Source code for composer.datasets.coco

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset.

COCO is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. Please refer to the `COCO dataset
<>`_ for more details.
import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Sequence

import torch
from PIL import Image

def _isArrayLike(obj):
    return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and hasattr(obj, '__len__')

from composer.core import DataSpec
from composer.core.types import Batch
from composer.datasets.dataloader import DataLoaderHparams
from composer.datasets.hparams import DatasetHparams
from composer.models.ssd.utils import SSDTransformer, dboxes300_coco
from composer.utils import dist

__all__ = ["COCODatasetHparams", "COCODetection"]

[docs]@dataclass class COCODatasetHparams(DatasetHparams): """Defines an instance of the COCO Dataset."""
[docs] def initialize_object(self, batch_size: int, dataloader_hparams: DataLoaderHparams): if self.datadir is None: raise ValueError("datadir is required.") dboxes = dboxes300_coco() input_size = 300 train_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False, num_cropping_iterations=1) val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) data = self.datadir val_annotate = os.path.join(data, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") val_coco_root = os.path.join(data, "val2017") train_annotate = os.path.join(data, "annotations/instances_train2017.json") train_coco_root = os.path.join(data, "train2017") train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) if self.is_train: return DataSpec(dataloader=dataloader_hparams.initialize_object( dataset=train_coco, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=dist.get_sampler(train_coco, drop_last=self.drop_last, shuffle=self.shuffle), drop_last=self.drop_last, ), split_batch=split_dict_fn) else: return DataSpec(dataloader=dataloader_hparams.initialize_object( dataset=val_coco, drop_last=self.drop_last, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=None, ), split_batch=split_dict_fn)
import as data
[docs]class COCODetection(data.Dataset): """PyTorch Dataset for the COCO dataset. Args: img_folder (str): the path to the COCO folder. annotate_file (str): path to a file that contains image id, annotations (e.g., bounding boxes and object classes) etc. transform (torch.nn.Module): transformations to apply to the image. """ def __init__(self, img_folder, annotate_file, transform=None): self.img_folder = img_folder self.annotate_file = annotate_file # Start processing annotation with open(annotate_file) as fin: = json.load(fin) self.images = {} self.label_map = {} self.label_info = {} # 0 stands for the background cnt = 0 self.label_info[cnt] = "background" for cat in["categories"]: cnt += 1 self.label_map[cat["id"]] = cnt self.label_info[cnt] = cat["name"] # build inference for images for img in["images"]: img_id = img["id"] img_name = img["file_name"] img_size = (img["height"], img["width"]) if img_id in self.images: raise Exception("dulpicated image record") self.images[img_id] = (img_name, img_size, []) # read bboxes for bboxes in["annotations"]: img_id = bboxes["image_id"] bbox = bboxes["bbox"] bbox_label = self.label_map[bboxes["category_id"]] self.images[img_id][2].append((bbox, bbox_label)) for k, v in list(self.images.items()): if len(v[2]) == 0: self.images.pop(k) self.img_keys = list(self.images.keys()) self.transform = transform #@property def labelnum(self): return len(self.label_info) def __len__(self): return len(self.images) def __getitem__(self, idx): img_id = self.img_keys[idx] img_data = self.images[img_id] fn = img_data[0] img_path = os.path.join(self.img_folder, fn) img ="RGB") htot, wtot = img_data[1] bbox_sizes = [] bbox_labels = [] for (l, t, w, h), bbox_label in img_data[2]: r = l + w b = t + h bbox_size = (l / wtot, t / htot, r / wtot, b / htot) bbox_sizes.append(bbox_size) bbox_labels.append(bbox_label) bbox_sizes = torch.tensor(bbox_sizes) bbox_labels = torch.tensor(bbox_labels) if self.transform != None: img, (htot, wtot), bbox_sizes, bbox_labels = \ self.transform(img, (htot, wtot), bbox_sizes, bbox_labels) return img, img_id, (htot, wtot), bbox_sizes, bbox_labels
def split_dict_fn(batch: Batch, num_microbatches: int) -> Sequence[Batch]: #type: ignore if not isinstance(batch, Sequence): raise ValueError(f'split_fn requires batch be a tuple of tensors, got {type(batch)}') img, img_id, img_size, bbox_sizes, bbox_labels = batch #type: ignore nm = num_microbatches if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(img_id, torch.Tensor): return list( zip(img.chunk(nm), img_id.chunk(nm), (img_size[i:i + nm] for i in range(0, len(img_size), nm)), bbox_sizes.chunk(nm), bbox_labels.chunk(nm))) #type: ignore if isinstance(img, list) and isinstance(img_id, list) and isinstance(img_size, list) and isinstance( bbox_sizes, list) and isinstance(bbox_labels, list): return list( zip( [img[i::nm] for i in range(nm)], [img_id[i::nm] for i in range(nm)], [img_size[i::nm] for i in range(nm)], [bbox_sizes[i::nm] for i in range(nm)], [bbox_labels[i::nm] for i in range(nm)], )) #type: ignore