Source code for composer.loggers.logger

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Base classes, functions, and variables for logger."""

from __future__ import annotations

import operator
import pathlib
import time
from enum import IntEnum
from functools import reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import coolname
import torch

from composer.utils import dist, ensure_tuple

    from composer.core.state import State
    from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination

__all__ = ["LoggerDestination", "Logger", "LogLevel", "format_log_data_value"]

[docs]class LogLevel(IntEnum): """LogLevel denotes when in the training loop log messages are generated. Logging destinations use the LogLevel to determine whether to record a given metric or state change. Attributes: FIT: Logged once per training run. EPOCH: Logged once per epoch. BATCH: Logged once per batch. """ FIT = 1 EPOCH = 2 BATCH = 3 @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value: object): if isinstance(value, LogLevel): return value if isinstance(value, int): return LogLevel(value) if isinstance(value, str): return LogLevel[value.upper()] return super()._missing_(value)
[docs]class Logger: """An interface to record training data. The :class:`~composer.trainer.trainer.Trainer`, instances of :class:`~composer.core.callback.Callback`, and instances of :class:`~composer.core.algorithm.Algorithm` invoke the logger to record data such as the epoch, training loss, and custom metrics as provided by individual callbacks and algorithms. This class does not store any data itself; instead, it routes all data to the ``destinations``. Each destination (e.g. the :class:`~composer.loggers.file_logger.FileLogger`, :class:`~composer.loggers.in_memory_logger.InMemoryLogger`) is responsible for storing the data itself (e.g. writing it to a file or storing it in memory). Args: state (State): The training state. destinations (LoggerDestination | Sequence[LoggerDestination], optional): The logger destinations, to where logging data will be sent. (default: ``None``) run_name (str, optional): The name for this training run. If not specified, the timestamp will be combined with a :doc:`coolname <coolname:index>` like the following: .. testsetup:: composer.loggers.logger.Logger.__init__.run_name import random import coolname import time coolname.replace_random(random.Random(0)) original_time = time.time time.time = lambda: 1647293526.1849217 .. doctest:: composer.loggers.logger.Logger.__init__.run_name >>> logger = Logger(state=state, destinations=[]) >>> logger.run_name '1647293526-electric-zebra' .. testcleanup:: composer.loggers.logger.Logger.__init__.run_name time.time = original_time Attributes: destinations (Sequence[LoggerDestination]): A sequence of :class:`~.LoggerDestination` to where logging calls will be sent. run_name (str): The ``run_name``. """ def __init__( self, state: State, destinations: Optional[Union[LoggerDestination, Sequence[LoggerDestination]]] = None, run_name: Optional[str] = None, ): self.destinations = ensure_tuple(destinations) if run_name is None: # prefixing with the time so experiments sorted alphabetically will # have the latest experiment last run_name = str(int(time.time())) + "-" + coolname.generate_slug(2) run_name_list = [run_name] # ensure all ranks have the same experiment name dist.broadcast_object_list(run_name_list) run_name = run_name_list[0] assert run_name is not None, "run name is set above if not specified." self.run_name = run_name self._state = state
[docs] def data(self, log_level: Union[str, int, LogLevel], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Log data to the :attr:`destinations`. Args: log_level (str | int | LogLevel): The log level, which can be a name, value, or instance of :class:`LogLevel`. data (Dict[str, Any]): The data to log. """ log_level = LogLevel(log_level) for destination in self.destinations: destination.log_data(self._state, log_level, data)
[docs] def file_artifact( self, log_level: Union[str, int, LogLevel], artifact_name: str, file_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], *, overwrite: bool = False, ): """Log ``file_path`` as an artifact named ``artifact_name``. Args: log_level (str | int | LogLevel): The log level, which can be a name, value, or instance of :class:`LogLevel`. artifact_name (str): The name of the artifact. file_path (str | pathlib.Path): The file path. overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite an existing artifact with the same ``artifact_name``. (default: ``False``) """ log_level = LogLevel(log_level) file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path) for destination in self.destinations: destination.log_file_artifact( state=self._state, log_level=log_level, artifact_name=artifact_name, file_path=file_path, overwrite=overwrite, )
[docs] def data_fit(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Helper function for ``, data)``""", data)
[docs] def data_epoch(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Helper function for ``, data)``""", data)
[docs] def data_batch(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Helper function for ``, data)``""", data)
[docs]def format_log_data_value(data: Any) -> str: """Recursively formats a given log data value into a string. Args: data: Data to format. Returns: str: ``data`` as a string. """ if data is None: return "None" if isinstance(data, str): return f"\"{data}\"" if isinstance(data, int): return str(data) if isinstance(data, float): return f"{data:.4f}" if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): if data.shape == tuple() or reduce(operator.mul, data.shape, 1) == 1: return format_log_data_value(data.cpu().item()) return "Tensor of shape " + str(data.shape) if isinstance(data, output = ['{ '] for k, v in data.items(): assert isinstance(k, str) v = format_log_data_value(v) output.append(f"\"{k}\": {v}, ") output.append('}') return "".join(output) if isinstance(data, return "[" + ", ".join(format_log_data_value(v) for v in data) + "]" # Unknown format catch-all return str(data)