Source code for composer.trainer.ddp

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Helpers for running distributed data parallel training."""

from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from typing import Callable, ContextManager, Union, cast

import torch.nn
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel

from composer.core.state import State
from composer.utils import dist
from composer.utils.string_enum import StringEnum

__all__ = ["DDPSyncStrategy"]

[docs]class DDPSyncStrategy(StringEnum): """How and when DDP gradient synchronization should happen. Attributes: SINGLE_AUTO_SYNC: The default behavior for DDP. Gradients are synchronized as they computed, for only the final microbatch of a batch. This is the most efficient strategy, but can lead to errors when ``find_unused_parameters`` is set, since it is possible different microbatches may use different sets of parameters, leading to an incomplete sync. MULTI_AUTO_SYNC: The default behavior for DDP when ``find_unused_parameters`` is set. Gradients are synchronized as they are computed for all microbatches. This ensures complete synchronization, but is less efficient than :attr:`SINGLE_AUTO_SYNC`. This efficiency gap is usually small, as long as either DDP syncs are a small portion of the trainer's overall runtime, or the number of microbatches per batch is relatively small. FORCED_SYNC: Gradients are manually synchronized only after all gradients have been computed for the final microbatch of a batch. Like :attr:`MULTI_AUTO_SYNC`, this strategy ensures complete gradient synchronization, but this tends to be slower than :attr:`MULTI_AUTO_SYNC`. This is because ordinarily syncs can happen in parallel with the ``loss.backward()`` computation, meaning syncs can be mostly complete by the time that function finishes. However, in certain circumstances, syncs may take a very long time to complete - if there are also a lot of microbatches per batch, this strategy may be optimal. """ SINGLE_AUTO_SYNC = "single_auto_sync" MULTI_AUTO_SYNC = "multi_auto_sync" FORCED_SYNC = "forced_sync"
@contextmanager def _ddp_sync_context(state: State, is_final_microbatch: bool, sync_strategy: Union[str, DDPSyncStrategy]): """A context manager for handling the :class:`DDPSyncStrategy`. Args: state (State): The state of the :class:`~composer.trainer.trainer.Trainer`. is_final_microbatch (bool): Whether or not the context is being used during the final microbatch of the gradient accumulation steps. sync_strategy (str or DDPSyncStrategy): The ddp sync strategy to use. If a string is provided, the string must be one of the values in :class:`DDPSyncStrategy`. """ if not isinstance(state.model, DistributedDataParallel): yield return assert state.optimizers is not None, "optimizers have not been initialized" sync_strategy = DDPSyncStrategy(sync_strategy) no_sync_context = cast(Callable[[], ContextManager], state.model.no_sync) auto_sync_context = nullcontext if sync_strategy == DDPSyncStrategy.SINGLE_AUTO_SYNC: context = auto_sync_context if is_final_microbatch else no_sync_context with context(): yield elif sync_strategy == DDPSyncStrategy.MULTI_AUTO_SYNC: with auto_sync_context(): yield elif sync_strategy == DDPSyncStrategy.FORCED_SYNC: try: with no_sync_context(): yield finally: if is_final_microbatch: for optimizer in state.optimizers: for group in optimizer.param_groups: for p in group["params"]: if p.grad is not None: dist.all_reduce(p.grad) p.grad = p.grad / dist.get_world_size() else: raise ValueError("Unknown sync strategy", sync_strategy) def _prepare_ddp_module(module: torch.nn.Module, find_unused_parameters: bool) -> torch.nn.Module: """Wraps the module in a :class:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` object if running distributed training. Args: module (torch.nn.Module): The module to wrap. find_unused_parameters (bool): Whether or not to do a pass over the autograd graph to find parameters to not expect gradients for. This is useful if there are some parameters in the model that are not being trained. """ if dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized(): if any((p.requires_grad for p in module.parameters())): ddp_model = DistributedDataParallel(module, find_unused_parameters=find_unused_parameters) return ddp_model return module if dist.is_available(): raise RuntimeError("Please call dist.initialize_dist() before calling ddp.prepare_module()") raise RuntimeError("When the world size is > 1, ``torch.distributed`` must be used. However, it is " "not available in your installation of PyTorch. Please install or build PyTorch " "with distributed support.")