Source code for composer.datasets.c4

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""C4 (Colossal Cleaned CommonCrawl) dataset.

This dataset is a colossal, cleaned version of Common Crawl's web crawl corpus and it is based on the `Common Crawl
<>`_ dataset.
import copy
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, cycle

import yahp as hp
from import DataLoader, IterableDataset, get_worker_info

from composer.datasets.dataloader import DataLoaderHparams
from composer.datasets.hparams import DatasetHparams
from composer.utils import dist

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["C4Dataset", "C4DatasetHparams"]

[docs]@dataclass class C4DatasetHparams(DatasetHparams): """Builds a :class:`.DataSpec` for the C4 (Colossal Cleaned CommonCrawl) dataset. Args: split (str): What split of the dataset to use. Either ``'train'`` or ``'validation'``. Default: ``None``. num_samples (int): The number of post-processed token samples, used to set epoch size of the :class:``. Default: ``None``. tokenizer_name (str): The name of the HuggingFace tokenizer to preprocess text with. Default: ``None``. max_seq_len (int): The max sequence length of each token sample. Default: ``None``. group_method (str): How to group text samples into token samples. Either `truncate` or `concat`. Default: ``None``. mlm (bool): Whether or not to use masked language modeling. Default: ``False``. mlm_probability (float): If ``mlm=True``, the probability that tokens are masked. Default: ``0.15``. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the samples in the dataset. Currently, shards are assigned and consumed with deterministic per-device shard order, but shuffling affects the order of samples via (per-device) shuffle buffers. Default: ``False``. shuffle_buffer_size (int): If ``shuffle=True``, samples are read into a buffer of this size (per-device), and randomly sampled from there to produce shuffled samples. Default: ``10000``. seed (int): If ``shuffle=True``, what seed to use for shuffling operations. Default: ``5``. drop_last (bool): Whether to drop the last samples for the last batch. Default: ``True``. Returns: DataLoader: A PyTorch :class:`` object. """ split: str = hp.optional("What split of the dataset to use. Either `train` or `validation`.", default=None) num_samples: int = hp.optional( "The number of post-processed token samples, used to set epoch size of the IterableDataset.", default=None) tokenizer_name: str = hp.optional("The name of the HuggingFace tokenizer to preprocess text with.", default=None) max_seq_len: int = hp.optional("The max sequence length of each token sample.", default=None) group_method: str = hp.optional("How to group text samples into token samples. Either `truncate` or `concat`.", default=None) mlm: bool = hp.optional("Whether or not to use masked language modeling.", default=False) mlm_probability: float = hp.optional("If `mlm=True`, the probability that tokens are masked.", default=0.15) shuffle: bool = hp.optional( "Whether to shuffle the samples in the dataset. Currently, shards are assigned and consumed with deterministic per-device shard order, but shuffling affects the order of samples via (per-device) shuffle buffers.", default=True) shuffle_buffer_size: int = hp.optional( "If `shuffle=True`, samples are read into a buffer of this size (per-device), and randomly sampled from there to produce shuffled samples.", default=10000) seed: int = hp.optional("If `shuffle=True`, what seed to use for shuffling operations.", default=5) drop_last: bool = hp.optional("Whether to drop the last samples for the last batch.", default=True)
[docs] def validate(self): if self.split not in ["train", "validation"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown split: '{self.split}'") if self.num_samples is None or self.num_samples <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Must provide 'num_samples' > 0") if self.tokenizer_name is None: raise ValueError(f"Must provide 'tokenizer_name'") if self.max_seq_len is None or self.max_seq_len <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Must provide 'max_seq_len' > 0") if self.group_method not in ["truncate", "concat"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown group_method: '{self.group_method}'. Must be 'truncate' or 'concat'") if self.mlm and self.mlm_probability <= 0: raise ValueError("Must provide a positive 'mlm_probability' when using masked language modeling.")
