Source code for composer.loggers.logger_hparams

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Logger Hyperparameter classes."""
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import yahp as hp

from composer.loggers.file_logger import FileLogger
from composer.loggers.in_memory_logger import InMemoryLogger
from composer.loggers.logger import LogLevel
from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination
from composer.loggers.object_store_logger import ObjectStoreLogger
from composer.loggers.progress_bar_logger import ProgressBarLogger
from composer.loggers.wandb_logger import WandBLogger
from composer.utils import ObjectStoreHparams, dist, import_object

__all__ = [

[docs]@dataclass class LoggerDestinationHparams(hp.Hparams, ABC): """Base class for logger callback hyperparameters. Logger parameters that are added to :class:`~.trainer_hparams.TrainerHparams` (e.g. via YAML or the CLI) are initialized in the training loop. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize_object(self) -> LoggerDestination: """Initializes the logger.""" pass
[docs]@dataclass class FileLoggerHparams(LoggerDestinationHparams): """:class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger` hyperparameters. See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger` for documentation. Args: filename (str, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. artifact_name (str, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. capture_stdout (bool, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. capture_stderr (bool, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. buffer_size (int, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. log_level (LogLevel, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. log_interval (int, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. flush_interval (int, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`. """ log_level: LogLevel = hp.optional("The maximum verbosity to log. Default: EPOCH", default=LogLevel.EPOCH) filename: str = hp.optional("Filename format string for the logfile.", default='{run_name}/logs-rank{rank}.txt') artifact_name: Optional[str] = hp.optional("Artifact name format string for the logfile.", default=None) capture_stdout: bool = hp.optional("Whether to capture writes to `stdout`", default=True) capture_stderr: bool = hp.optional("Whether to capture writes to `stderr`", default=True) buffer_size: int = hp.optional("Number of bytes to buffer. Defaults to 1 for line-buffering. " "See", default=1) # line buffering. Python's default is -1. flush_interval: int = hp.optional( "Frequency to flush the file, relative to the ``log_level``. " "Defaults to 100 of the unit of ``log_level``.", default=100) log_interval: int = hp.optional( "Frequency to record log messages, relative to the ``log_level``." "Defaults to 1 (record all messages).", default=1) def initialize_object(self) -> FileLogger: return FileLogger(**asdict(self))
[docs]@dataclass class WandBLoggerHparams(LoggerDestinationHparams): """:class:`~composer.loggers.wandb_logger.WandBLogger` hyperparameters. Args: project (str, optional): WandB project name. group (str, optional): WandB group name. name (str, optional): WandB run name. If not specified, the :attr:`.Logger.run_name` will be used. entity (str, optional): WandB entity name. tags (str, optional): WandB tags, comma-separated. config (Dict[str, Any], optional): WandB run configuration. flatten_config (bool, optional): Whether to flatten the run config. (default: ``False``) log_artifacts (bool, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.wandb_logger.WandBLogger`. rank_zero_only (bool, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.wandb_logger.WandBLogger`. extra_init_params (dict, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.wandb_logger.WandBLogger`. """ project: Optional[str] = hp.optional(doc="wandb project name", default=None) group: Optional[str] = hp.optional(doc="wandb group name", default=None) name: Optional[str] = hp.optional(doc="wandb run name", default=None) entity: Optional[str] = hp.optional(doc="wandb entity", default=None) tags: Optional[str] = hp.optional(doc="wandb tags comma separated", default=None) log_artifacts: bool = hp.optional(doc="Whether to log artifacts", default=False) rank_zero_only: bool = hp.optional("Whether to log on rank zero only", default=True) extra_init_params: Dict[str, Any] = hp.optional(doc="wandb parameters", default_factory=dict) config: Dict[str, Any] = hp.optional(doc="Wandb run configuration", default_factory=dict) flatten_config: bool = hp.optional( doc="Whether to flatten the config, which can make nested fields easier to visualize and query.", default=False) def initialize_object(self) -> WandBLogger: tags = None if self.tags is not None: tags = list(set([x.strip() for x in self.tags.split(",") if x.strip() != ""])) config_dict = self.config if "config" in self.extra_init_params: config_dict = self.extra_init_params["config"] if self.flatten_config: config_dict = self._flatten_dict(config_dict) if self.rank_zero_only: name = group = else: name = f"{} [RANK_{dist.get_global_rank()}]" group = if else init_params = { "project": self.project, "name": name, "group": group, "entity": self.entity, "tags": tags, "config": config_dict, } init_params.update(self.extra_init_params) return WandBLogger( log_artifacts=self.log_artifacts, rank_zero_only=self.rank_zero_only, init_params=init_params, ) @classmethod def _flatten_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any], _prefix: