Source code for composer.loggers.in_memory_logger

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Logs metrics to dictionary objects that persist in memory throughout training.

Useful for collecting and plotting data inside notebooks.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from torch import Tensor

from composer.core.state import State
from composer.core.time import Timestamp
from composer.loggers.logger import LogLevel
from composer.loggers.logger_destination import LoggerDestination

__all__ = ["InMemoryLogger"]

[docs]class InMemoryLogger(LoggerDestination): """Logs metrics to dictionary objects that persist in memory throughout training. Useful for collecting and plotting data inside notebooks. Example usage: .. testcode:: from composer.loggers import InMemoryLogger, LogLevel from composer.trainer import Trainer logger = InMemoryLogger( log_level=LogLevel.BATCH ) trainer = Trainer( model=model, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, eval_dataloader=eval_dataloader, max_duration="1ep", optimizers=[optimizer], loggers=[logger] ) # Get data from logger. If you are using multiple loggers, be sure to confirm # which index in trainer.logger.destinations contains your desired logger. logged_data = trainer.logger.destinations[0].data .. testcleanup:: trainer.engine.close() Args: log_level (str or LogLevel, optional): :class:`~.logger.LogLevel` (i.e. unit of resolution) at which to record. Defaults to :attr:`~.LogLevel.BATCH`, which records everything. Attributes: data (dict): Mapping of a logged key to a (:class:`~.time.Timestamp`, :class:`~.logger.LogLevel`, data dictionary) tuple. This dictionary contains all logged data. most_recent_values (Dict[str, Any]): Mapping of a key to the most recent value for that key. most_recent_timestamps (Dict[str, Timestamp]): Mapping of a key to the :class:`~.time.Timestamp` of the last logging call for that key. """ def __init__(self, log_level: Union[str, int, LogLevel] = LogLevel.BATCH) -> None: self.log_level = LogLevel(log_level) Dict[str, List[Tuple[Timestamp, LogLevel, Dict[str, Any]]]] = {} self.most_recent_values = {} self.most_recent_timestamps: Dict[str, Timestamp] = {} def log_data(self, state: State, log_level: LogLevel, data: Dict[str, Any]): if log_level > self.log_level: # the logged metric is more verbose than what we want to record. return timestamp = state.timer.get_timestamp() copied_data = copy.deepcopy(data) for k, v in copied_data.items(): if k not in[k] = [][k].append((timestamp, log_level, v)) self.most_recent_values.update(copied_data.items()) self.most_recent_timestamps.update({k: timestamp for k in copied_data})
[docs] def get_timeseries(self, metric: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns logged data as dict containing values of a desired metric over time. Args: metric (str): Metric of interest. Must be present in Returns: timeseries (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary in which one key is ``metric``, and the associated value is a list of values of that metric. The remaining keys are each a unit of time, and the associated values are each a list of values of that time unit for the corresponding index of the metric. For example: >>> InMemoryLogger.get_timeseries(metric="accuracy/val") {"accuracy/val": [31.2, 45.6, 59.3, 64.7, "epoch": [1, 2, 3, 4, ...], ...], "batch": [49, 98, 147, 196, ...], ...} Example: .. testcode:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from composer.loggers import InMemoryLogger, LogLevel from composer.core.time import Time, Timestamp in_mem_logger = InMemoryLogger(LogLevel.BATCH) # Populate the logger with data for b in range(0,3): datapoint = b * 3 in_mem_logger.log_data(state=state, log_level=LogLevel.BATCH, data={"accuracy/val": datapoint}) timeseries = in_mem_logger.get_timeseries("accuracy/val") plt.plot(timeseries["batch"], timeseries["accuracy/val"]) plt.xlabel("Batch") plt.ylabel("Validation Accuracy") """ # Check that desired metric is in present data if metric not in raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for argument `metric`: {metric}. Requested " "metric is not present in") timeseries = {} # Iterate through datapoints for datapoint in[metric]: timestamp, _, metric_value = datapoint timeseries.setdefault(metric, []).append(metric_value) # Iterate through time units and add them all! for field in timestamp._fields: time_value = getattr(timestamp, field).value timeseries.setdefault(field, []).append(time_value) # Convert to numpy arrays for k, v in timeseries.items(): if isinstance(v[0], Tensor): v = Tensor(v).numpy() else: v = np.array(v) timeseries[k] = v return timeseries