Source code for composer.profiler.json_trace_handler

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Outputs profiling data in JSON trace format."""

from __future__ import annotations

import gzip
import json
import os
import pathlib
import queue
import tempfile
import textwrap
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from composer.core.state import State
from composer.core.time import Timestamp
from composer.loggers import Logger, LogLevel
from composer.profiler.json_trace_merger import merge_traces
from composer.profiler.profiler_action import ProfilerAction
from composer.profiler.trace_handler import TraceHandler
from composer.utils import dist, ensure_folder_is_empty
from composer.utils.file_helpers import (FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_AND_TIME_TABLE, FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_TABLE,
                                         format_name_with_dist, format_name_with_dist_and_time)

__all__ = ["JSONTraceHandler"]

[docs]class JSONTraceHandler(TraceHandler): __doc__ = f"""Records trace events in `JSON trace format <https://\\>`_. Traces are output to ``output_directory``. Traces can be visualized using the Chrome Trace Viewer. To view in a Google Chrome browser, navigate to ``chrome://tracing`` and load the JSON trace file. Args: folder (str, optional): Format string for the trace file folder. Defaults to ``'{{run_name}}/traces'``. The following format variables are available: {textwrap.indent(FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_TABLE, prefix=' ')} For example, if the ``run_name`` is ``'awesome_training_run'``, and the default ``folder`` of ``'{{run_name}}/traces'`` is used, traces will be stored in ``'awesome_training_run/traces'``. filename (str, optional): A format string describing how to name trace files. (default: ``'ep{{epoch}}-ba{{batch}}-rank{{rank}}.json'``) At the end of each batch where :meth:`~composer.profiler.Profiler.get_action` returns :attr:`~composer.profiler._profiler_action.ProfilerAction.ACTIVE_AND_SAVE`, trace files are saved approximately to ``{{folder}}/{{filename.format(...)}}``. The following format variables are available: {textwrap.indent(FORMAT_NAME_WITH_DIST_AND_TIME_TABLE, prefix=' ')} Consider the following scenario, where: * The :attr:`~.Logger.run_name` is ``'awesome-training-run'`` * The default ``trace_folder='{{run_name}}/traces'`` is used. * The default ``name='ep{{epoch}}-ba{{batch}}-rank{{rank}}.json'`` is used. * The current epoch count is ``1``. * The current batch count is ``42``. Each rank (process) will save traces to:: awesome-training-run/traces/ep1-ba42-rank0.json awesome-training-run/traces/ep1-ba42-rank1.json awesome-training-run/traces/ep1-ba42-rank2.json ... artifact_name (str, optional): Format string for the trace file's artifact name. (default: ``'{{run_name}}/traces/ep{{epoch}}-ba{{batch}}-rank{{rank}}.json'``) Whenever a trace file is saved, it is also logged as a file artifact according to this format string. The same format variables as for ``filename`` are available. .. seealso:: :meth:`~composer.loggers.logger.Logger.file_artifact` for file artifact logging. Leading slashes (``'/'``) will be stripped. To disable logging trace files as file artifacts, set this parameter to ``None``. merged_trace_filename (str, optional): Format string for the merged trace filename. (default: ``'node{{node_rank}}.json'``) Each rank writes a separate trace file at the end of each profiling cycle. However, when visualizing traces, it is generally helpful to merge traces together into a single file. This allows the traces across all ranks to be shown in a single view. To The same format variables as for ``folder`` are available. The merged trace file is saved approximately to ``{{folder}}/{{merged_trace_filename.format(...)}}`` on the local rank zero process for each node. If specified (the default), the local rank zero process merges together all traces files from that node, across all profiling cycles, into a single trace file. The merged trace file is written to the filename specified by this format string. There will be one merged trace file per node. To disable merging, set this parameter to ``None``. .. warning:: Trace merging blocks the training loop. When profiling live training runs, it is recommended to disable trace merging by setting this parameter to ``None``. Instead, traces should be merged together in a post-processing step. See :mod:`composer.profiler.json_trace_merger` for additional info. merged_trace_artifact_name (str, optional): Format string for the merged trace file's artifact name. (default: ``'{{run_name}}/traces/merged_trace.json'``) The same format variables as for ``folder`` are available. This parameter has no effect if ``merged_trace_filename`` is None. To disable logging merged trace files as file artifacts, set this parameter to ``None``. overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite existing traces. (default: ``False``) If ``False``, the :meth:`trace_folder` (as determined by the ``trace_folder`` argument) must be empty when training starts. num_traces_to_keep (int, optional): The number of traces to keep locally. The oldest traces are removed first. Set to ``-1`` to keep all traces locally. (default: ``-1``) Traces will be removed after they have been logged as a file artifact. For example, when this