Source code for composer.models.deeplabv3.deeplabv3_hparams

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""`YAHP <>`_ interface for :class:`.ComposerDeepLabV3`."""

from dataclasses import dataclass

import yahp as hp

from composer.models.model_hparams import ModelHparams

__all__ = ["DeepLabV3Hparams"]

[docs]@dataclass class DeepLabV3Hparams(ModelHparams): """`YAHP <>`_ interface for :class:`.ComposerDeepLabV3`. Args: num_classes (int): Number of classes in the segmentation task. backbone_arch (str, optional): The architecture to use for the backbone. Must be either [``'resnet50'``, ``'resnet101'``]. Default: ``'resnet101'``. is_backbone_pretrained (bool, optional): If ``True``, use pretrained weights for the backbone. Default: ``True``. backbone_url (str, optional): Url used to download model weights. If empty, the PyTorch url will be used. Default: ``''``. use_plus (bool, optional): If ``True``, use DeepLabv3+ head instead of DeepLabv3. Default: ``True``. sync_bn (bool, optional): If ``True``, replace all BatchNorm layers with SyncBatchNorm layers. Default: ``True``. initializers (List[Initializer], optional): Initializers for the model. ``[]`` for no initialization. Default: ``[]``. """ backbone_arch: str = hp.optional("The backbone architecture to use. Must be either ['resnet50', resnet101'].", default='resnet101') is_backbone_pretrained: bool = hp.optional("If true, use pre-trained weights for backbone.", default=True) backbone_url: str = hp.optional( "Url to download model weights from. If blank (default), will download from PyTorch's url.", default='') use_plus: bool = hp.optional("If true (default), use DeepLabv3+ head instead of DeepLabv3.", default=True) sync_bn: bool = hp.optional("If true, use SyncBatchNorm to sync batch norm statistics across GPUs.", default=True) def validate(self): if self.num_classes is None: raise ValueError("num_classes must be specified") if self.backbone_arch not in ['resnet50', 'resnet101']: raise ValueError(f"backbone_arch must be one of ['resnet50', 'resnet101']: not {self.backbone_arch}") def initialize_object(self): from composer.models.deeplabv3.deeplabv3 import ComposerDeepLabV3 if self.num_classes is None: raise ValueError("num_classes must be specified") return ComposerDeepLabV3(num_classes=self.num_classes, backbone_arch=self.backbone_arch, is_backbone_pretrained=self.is_backbone_pretrained, backbone_url=self.backbone_url, use_plus=self.use_plus, sync_bn=self.sync_bn, initializers=self.initializers)