List[str] = []) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Flattens a dictionary with list or sub dicts to have dot syntax. .. testcode:: >>> config = { ... "sub_dict":{ ... "sub_list":[ ... "sub_sub_dict":{ ... "foo": 0, ... "bar": "baz" ... } ... ] ... }, ... "hello": "world" ... } >>> _flatten_dict(config) { '': 0, '': 'baz', 'hello': 'world', } """ all_items = {} for key, val in data.items(): key_items = _prefix + [key] key_name = ".".join(key_items) if isinstance(val, dict): all_items.update(cls._flatten_dict(val, key_items)) elif isinstance(val, list): found_sub_dicts = False for item in val: if isinstance(item, dict): found_sub_dicts = True for sub_key, sub_val in item.items(): if isinstance(sub_val, dict): all_items.update(cls._flatten_dict(sub_val, key_items + [sub_key])) else: all_items.update({sub_key: sub_val}) if not found_sub_dicts: all_items[key_name] = val else: all_items[key_name] = val return all_items
[docs]@dataclass class ProgressBarLoggerHparams(LoggerDestinationHparams): """:class:`~composer.loggers.progress_bar_logger.ProgressBarLogger` hyperparameters. .. deprecated:: 0.6.0 This class is deprecated. Instead, please specify the :class:`.ProgressBarLogger` arguments directly in the :class:`~composer.trainer.trainer_hparams.TrainerHparams`. This class will be removed in v0.7.0. Args: progress_bar (bool, optional): See :class:`.ProgressBarLogger`. log_to_console (bool, optional): See :class:`.ProgressBarLogger`. console_log_level (bool, optional): See :class:`.ProgressBarLogger`. stream (bool, optional): See :class:`.ProgressBarLogger`. """ progress_bar: bool = hp.optional("Whether to show a progress bar.", default=True) log_to_console: Optional[bool] = hp.optional("Whether to print log statements to the console.", default=None) console_log_level: LogLevel = hp.optional("The maximum log level.", default=LogLevel.EPOCH) stream: str = hp.optional("The stream at which to write the progress bar and log statements.", default="stderr") def initialize_object(self) -> ProgressBarLogger: return ProgressBarLogger( progress_bar=self.progress_bar, log_to_console=self.log_to_console, console_log_level=self.console_log_level,, )
[docs]@dataclass class InMemoryLoggerHparams(LoggerDestinationHparams): """:class:`~composer.loggers.in_memory_logger.InMemoryLogger` hyperparameters. Args: log_level (str or LogLevel, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.in_memory_logger.InMemoryLogger`. """ log_level: LogLevel = hp.optional("The maximum verbosity to log. Default: BATCH", default=LogLevel.BATCH) def initialize_object(self) -> LoggerDestination: return InMemoryLogger(log_level=self.log_level)
[docs]@dataclass class ObjectStoreLoggerHparams(LoggerDestinationHparams): """:class:`~composer.loggers.in_memory_logger.InMemoryLogger` hyperparameters. Args: object_store_hparams (ObjectStoreHparams): The object store provider hparams. should_log_artifact (str, optional): The path to a filter function which returns whether an artifact should be logged. The path should be of the format ````. The function should take (:class:`~composer.core.state.State`, :class:`.LogLevel`, ``<artifact name>``). The artifact name will be a string. The function should return a boolean indicating whether the artifact should be logged. .. seealso: :func:`composer.utils.import_helpers.import_object` Setting this parameter to ``None`` (the default) will log all artifacts. object_name (str, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.object_store_logger.ObjectStoreLogger`. config_artifact_name (str, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.object_store_logger.ObjectStoreLogger`. num_concurrent_uploads (int, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.object_store_logger.ObjectStoreLogger`. upload_staging_folder (str, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.object_store_logger.ObjectStoreLogger`. use_procs (bool, optional): See :class:`~composer.loggers.object_store_logger.ObjectStoreLogger`. """ object_store_hparams: ObjectStoreHparams = hp.required("Object store provider hparams.") should_log_artifact: Optional[str] = hp.optional( "Path to a filter function which returns whether an artifact should be logged.", default=None) object_name: str = hp.optional("A format string for object names", default="{artifact_name}") config_artifact_name: Optional[str] = hp.optional( "Format string to describe how to store the training configuration.", default="{run_name}/config.yaml") num_concurrent_uploads: int = hp.optional("Maximum number of concurrent uploads.", default=4) use_procs: bool = hp.optional("Whether to perform file uploads in background processes (as opposed to threads).", default=True) upload_staging_folder: Optional[str] = hp.optional( "Staging folder for uploads. If not specified, will use a temporary directory.", default=None) def initialize_object(self) -> ObjectStoreLogger: return ObjectStoreLogger( provider=self.object_store_hparams.provider, container=self.object_store_hparams.container, provider_kwargs=self.object_store_hparams.get_provider_kwargs(), object_name=self.object_name, should_log_artifact=import_object(self.should_log_artifact) if self.should_log_artifact is not None else None, num_concurrent_uploads=self.num_concurrent_uploads, upload_staging_folder=self.upload_staging_folder, use_procs=self.use_procs, )
logger_registry = { "file": FileLoggerHparams, "wandb": WandBLoggerHparams, "progress_bar": ProgressBarLoggerHparams, "in_memory": InMemoryLoggerHparams, "object_store": ObjectStoreLoggerHparams, } """The registry of all known :class:`.LoggerDestinationHparams`."""