[docs] def initialize_object(self, batch_size: int, dataloader_hparams: DataLoaderHparams) -> DataLoader: try: import transformers except ImportError: raise ImportError('HuggingFace transformers not installed. ' 'Please install with `pip install composer[nlp]`') if dataloader_hparams.num_workers > 1: log.warning("C4 Dataset not compatible with num_workers > 1. Overwriting value to num_workers=1") dataloader_hparams.num_workers = 1 # Get C4 dataset c4_dataset = C4Dataset(split=self.split, num_samples=self.num_samples, tokenizer_name=self.tokenizer_name, max_seq_len=self.max_seq_len, group_method=self.group_method, shuffle=self.shuffle, shuffle_buffer_size=self.shuffle_buffer_size, seed=self.seed) # Get collate_fn collate_fn = transformers.DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(tokenizer=c4_dataset.tokenizer, mlm=self.mlm, mlm_probability=self.mlm_probability) return dataloader_hparams.initialize_object( dataset=c4_dataset, # type: ignore batch_size=batch_size, sampler=None, drop_last=self.drop_last, collate_fn=collate_fn)
[docs]class C4Dataset(IterableDataset): """Builds a streaming, sharded, sized :class:`` for the C4 (Colossal Cleaned CommonCrawl) dataset. Used for pretraining autoregressive or masked language models. Text samples are streamed directly from the cloud using HuggingFace's C4 Dataset with streaming backend (See for more details). The text samples are then shuffled, tokenized, and grouped on- the-fly. Args: split (str): What split of the dataset to use. Either ``'train'`` or ``'validation'``. num_samples (int): The number of post-processed token samples, used to set epoch size of the :class:``. tokenizer_name (str): The name of the HuggingFace tokenizer to preprocess text with. max_seq_len (int): The max sequence length of each token sample. group_method (str): How to group text samples into token samples. Either ``'truncate'`` or ``'concat'``. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the samples in the dataset. Currently, shards are assigned and consumed with deterministic per-device shard order, but shuffling affects the order of samples via (per-device) shuffle buffers. Default: ``False``. shuffle_buffer_size (int): If ``shuffle=True``, samples are read into a buffer of this size (per-device), and randomly sampled from there to produce shuffled samples. Default: ``10000``. seed (int): If ``shuffle=True``, what seed to use for shuffling operations. Default: ``5``. Returns: IterableDataset: A :class:`` object. """ def __init__(self, split, num_samples, tokenizer_name, max_seq_len, group_method, shuffle=False, shuffle_buffer_size=10000, seed=5): try: import datasets import transformers except ImportError: raise ImportError('HuggingFace transformers and datasets are not installed. ' 'Please install with `pip install composer[nlp]`') self.split = split self.num_samples = num_samples self.tokenizer_name = tokenizer_name self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.group_method = group_method self.shuffle = shuffle self.shuffle_buffer_size = shuffle_buffer_size self.seed = seed # Metadata c4_metadata = { "train": { "num_shards": 1024, "approx_samples_per_shard": 356317, }, "validation": { "num_shards": 8, "approx_samples_per_shard": 45576, } } if self.split in c4_metadata: self.num_shards = c4_metadata[self.split]["num_shards"] self.approx_samples_per_shard = c4_metadata[self.split]["approx_samples_per_shard"] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown split={self.split}, expected one of {list(c4_metadata.keys())}.") # Set dataset size self.world_size = dist.get_world_size() self.rank = dist.get_global_rank() self.num_samples_per_device = self.num_samples // self.world_size if self.num_samples % self.world_size != 0: new_num_samples = self.num_samples_per_device * self.world_size log.warning( f"Num samples will be truncated from {num_samples}->{new_num_samples} to maintain divisibility across {self.world_size} devices." ) self.num_samples = new_num_samples # Try and detect if num_samples is larger than original dataset original_approx_samples = self.num_shards * self.approx_samples_per_shard if self.num_samples > original_approx_samples and self.group_method == "truncate": log.warning( f"Num samples was set to {self.num_samples} with group_method 'truncate' but split '{split}' has only {original_approx_samples}. " f"The