handler is used in conjunction with the :class:`~composer.loggers.object_store_logger.ObjectStoreLogger`, set this parameter to ``0`` to immediately delete traces from the local disk after they have been uploaded to the object store. This parameter only controls how many traces are kept locally; traces are not deleted from artifact stores. Attributes: saved_traces (List[Tuple[Timestamp, List[pathlib.Path]]]): The trace timestamps and filepaths. This list contains tuples of the save timestamp and the trace filepaths. This list will have at most ``save_num_traces_to_keep`` entries. The latest trace will be at the end. The index of a filepath in each list corresponds to the global rank of the process that wrote that file. Each filepath is valid only on the process's (rank's) node. """ def __init__( self, folder: str = '{run_name}/traces', filename: str = 'ep{epoch}-ba{batch}-rank{rank}.json', artifact_name: Optional[str] = '{run_name}/traces/ep{epoch}-ba{batch}-rank{rank}.json', merged_trace_filename: Optional[str] = 'merged_trace.json', merged_trace_artifact_name: Optional[str] = '{run_name}/traces/merged_trace.json', *, overwrite: bool = False, num_traces_to_keep: int = -1, ): self.folder = folder self.overwrite = overwrite self.filename = filename self.artifact_name = artifact_name self.merged_trace_filename = merged_trace_filename self.merged_trace_artifact_name = merged_trace_artifact_name self.saved_traces: List[Tuple[Timestamp, List[pathlib.Path]]] = [] self.num_traces_to_keep = num_traces_to_keep self._queue: queue.Queue[str] = queue.Queue() self._is_trace_active = False self._save_at_batch_end = False def init(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: del state # unused trace_folder = format_name_with_dist(self.folder, run_name=logger.run_name) os.makedirs(trace_folder, exist_ok=True) if not self.overwrite: ensure_folder_is_empty(trace_folder) # Ensure all ranks checked that the folder is empty before proceeding # remove any existing merged trace file if self.merged_trace_filename is not None: merged_trace_filename = os.path.join( trace_folder, format_name_with_dist(self.merged_trace_filename, logger.run_name), ) merged_trace_dirname = os.path.dirname(merged_trace_filename) if merged_trace_dirname: if os.path.exists(merged_trace_filename): os.remove(merged_trace_filename) dist.barrier() def batch_start(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: if state.profiler is None: raise RuntimeError(("The Composer Profiler was not enabled, which is required to use the " f"{type(self).__name__}. To enable, set the `prof_schedule` argument of the Trainer.")) if state.profiler.schedule(state) != ProfilerAction.SKIP and not self._is_trace_active: # Starting a new profiling cycle wall_clock_ns = time.time_ns() self._record_event( name="process_name", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"name": f"Rank {dist.get_global_rank()} training loop process"}) self._record_event( name="thread_name", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"name": f"Training Loop"}) self._record_event( name="thread_sort_index", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"sort_index": 0}) # training loop thread should be first self._record_event( name="global_rank", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"value": dist.get_global_rank()}) self._record_event( name="process_sort_index", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"sort_index": dist.get_global_rank()}) # sort index for processes should be the global rank # Synchronize the clocks # Each rank will record a timestamp at approxmately the same real world time clock_sync_a = time.time_ns() dist.barrier() # syncronize all ranks clock_sync_time_ns = time.time_ns() dist.barrier() # another barrier to bound the error clock_sync_b = time.time_ns() clock_sync_error_bound = clock_sync_b - clock_sync_a self._record_event( name="clock_sync_timestamp_us", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"value": clock_sync_time_ns // 1000}) self._record_event( name="clock_sync_error_bound", ph="M", # metadata wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_ns, tid=os.getpid(), pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args={"value": clock_sync_error_bound // 1000}) self._is_trace_active = True if state.profiler.schedule(state) == ProfilerAction.ACTIVE_AND_SAVE: self._save_at_batch_end = True def batch_end(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: assert state.profiler is not None timestamp = state.timer.get_timestamp() trace_folder = format_name_with_dist(self.folder, run_name=logger.run_name) if self._save_at_batch_end: # no longer active, but was previously active. # Epty the queue and save the trace file trace_filename = os.path.join( trace_folder, format_name_with_dist_and_time(self.filename, logger.run_name, timestamp), ) trace_dirname = os.path.dirname(trace_filename) if trace_dirname: os.makedirs(trace_dirname, exist_ok=True) with open(trace_filename, 'w+') as f: is_first_line = True f.write('[\n') while True: try: s = self._queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break if not is_first_line: s = ",\n" + s is_first_line = False f.write(s) f.write('\n]\n') if self.artifact_name is not None: artifact_name = format_name_with_dist_and_time(self.artifact_name, logger.run_name, timestamp) logger.file_artifact(LogLevel.BATCH, artifact_name=artifact_name, file_path=trace_filename, overwrite=self.overwrite) # Gather