Source code for composer.datasets.utils

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Utility and helper functions for datasets."""

import logging
import textwrap
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.datasets import VisionDataset

from composer.core.types import Batch

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NormalizationFn: """Normalizes input data and removes the background class from target data if desired. An instance of this class can be used as the ``device_transforms`` argument when constructing a :class:`~composer.core.data_spec.DataSpec`. When used here, the data will normalized after it has been loaded onto the device (i.e., GPU). Args: mean (Tuple[float, float, float]): The mean pixel value for each channel (RGB) for the dataset. std (Tuple[float, float, float]): The standard deviation pixel value for each channel (RGB) for the dataset. ignore_background (bool): If ``True``, ignore the background class in the training loss. Only used in semantic segmentation. Default: ``False``. """ def __init__(self, mean: Tuple[float, float, float], std: Tuple[float, float, float], ignore_background: bool = False): self.mean = mean self.std = std self.ignore_background = ignore_background def __call__(self, batch: Batch): xs, ys = batch assert isinstance(xs, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(ys, torch.Tensor) device = xs.device if not isinstance(self.mean, torch.Tensor): self.mean = torch.tensor(self.mean, device=device) self.mean = self.mean.view(1, 3, 1, 1) if not isinstance(self.std, torch.Tensor): self.std = torch.tensor(self.std, device=device) self.std = self.std.view(1, 3, 1, 1) xs = xs.float() xs = xs.sub_(self.mean).div_(self.std) if self.ignore_background: ys = ys.sub_(1) return xs, ys
[docs]def pil_image_collate( batch: List[Tuple[Image.Image, Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray]]], memory_format: torch.memory_format = torch.contiguous_format) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Constructs a :class:`~composer.core.types.BatchPair` from datasets that yield samples of type :class:`PIL.Image.Image`. This function can be used as the ``collate_fn`` argument of a :class:``. Args: batch (List[Tuple[Image.Image, Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray]]]): List of (image, target) tuples that will be aggregated and converted into a single (:class:`~torch.Tensor`, :class:`~torch.Tensor`) tuple. memory_format (torch.memory_format): The memory format for the input and target tensors. Returns: (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): :class:`~composer.core.types.BatchPair` of (image tensor, target tensor) The image tensor will be four-dimensional (NCHW or NHWC, depending on the ``memory_format``). """ imgs = [sample[0] for sample in batch] w, h = imgs[0].size image_tensor = torch.zeros((len(imgs), 3, h, w), dtype=torch.uint8).contiguous(memory_format=memory_format) # Convert targets to torch tensor targets = [sample[1] for sample in batch] if isinstance(targets[0], Image.Image): target_dims = (len(targets), targets[0].size[1], targets[0].size[0]) else: target_dims = (len(targets),) target_tensor = torch.zeros(target_dims, dtype=torch.int64).contiguous(memory_format=memory_format) for i, img in enumerate(imgs): nump_array = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.uint8) if nump_array.ndim < 3: nump_array = np.expand_dims(nump_array, axis=-1) nump_array = np.rollaxis(nump_array, 2).copy() if nump_array.shape[0] != 3: assert nump_array.shape[0] == 1, "unexpected shape" nump_array = np.resize(nump_array, (3, h, w)) assert image_tensor.shape[1:] == nump_array.shape, "shape mismatch" image_tensor[i] += torch.from_numpy(nump_array) target_tensor[i] += torch.from_numpy(np.array(targets[i], dtype=np.int64)) return image_tensor, target_tensor
[docs]def add_vision_dataset_transform(dataset: VisionDataset, transform: Callable, is_tensor_transform: bool = False): """Add a transform to a dataset's collection of transforms. Args: dataset (VisionDataset): A torchvision dataset. transform (Callable): Function to be added to the dataset's collection of transforms. is_tensor_transform (bool): Whether ``transform`` acts on data of the type :class:`~torch.Tensor`. default: ``False``. * If ``True``, and :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor` is present in ``dataset``'s transforms, ``transform`` will be inserted after the :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor` transform. * If ``False`` and :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor` is present, the ``transform`` will be inserted before :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor`. * If :class:`~torchvision.transforms.ToTensor` is not present, the transform will be appended to the end of collection of transforms. Returns: None: The ``dataset`` is modified in-place. """ transform_added_logstring = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ Transform {transform} added to dataset. Dataset now has the following transforms: {dataset.transform}""") if dataset.transform is None: dataset.transform = transform log.warning(transform_added_logstring) elif isinstance(dataset.transform, transforms.Compose): insertion_index = len(dataset.transform.transforms) for i, t in enumerate(dataset.transform.transforms): if isinstance(t, transforms.ToTensor): insertion_index = i break if is_tensor_transform: insertion_index += 1 dataset.transform.transforms.insert(insertion_index, transform) log.warning(transform_added_logstring) else: # transform is some other basic transform, join using Compose if isinstance(dataset.transform, transforms.ToTensor) and not is_tensor_transform: dataset.transform = transforms.Compose([transform, dataset.transform]) log.warning(transform_added_logstring) else: dataset.transform = transforms.Compose([dataset.transform, transform]) log.warning(transform_added_logstring)