original dataset will cycle until the new nominal length of {self.num_samples}.") if self.group_method == "concat": log.warning( f"When using group_method 'concat', sequential token samples are concatenated and chunked into fixed-length samples of size max_seq_len={self.max_seq_len}. " f"In general we cannot detect ahead-of-time if your setting of num_samples={self.num_samples} will be larger than the original dataset, " f"but if it is larger, the original dataset will cycle until the new nominal length of {self.num_samples}." ) # Build tokenizer self.tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name) if self.tokenizer.pad_token is None: # Some tokenizers (e.g. GPT2 tokenizer) have no padding token which causes bugs self.tokenizer.pad_token = self.tokenizer.eos_token # Load and shard dataset text_dataset = datasets.load_dataset(path="c4", name="en", split=split, streaming=True) text_dataset = self._shard_dataset(text_dataset) if not isinstance(text_dataset, datasets.IterableDataset): raise ValueError("Unable to build sharded Huggingface C4 Dataset.") # Map text samples to token samples # NOTE: Mapping is executed in batched mode for better CPU utilization, # but the returned dataset is still an iterable over tokenized samples text_sample_batch_size = 1000 token_dataset = self._tokenize, batched=True, batch_size=text_sample_batch_size, ) # Map variable-length token samples to fixed-length token samples # NOTE: Mapping is executed in batched mode for better CPU utilization, # but the returned dataset is still an iterable over tokenized samples. # NOTE: Depending on the 'group_method', this step may alter the number of # token samples in the dataset, and may mix neighboring token samples together. token_sample_batch_size = 1000 token_dataset = self._group_tokens, batched=True, batch_size=token_sample_batch_size, ) # Repeat over the dataset # TODO: This functionality should eventually be upstreamed to HF as `hf_iterable_dataset.repeat()` repeat_token_dataset = self._repeat(token_dataset) # Limit the number of post-processed token samples sized_token_dataset = repeat_token_dataset.take(self.num_samples_per_device) # Shuffle post-processed token samples # Samples are read into and randomly sampled from per-device shuffle buffer if self.shuffle: sized_token_dataset = sized_token_dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=self.shuffle_buffer_size, seed=self.seed) # Finish self.iterable_dataset = sized_token_dataset def __iter__(self): worker_info = get_worker_info() if worker_info is not None and worker_info.num_workers != 1: raise ValueError("Multi-worker processing not supported for this dataset yet, please use 'num_workers=1'.") return iter(self.iterable_dataset) def __len__(self): return self.num_samples_per_device # Repeat a HF iterable dataset infinitely # TODO: This functionality should eventually be upstreamed to HF as `hf_iterable_dataset.repeat()` def _repeat(self, dataset): try: from datasets.iterable_dataset import _BaseExamplesIterable from datasets.iterable_dataset import iterable_dataset as hf_iterable_dataset except ImportError: raise ImportError('HuggingFace datasets are not installed. ' 'Please install with `pip install composer[nlp]`') class RepeatExamplesIterable(_BaseExamplesIterable): def __init__(self, ex_iterable): self.ex_iterable = ex_iterable def __iter__(self): yield from cycle(self.ex_iterable) @property def n_shards(self): return self.ex_iterable.n_shards ex_iterable = RepeatExamplesIterable(dataset._ex_iterable) return hf_iterable_dataset( ex_iterable=ex_iterable, info=dataset._info.copy(), split=dataset._split, format_type=dataset._format_type, shuffling=copy.deepcopy(dataset._shuffling), ) def _subsample(self, device_offset, text_batch): # Only return the i-th item out of N sequential items for k, v in text_batch.items(): text_batch[k] = v[device_offset:device_offset + 1] return text_batch # Take a HF iterable dataset with multiple shards and prepare it for data-parallel training # Shards are split per-device, e.g. For 8 shards and 4 devices... device0 receives shards [0, 4], device1 receives shards [1, 5].. etc. # If there are not enough shards for devices (common with small validation splits), then shards are sent to multiple devices but subsampled internally. # E.g. For 2 shards and 4 devices... device0 receives