Source code for composer.profiler.profiler

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Composer Profiler."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import pathlib
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from composer.core.state import State
from composer.profiler.marker import Marker
from composer.profiler.profiler_action import ProfilerAction
from composer.profiler.trace_handler import TraceHandler
from composer.utils.iter_helpers import ensure_tuple

__all__ = ["Profiler"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Profiler: """Composer Profiler. See the :doc:`Profiling Guide </trainer/performance_tutorials/profiling>` for additional information. .. note:: The :class:`~composer.trainer.trainer.Trainer` creates an instance of this :class:`.Profiler` class when ``prof_trace_handlers`` and ``prof_schedule`` are provided. When using the Composer :class:`~composer.trainer.trainer.Trainer`, one does not need to directly create an instance of this :class:`Profiler` class. Args: state (State): The training state. schedule ((State) -> ProfilerAction): The profiling scheduling function. It takes the training state and returns a :class:`.ProfilerAction`. trace_handlers (TraceHandler | Sequence[TraceHandler]): Trace handlers which record and save profiling data to traces. """ def __init__( self, state: State, schedule: Callable[[State], ProfilerAction], trace_handlers: Union[TraceHandler, Sequence[TraceHandler]], ) -> None: self._names_to_markers: Dict[str, Marker] = {} self._trace_handlers = list(ensure_tuple(trace_handlers)) self.state = state self.schedule = schedule @property def trace_handlers(self): """Profiler trace handlers.""" return self._trace_handlers @trace_handlers.setter def trace_handlers(self, trace_handlers: Union[TraceHandler, Sequence[TraceHandler]]): """Profiler trace handlers.""" self._trace_handlers[:] = ensure_tuple(trace_handlers)
[docs] def record_chrome_json_trace_file(self, filepath: Union[str, pathlib.Path]): """Record trace events in `Chrome JSON format <https://\\>`_ in the trace handlers. .. note:: For custom profiling, it is recommended to use :meth:`marker` instead of manually creating a Chrome JSON trace file. By default, the Composer Profiler will automatically saving :class:`.Marker` events in Chrome JSON format. This method exists for external profilers that natively record events in Chrome JSON format (such as the :class:`~composer.profiler.torch_profiler.TorchProfiler`). These profilers can use this method to route their profiling traces to the Composer profiler :attr:`~trace_handlers` so events from both the Composer Profiler and external profilers are recorded in the same trace file. """ for recorder in self.trace_handlers: recorder.process_chrome_json_trace_file(pathlib.Path(filepath))
[docs] def marker( self, name: str, actions: Sequence[ProfilerAction] = (ProfilerAction.WARMUP, ProfilerAction.ACTIVE, ProfilerAction.ACTIVE_AND_SAVE), record_instant_on_start: bool = False, record_instant_on_finish: bool = False, categories: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]] = tuple(), ) -> Marker: """Create and get an instance of a :class:`.Marker`. If a :class:`.Marker` with the specified ``name`` does not already exist, it will be created. Otherwise, the existing instance will be returned. .. note:: :meth:`.Profiler.marker()` should be used to construct markers. :class:`.Marker` **should not** be instantiated directly by the user. For example: .. testsetup:: from composer.profiler import Profiler, cyclic_schedule profiler = Profiler(state=state, schedule=cyclic_schedule(), trace_handlers=[]) .. doctest:: >>> marker = profiler.marker("foo") >>> marker <composer.profiler.marker.Marker object at ...> Please see :meth:`.Marker.start()` and :meth:`.Marker.finish()` for usage on creating markers to measure duration events, :meth:`.Marker.instant()` for usage on creating markers to mark instant events and :meth:`.Marker.counter()` for usage on creating markers for counting. Args: name (str): The name for the :class:`.Marker`. actions (Sequence[ProfilerAction], optional): :class:`.ProfilerAction` states to record on. Defaults to (:attr:`~.ProfilerAction.WARMUP`, :attr:`~.ProfilerAction.ACTIVE`, :attr:`~.ProfilerAction.ACTIVE_AND_SAVE`). record_instant_on_start (bool, optional): Whether to record an instant event whenever the marker is started. Defaults to ``False``. record_instant_on_finish (bool, optional): Whether to record an instant event whenever the marker is finished. Defaults to ``False``. categories (Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]], optional): Categories for this marker. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: Marker: Marker instance. """ if name not in self._names_to_markers: def should_record(state: State) -> bool: return self.schedule(state) in actions self._names_to_markers[name] = Marker( state=self.state, trace_handlers=self.trace_handlers, name=name, should_record=should_record, record_instant_on_start=record_instant_on_start, record_instant_on_finish=record_instant_on_finish, categories=categories, ) self._names_to_markers[name].categories = categories return self._names_to_markers[name]