Source code for composer.datasets.synthetic

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Synthetic datasets used for testing, profiling, and debugging."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.datasets import VisionDataset

from composer.core.types import MemoryFormat
from composer.utils.string_enum import StringEnum

__all__ = ["SyntheticDataType", "SyntheticDataLabelType", "SyntheticBatchPairDataset", "SyntheticPILDataset"]

[docs]class SyntheticDataType(StringEnum): """Defines the distribution of the synthetic data. Attributes: GAUSSIAN: Standard Guassian distribution. SEPARABLE: Gaussian distributed, but classes will be mean-shifted for separability. """ GAUSSIAN = "gaussian" SEPARABLE = "separable"
[docs]class SyntheticDataLabelType(StringEnum): """Defines the class label type of the synthetic data. Attributes: CLASSIFICATION_INT: Class labels are ints. CLASSIFICATION_ONE_HOT: Class labels are one-hot vectors. """ CLASSIFICATION_INT = "classification_int" CLASSIFICATION_ONE_HOT = "classification_one_hot"
[docs]class SyntheticBatchPairDataset( """Emulates a dataset of provided size and shape. Args: total_dataset_size (int): The total size of the dataset to emulate. data_shape (List[int]): Shape of the tensor for input samples. num_unique_samples_to_create (int): The number of unique samples to allocate memory for. data_type (str or SyntheticDataType, optional), Type of synthetic data to create. Default: ``SyntheticDataType.GAUSSIAN``. label_type (str or SyntheticDataLabelType, optional), Type of synthetic data to create. Default: ``SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT``. num_classes (int, optional): Number of classes to use. Required if ``SyntheticDataLabelType`` is ``CLASSIFICATION_INT`` or``CLASSIFICATION_ONE_HOT``. Default: ``None``. label_shape (List[int], optional): Shape of the tensor for each sample label. Default: ``None``. device (str): Device to store the sample pool. Set to ``'cuda'`` to store samples on the GPU and eliminate PCI-e bandwidth with the dataloader. Set to ``'cpu'`` to move data between host memory and the gpu on every batch. Default: ``'cpu'``. memory_format (MemoryFormat, optional): Memory format for the sample pool. Default: `MemoryFormat.CONTIGUOUS_FORMAT`. transform (Callable, optional): Transform(s) to apply to data. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__(self, *, total_dataset_size: int, data_shape: Sequence[int], num_unique_samples_to_create: int = 100, data_type: Union[str, SyntheticDataType] = SyntheticDataType.GAUSSIAN, label_type: Union[str, SyntheticDataLabelType] = SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, label_shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, device: str = "cpu", memory_format: Union[str, MemoryFormat] = MemoryFormat.CONTIGUOUS_FORMAT, transform: Optional[Callable] = None): self.total_dataset_size = total_dataset_size self.data_shape = data_shape self.num_unique_samples_to_create = num_unique_samples_to_create self.data_type = SyntheticDataType(data_type) self.label_type = SyntheticDataLabelType(label_type) self.num_classes = num_classes self.label_shape = label_shape self.device = device self.memory_format = MemoryFormat(memory_format) self.transform = transform self._validate_label_inputs(label_type=self.label_type, num_classes=self.num_classes, label_shape=self.label_shape) # The synthetic data self.input_data = None self.input_target = None def _validate_label_inputs(self, label_type: SyntheticDataLabelType, num_classes: Optional[int], label_shape: Optional[Sequence[int]]): if label_type == SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT or label_type == SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_ONE_HOT: if num_classes is None or num_classes <= 0: raise ValueError("classification label_types require num_classes > 0") def __len__(self) -> int: return self.total_dataset_size def __getitem__(self, idx: int): idx = idx % self.num_unique_samples_to_create if self.input_data is None: # Generating data on the first call to __getitem__ so that data is stored on the correct gpu, # after DeviceSingleGPU calls torch.cuda.set_device # This does mean that the first batch will be slower # generating samples so all values for the sample are the sample index # e.g. all(input_data[1] == 1). Helps with debugging. assert self.input_target is None input_data = torch.randn(self.num_unique_samples_to_create, *self.data_shape, device=self.device) input_data = torch.clone(input_data) # allocate actual memory input_data = input_data.contiguous(memory_format=getattr(torch, self.memory_format.value)) if self.label_type == SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_ONE_HOT: assert self.num_classes is not None input_target = torch.zeros((self.num_unique_samples_to_create, self.num_classes), device=self.device) input_target[:, 0] = 1.0 elif self.label_type == SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT: assert self.num_classes is not None if self.label_shape: label_batch_shape = (self.num_unique_samples_to_create, *self.label_shape) else: label_batch_shape = (self.num_unique_samples_to_create,) input_target = torch.randint(0, self.num_classes, label_batch_shape, device=self.device) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported label type {self.data_type}") # If separable, force the positive examples to have a higher mean than the negative examples if self.data_type == SyntheticDataType.SEPARABLE: assert self.label_type == SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT, \ "SyntheticDataType.SEPARABLE requires integer classes." assert torch.max(input_target) == 1 and torch.min(input_target) == 0, \ "SyntheticDataType.SEPARABLE only supports binary labels" # Make positive examples have mean = 3 and negative examples have mean = -3 # so they are easier to separate with a classifier input_data[input_target == 0] -= 3 input_data[input_target == 1] += 3 self.input_data = input_data self.input_target = input_target assert self.input_target is not None if self.transform is not None: return self.transform(self.input_data[idx]), self.input_target[idx] else: return self.input_data[idx], self.input_target[idx]
[docs]class SyntheticPILDataset(VisionDataset): """Similar to :class:`SyntheticBatchPairDataset`, but yields samples of type :class:`~PIL.Image.Image` and supports dataset transformations. Args: total_dataset_size (int): The total size of the dataset to emulate. data_shape (List[int]): Shape of the tensor for input samples. num_unique_samples_to_create (int): The number of unique samples to allocate memory for. data_type (str or SyntheticDataType, optional), Type of synthetic data to create. Default: ``SyntheticDataType.GAUSSIAN``. label_type (str or SyntheticDataLabelType, optional), Type of synthetic data to create. Default: ``SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT``. num_classes (int, optional): Number of classes to use. Required if ``SyntheticDataLabelType`` is ``CLASSIFICATION_INT`` or ``CLASSIFICATION_ONE_HOT``. Default: ``None``. label_shape (List[int], optional): Shape of the tensor for each sample label. Default: ``None``. transform (Callable, optional): Transform(s) to apply to data. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__(self, *, total_dataset_size: int, data_shape: Sequence[int] = (64, 64, 3), num_unique_samples_to_create: int = 100, data_type: Union[str, SyntheticDataType] = SyntheticDataType.GAUSSIAN, label_type: Union[str, SyntheticDataLabelType] = SyntheticDataLabelType.CLASSIFICATION_INT, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, label_shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, transform: Optional[Callable] = None): super().__init__(root="", transform=transform) self._dataset = SyntheticBatchPairDataset( total_dataset_size=total_dataset_size, data_shape=data_shape, data_type=data_type, num_unique_samples_to_create=num_unique_samples_to_create, label_type=label_type, num_classes=num_classes, label_shape=label_shape, ) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._dataset) def __getitem__(self, idx: int): input_data, target = self._dataset[idx] input_data = input_data.numpy() # Shift and scale to be [0, 255] input_data = (input_data - input_data.min()) input_data = (input_data * (255 / input_data.max())).astype("uint8") sample = Image.fromarray(input_data) if self.transform is not None: return self.transform(sample), target else: return sample, target