the filenames trace_files = [pathlib.Path(x) for x in dist.all_gather_object(trace_filename)] self.saved_traces.append((timestamp, trace_files)) # Ensure that all traces have been saved. dist.barrier() if self.merged_trace_filename is not None and dist.get_local_rank() == 0: # Merge together all traces from the node into one file start_rank = dist.get_global_rank() end_rank = dist.get_global_rank() + dist.get_local_world_size() trace_files_to_merge = trace_files[start_rank:end_rank] merged_trace_filename = os.path.join( trace_folder, format_name_with_dist( self.merged_trace_filename, logger.run_name, ), ) merged_trace_dirname = os.path.dirname(merged_trace_filename) if merged_trace_dirname: os.makedirs(merged_trace_dirname, exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(merged_trace_filename): # Include the existing merged trace in the new trace with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("x+", delete=False) as f: merge_traces(, merged_trace_filename, *trace_files_to_merge) os.rename(, merged_trace_filename) else: # Write the trace directly merge_traces(merged_trace_filename, *trace_files_to_merge) if self.merged_trace_artifact_name is not None: merged_trace_artifact_name = format_name_with_dist( self.merged_trace_artifact_name, logger.run_name, ) logger.file_artifact( LogLevel.BATCH, artifact_name=merged_trace_artifact_name, file_path=merged_trace_artifact_name, overwrite=True, ) # delete old trace files if self.num_traces_to_keep >= 0: while len(self.saved_traces) > self.num_traces_to_keep: timestamp, checkpoint_filepaths = self.saved_traces[0] if dist.get_global_rank() < len(checkpoint_filepaths): # Remove this rank's trace os.remove(checkpoint_filepaths[dist.get_global_rank()]) del self.saved_traces[0] self._is_trace_active = False self._save_at_batch_end = False def process_duration_event( self, name: str, categories: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]], is_start: bool, timestamp: Timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns: int, ) -> None: ph = "B" if is_start else "E" args = {} args["epoch"] = timestamp.epoch.value args["batch"] = timestamp.batch.value self._record_event( name=name, categories=",".join(categories), ph=ph, wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_time_ns, pid=dist.get_global_rank(), args=args, tid=os.getpid(), ) def process_instant_event( self, name: str, categories: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]], timestamp: Timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns: int, ) -> None: args = {} args["epoch"] = timestamp.epoch.value args["batch"] = timestamp.batch.value self._record_event( name=name, categories=",".join(categories), ph="i", wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_time_ns, args=args, pid=dist.get_global_rank(), tid=os.getpid(), s="p", # mark instant event for at process level ) def process_counter_event(self, name: str, categories: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]], timestamp: Timestamp, wall_clock_time_ns: int, values: Dict[str, Union[int, float]]) -> None: self._record_event( name=name, categories=",".join(categories), ph='C', # counter event wall_clock_ns=wall_clock_time_ns, pid=dist.get_global_rank(), tid=os.getpid(), args=values, ) def _record_event(self, name: str, ph: str, wall_clock_ns: int, pid: int, tid: int, categories: str = "", **kwargs): """Helper function to record an event in the trace. Args: name (str): Event name categories (str): Comma-seperated string of event categories ph (str): Event type. Should be one of the following Duration Events: ``B`` (begin), ``E`` (end) Complete Events: ``X`` Instant Events: ``i`` Counter Events: ``C`` Async Events: ``b`` (nestable start), ``n`` (nestable instant), ``e`` (nestable end) Flow events: ``s`` (start), ``t`` (step), ``f`` (end) Sample events: ``P`` Object Events ``N`` (created), ``O`` (snapshot), ``D`` (destroyed) Metadata Events: ``M`` Memory Dump Events: ``V`` (global), ``v`` (process) Mark Events: ``R`` Clock Sync Events ``c`` wall_clock_ns (int): Wall clock time, in nanoseconds. tid (int): :meth:`threading.get_ident` value for the event pid (int): :meth:`os.get_pid` value for the event kwargs: Any extra info to record with the event, such as event specific fields. """ data = { "name": name, "cat": categories, "ph": ph, "ts": wall_clock_ns // 1000, # tracing clock timestamp, in microseconds "pid": pid, "tid": tid, **kwargs, } entry = json.dumps(data, indent=None) self._queue.put_nowait(entry) def process_chrome_json_trace_file(self, filepath: pathlib.Path) -> None: with (, 'rt') if str(filepath).endswith('.gz') else open(filepath, "r")) as f: # It may be an incomplete trace file that is missing the closing ] bracket, as is permitted # in the chrome json format spec trace_data_str = if trace_data_str.startswith('[') and not trace_data_str.endswith(']'): trace_data_str += ']' trace_data = json.loads(trace_data_str) if isinstance(trace_data, dict): event_list = trace_data["traceEvents"] else: event_list = trace_data if not isinstance(event_list, list): raise TypeError("A trace file should either be a dict or a list") for entry in event_list: entry['pid'] = dist.get_global_rank() # override the PID to the global rank entry_s = json.dumps(entry, indent=None) self._queue.put_nowait(entry_s)