Source code for composer.models.ssd.base_model

"""SSD 300 resnet backbones in PyTorch adapted from MLCommons.

Based on MLCommons Reference Implementation `here`_

.. _here:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchvision.models.resnet import resnet18, resnet34

def _ModifyConvStrideDilation(conv, stride=(1, 1), padding=None):
    conv.stride = stride

    if padding is not None:
        conv.padding = padding

def _ModifyBlock(block, bottleneck=False, **kwargs):
    for m in list(block.children()):
        if bottleneck:
            _ModifyConvStrideDilation(m.conv2, **kwargs)
            _ModifyConvStrideDilation(m.conv1, **kwargs)

        if m.downsample is not None:
            # need to make sure no padding for the 1x1 residual connection
            _ModifyConvStrideDilation(list(m.downsample.children())[0], **kwargs)

class ResNet18(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        rn18 = resnet18(pretrained=True)

        # discard last Resnet block, avrpooling and classification FC
        # layer1 = up to and including conv3 block
        self.layer1 = nn.Sequential(*list(rn18.children())[:6])
        # layer2 = conv4 block only
        self.layer2 = nn.Sequential(*list(rn18.children())[6:7])

        # modify conv4 if necessary
        # Always deal with stride in first block
        modulelist = list(self.layer2.children())
        _ModifyBlock(modulelist[0], stride=(1, 1))

    def forward(self, data):
        layer1_activation = self.layer1(data)
        x = layer1_activation
        layer2_activation = self.layer2(x)

        # Only need the output of conv4
        return [layer2_activation]

class ResNet34(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, model_path=None):
        rn34 = resnet34(pretrained=(model_path is None))
        if model_path is not None:

        # discard last Resnet block, avrpooling and classification FC
        self.layer1 = nn.Sequential(*list(rn34.children())[:6])
        self.layer2 = nn.Sequential(*list(rn34.children())[6:7])
        # modify conv4 if necessary
        # Always deal with stride in first block
        modulelist = list(self.layer2.children())
        _ModifyBlock(modulelist[0], stride=(1, 1))

    def forward(self, data):
        layer1_activation = self.layer1(data)
        x = layer1_activation
        layer2_activation = self.layer2(x)

        return [layer2_activation]

[docs]class Loss(nn.Module): """Implements the loss as the sum of the followings: 1. Confidence Loss: All labels, with hard negative mining 2. Localization Loss: Only on positive labels """ def __init__(self, dboxes): super(Loss, self).__init__() self.scale_xy = 1.0 / dboxes.scale_xy self.scale_wh = 1.0 / dboxes.scale_wh self.sl1_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduce=False) self.dboxes = nn.Parameter(dboxes(order="xywh").transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(dim=0), requires_grad=False) # Two factor are from following links # self.con_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=False) def _loc_vec(self, loc): """Generate Location Vectors.""" gxy = self.scale_xy * (loc[:, :2, :] - self.dboxes[:, :2, :]) / self.dboxes[:, 2:,] gwh = self.scale_wh * (loc[:, 2:, :] / self.dboxes[:, 2:, :]).log() return, gwh), dim=1).contiguous()
[docs] def forward(self, ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel): """ploc, plabel: Nx4x8732, Nxlabel_numx8732 predicted location and labels. gloc, glabel: Nx4x8732, Nx8732 ground truth location and labels """ mask = glabel > 0 pos_num = mask.sum(dim=1) vec_gd = self._loc_vec(gloc) # sum on four coordinates, and mask sl1 = self.sl1_loss(ploc, vec_gd).sum(dim=1) sl1 = (mask.float() * sl1).sum(dim=1) # hard negative mining con = self.con_loss(plabel, glabel) # postive mask will never selected con_neg = con.clone() con_neg[mask] = 0 _, con_idx = con_neg.sort(dim=1, descending=True) _, con_rank = con_idx.sort(dim=1) # number of negative three times positive neg_num = torch.clamp(3 * pos_num, max=mask.size(1)).unsqueeze(-1) neg_mask = con_rank < neg_num closs = (con * (mask.float() + neg_mask.float())).sum(dim=1) # avoid no object detected total_loss = sl1 + closs num_mask = (pos_num > 0).float() pos_num = pos_num.float().clamp(min=1e-6) ret = (total_loss * num_mask / pos_num).mean(dim=0) return ret