Source code for composer.datasets.brats

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""BraTS (Brain Tumor Segmentation) dataset.

Please refer to the `Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) challenge <>`_ for more
details about this dataset.

import glob
import os
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision
import yahp as hp

from composer.core.types import DataLoader, Dataset
from composer.datasets.dataloader import DataLoaderHparams
from composer.datasets.hparams import DatasetHparams
from composer.utils import dist
from composer.utils.import_helpers import MissingConditionalImportError

PATCH_SIZE = [1, 192, 160]

__all__ = ["BratsDatasetHparams"]

def _my_collate(batch):
    """Custom collate function to handle images with different depths."""
    data = [item[0] for item in batch]
    target = [item[1] for item in batch]

    return [torch.Tensor(data), torch.Tensor(target)]

[docs]@dataclass class BratsDatasetHparams(DatasetHparams): """Defines an instance of the BraTS dataset for image segmentation. Args: oversampling (float): The oversampling ratio to use. Default: ``0.33``. """ oversampling: float = hp.optional("oversampling", default=0.33)
[docs] def initialize_object(self, batch_size: int, dataloader_hparams: DataLoaderHparams) -> DataLoader: oversampling = self.oversampling if self.datadir is None: raise ValueError("datadir must be specified.") x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val = get_data_split(self.datadir) dataset = PytTrain(x_train, y_train, oversampling) if self.is_train else PytVal(x_val, y_val) collate_fn = None if self.is_train else _my_collate sampler = dist.get_sampler(dataset, drop_last=self.drop_last, shuffle=self.shuffle) return dataloader_hparams.initialize_object( dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, drop_last=self.drop_last, collate_fn=collate_fn, )
def coin_flip(prob): return random.random() < prob def random_augmentation(probability, augmented, original): condition = coin_flip(probability) neg_condition = condition ^ True return condition * augmented + neg_condition * original class Crop(object): def __call__(self, data, oversampling): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] def randrange(max_range): return 0 if max_range == 0 else random.randrange(max_range) def get_cords(cord, idx): return cord[idx], cord[idx] + PATCH_SIZE[idx] def _rand_crop(image, label): ranges = [s - p for s, p in zip(image.shape[1:], PATCH_SIZE)] cord = [randrange(x) for x in ranges] low_x, high_x = get_cords(cord, 0) low_y, high_y = get_cords(cord, 1) image = image[:, low_x:high_x, low_y:high_y] label = label[:, low_x:high_x, low_y:high_y] return image, label, [low_x, high_x, low_y, high_y] def rand_foreg_cropd(image, label): import scipy.ndimage cl = np.random.choice(np.unique(label[label > 0])) foreg_slices = scipy.ndimage.find_objects(scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(label == cl)[0]) foreg_slices = [x for x in foreg_slices if x is not None] slice_volumes = [[s.stop - s.start for s in sl]) for sl in foreg_slices] slice_idx = np.argsort(slice_volumes)[-2:] foreg_slices = [foreg_slices[i] for i in slice_idx] if not foreg_slices: return _rand_crop(image, label) foreg_slice = foreg_slices[random.randrange(len(foreg_slices))] low_x, high_x = adjust(foreg_slice, PATCH_SIZE, label, 1) low_y, high_y = adjust(foreg_slice, PATCH_SIZE, label, 2) image = image[:, low_x:high_x, low_y:high_y] label = label[:, low_x:high_x, low_y:high_y] return image, label, [low_x, high_x, low_y, high_y] def adjust(foreg_slice, patch_size, label, idx): diff = patch_size[idx - 1] - (foreg_slice[idx].stop - foreg_slice[idx].start) sign = -1 if diff < 0 else 1 diff = abs(diff) ladj = randrange(diff) hadj = diff - ladj low = max(0, foreg_slice[idx].start - sign * ladj) high = min(label.shape[idx], foreg_slice[idx].stop + sign * hadj) diff = patch_size[idx - 1] - (high - low) if diff > 0 and low == 0: high += diff elif diff > 0: low -= diff return low, high if random.random() < oversampling: img, lbl, _ = rand_foreg_cropd(img, lbl) else: img, lbl, _ = _rand_crop(img, lbl) return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class Noise(object): def __call__(self, data, oversampling): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] std = np.random.uniform(0.0, oversampling) noise = np.random.normal(0, scale=std, size=img.shape) img_noised = img + noise img = random_augmentation(0.15, img_noised, img) return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class Blur(object): def __call__(self, data): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] transf = torchvision.transforms.GaussianBlur(kernel_size=3, sigma=(0.5, 1.5)) img_blured = transf(torch.Tensor(img)).numpy() img = random_augmentation(0.15, img_blured, img) return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class Brightness(object): def __call__(self, data): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] brightness_scale = random_augmentation(0.15, np.random.uniform(0.7, 1.3), 1.0) img = img * brightness_scale return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class Contrast(object): def __call__(self, data): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] min_, max_ = np.min(img), np.max(img) scale = random_augmentation(0.15, np.random.uniform(0.65, 1.5), 1.0) img = torch.clamp(torch.Tensor(img * scale), min_, max_).numpy() return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class Flips(object): def __call__(self, data): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] axes = [1, 2] prob = 1 / len(axes) for axis in axes: if random.random() < prob: img = np.flip(img, axis=axis).copy() lbl = np.flip(lbl, axis=axis).copy() return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class Transpose(object): def __call__(self, data): img, lbl = data["image"], data["label"] img, lbl = img.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3)), lbl.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3)) return {'image': img, 'label': lbl} class PytTrain(Dataset): def __init__(self, images, labels, oversampling, transform=None): self.images, self.labels = images, labels self.oversampling = oversampling self.transform = transform self.rand_crop = Crop() self.transpose = Transpose() self.contrast = Contrast() self.noise = Noise() self.blur = Blur() self.flips = Flips() self.bright = Brightness() def __len__(self): return len(self.images) def __getitem__(self, idx): data = {"image": np.load(self.images[idx]), "label": np.load(self.labels[idx])} data = self.rand_crop(data, self.oversampling) data = self.flips(data) data = self.noise(data, self.oversampling) data = self.blur(data) data = self.bright(data) data = self.contrast(data) data = self.transpose(data) return data["image"], data["label"] class PytVal(Dataset): def __init__(self, images, labels): self.images, self.labels = images, labels def __len__(self): return len(self.images) def __getitem__(self, idx): data = {"image": np.load(self.images[idx]), "label": np.load(self.labels[idx])} return data["image"], data["label"] def load_data(path, files_pattern): data = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, files_pattern))) assert len(data) > 0, f"Found no data at {path}" return data def get_split(data, idx): return list(np.array(data)[idx]) def get_data_split(path: str): try: from sklearn.model_selection import KFold except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError(extra_deps_group="unet", conda_channel="conda-forge", conda_package="scikit-learn") from e kfold = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=0) imgs = load_data(path, "*_x.npy") lbls = load_data(path, "*_y.npy") assert len(imgs) == len(lbls), f"Found {len(imgs)} volumes but {len(lbls)} corresponding masks" train_imgs, train_lbls, val_imgs, val_lbls = [], [], [], [] train_idx, val_idx = list(kfold.split(imgs))[0] train_imgs = get_split(imgs, train_idx) train_lbls = get_split(lbls, train_idx) val_imgs = get_split(imgs, val_idx) val_lbls = get_split(lbls, val_idx) return train_imgs, train_lbls, val_imgs, val_lbls