``collection``. The type of ``collection`` is preserved. """ if collection is None: return None if isinstance(collection, (tuple, list)): return type(collection)(map_fn(x) for x in collection) if isinstance(collection, dict): return {k: map_fn(v) for k, v in collection.items()} return map_fn(collection)
[docs]def ensure_tuple(x): """Converts ``x`` into a tuple. * If ``x`` is ``None``, then ``tuple()`` is returned. * If ``x`` is a tuple, then ``x`` is returned as-is. * If ``x`` is a list, then ``tuple(x)`` is returned. * If ``x`` is a dict, then ``tuple(v for v in x.values())`` is returned. Otherwise, a single element tuple of ``(x,)`` is returned. Args: x (Any): The input to convert into a tuple. Returns: tuple: A tuple of ``x``. """ if x is None: return tuple() if isinstance(x, (str, bytes, bytearray)): return (x,) if isinstance(x, Sequence): return tuple(x) if isinstance(x, dict): return tuple(x.values()) return (x,)
[docs]def iterate_with_pbar(iterator, progress_bar=None): """Iterate over a batch iterator and update a :class:`tqdm.tqdm` progress bar by the batch size on each step. This function iterates over ``iterator``, which is expected to yield batches of elements. On each step, the batch is yielded back to the caller, and the ``progress_bar`` is updated by the **length** of each batch. .. note:: It is expected that the ``progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=sum(len(x) for x in iterator))``. Args: iterator (Iterator[TSized]): An iterator that yields batches of elements. progress_bar (Optional[tqdm.tqdm], optional): A :class:`tqdm.tqdm` progress bar. If ``None`` (the default), then this function simply yields from ``iterator``. Yields: Iterator[TSized]: The elements of ``iterator``. """ with progress_bar if progress_bar is not None else contextlib.nullcontext(None) as pb: for x in iterator: yield x if pb is not None: pb.update(len(x))