shards [0] and consumes samples 0, 2, 4, ... device1 recieves shards [0] and consumes samples 1, 3, 5, ... etc. # Currently, either (num_shards % num_devices == 0) or (num_devices % num_shards == 0) is enforced for efficient streaming, # but this could be relaxed in the future at the cost of increased bandwidth (have many more devices read the same shards and subsample) def _shard_dataset(self, dataset): # Verify # of shards filepaths = dataset._ex_iterable.kwargs['filepaths'] if self.num_shards != len(filepaths): raise ValueError(f"Found {len(filepaths)} shards, expected {self.num_shards}") # Determine how to allocate devices to shards devices_per_shard = 1 if self.num_shards < self.world_size: log.warning( f"Not enough unique shards ({self.num_shards}) for world size ({self.world_size}). Splitting shards among devices." ) if self.world_size % self.num_shards != 0: raise ValueError(f"Cannot evenly split {self.num_shards} shards among {self.world_size} devices") devices_per_shard = self.world_size // self.num_shards elif self.num_shards % self.world_size != 0: raise ValueError(f"Cannot evenly split {self.num_shards} shards among {self.world_size} devices") shard_offset = self.rank // devices_per_shard device_offset = self.rank % devices_per_shard # Select a deterministic subset of shards device_filepaths = filepaths[shard_offset::self.world_size] dataset._ex_iterable.kwargs['filepaths'] = device_filepaths # Subsample shard if shard is being shared among devices # NOTE: Mapping is executed in batched mode for better CPU utilization, # but the returned dataset is still an iterable over text samples if devices_per_shard > 1: dataset = partial(self._subsample, device_offset), batched=True, batch_size=devices_per_shard, ) return dataset # Use the initialized HF tokenizer to convert a text batch to a token batch def _tokenize(self, text_batch): if self.group_method == "truncate": truncation = True padding = 'max_length' max_length = self.max_seq_len else: truncation = False padding = False max_length = None return self.tokenizer(text_batch["text"], truncation=truncation, padding=padding, max_length=max_length) # Prepare a batch of token samples for pretraining, by grouping them into fixed-length token samples, with either 'truncate' or 'concat' group methods. # If using 'truncate', each token sample is padded/truncated to 'self.max_seq_len', and there is no mixing between adjacent token samples. # Using 'truncate' may be computationally inefficient if 'self.max_seq_len' is large, as the suffix of each token sample will consist of empty padding. # Using 'truncate' may also be data inefficent as it will discard the suffix of any token sample that is larger than 'self.max_seq_len'. # If using 'concat', the batch of token samples is concatenated and chunked, such that every new token sample is exactly 'self.max_seq_len' long with no padding. # Using 'concat' may drop a small amount of data at the end of each batch if the total number of tokens is not divisible by 'self.max_seq_len'. # Using 'concat' will alter the number of token samples in the iterable dataset, and differently per-device, # so we require the user to provide a 'self.num_samples' limit to ensure epoch-boundary synchronization across devices. def _group_tokens(self, token_batch): if self.group_method == "truncate": # No processing needed, as 'self._tokenize()' has already padded / truncated each token sample to 'self.max_seq_len' return token_batch elif self.group_method == "concat": # Concatenate all tokens. concat_tokens = {} num_tokens = None for k, v in token_batch.items(): concat_v = list(chain(*v)) concat_tokens[k] = concat_v if num_tokens is None: num_tokens = len(concat_v) elif num_tokens != len(concat_v): raise ValueError("Not all values in concat_tokens dict have same len()") else: pass if num_tokens is None: raise ValueError("Failed to determine num_tokens.") # We drop the small remainder of tokens at the end of the batch. if num_tokens >= self.max_seq_len: num_tokens = (num_tokens // self.max_seq_len) * self.max_seq_len # Split into token samples of size max_seq_len. result = { k: [v[i:i + self.max_seq_len] for i in range(0, num_tokens, self.max_seq_len) ] for k, v in concat_tokens.items() } return result else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown group_method: '{self.group_method}'")