Source code for composer.datasets.ade20k

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""ADE20K Semantic segmentation and scene parsing dataset.

Please refer to the `ADE20K dataset <>`_ for more details about this

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import ceil
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
import yahp as hp
from PIL import Image
from import Dataset
from torchvision import transforms

from composer.core import DataSpec
from composer.datasets.hparams import DatasetHparams, SyntheticHparamsMixin, WebDatasetHparams
from composer.datasets.imagenet import IMAGENET_CHANNEL_MEAN, IMAGENET_CHANNEL_STD
from composer.datasets.synthetic import SyntheticBatchPairDataset
from composer.datasets.utils import NormalizationFn, pil_image_collate
from composer.utils import dist

__all__ = ["ADE20k", "ADE20kDatasetHparams", "ADE20kWebDatasetHparams"]

[docs]class RandomResizePair(torch.nn.Module): """Resize the image and target to ``base_size`` scaled by a randomly sampled value. Args: min_scale (float): the minimum value the samples can be rescaled. max_scale (float): the maximum value the samples can be rescaled. base_size (Tuple[int, int]): a specified base size (height x width) to scale to get the resized dimensions. When this is None, use the input image size. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__(self, min_scale: float, max_scale: float, base_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None): super().__init__() self.min_scale = min_scale self.max_scale = max_scale self.base_size = base_size def forward(self, sample: Tuple[Image.Image, Image.Image]): image, target = sample resize_scale = np.random.random_sample() * (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) + self.min_scale base_height, base_width = self.base_size if self.base_size else (image.height, image.width) resized_dims = (int(base_height * resize_scale), int(base_width * resize_scale)) resized_image = TF.resize(image, resized_dims, interpolation=TF.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR) # type: ignore resized_target = TF.resize(target, resized_dims, interpolation=TF.InterpolationMode.NEAREST) # type: ignore return resized_image, resized_target
# Based on:
[docs]class RandomCropPair(torch.nn.Module): """Crop the image and target at a randomly sampled position. Args: crop_size (Tuple[int, int]): the size (height x width) of the crop. class_max_percent (float): the maximum percent of the image area a single class should occupy. Default is 1.0. num_retry (int): the number of times to resample the crop if ``class_max_percent`` threshold is not reached. Default is 1. """ def __init__(self, crop_size: Tuple[int, int], class_max_percent: float = 1.0, num_retry: int = 1): super().__init__() self.crop_size = crop_size self.class_max_percent = class_max_percent self.num_retry = num_retry def forward(self, sample: Tuple[Image.Image, Image.Image]): image, target = sample # if image size is smaller than crop size, no cropping necessary if image.height <= self.crop_size[0] and image.width <= self.crop_size[1]: return image, target # generate crop crop = transforms.RandomCrop.get_params( image, output_size=self.crop_size) # type: ignore - transform typing excludes PIL.Image if self.class_max_percent < 1.0: for _ in range(self.num_retry): # Crop target target_crop = TF.crop(target, *crop) # type: ignore - transform typing excludes PIL.Image # count the number of each class represented in cropped target labels, counts = np.unique(np.array(target_crop), return_counts=True) counts = counts[labels != 0] # if the class with the most area is within the class_max_percent threshold, stop retrying if len(counts) > 1 and (np.max(counts) / np.sum(counts)) < self.class_max_percent: break crop = transforms.RandomCrop.get_params( image, output_size=self.crop_size) # type: ignore - transform typing excludes PIL.Image image = TF.crop(image, *crop) # type: ignore - transform typing excludes PIL.Image target = TF.crop(target, *crop) # type: ignore - transform typing excludes PIL.Image return image, target
[docs]class RandomHFlipPair(torch.nn.Module): """Flip the image and target horizontally with a specified probability. Args: probability (float): the probability of flipping the image and target. Default: ``0.5``. """ def __init__(self, probability: float = 0.5): super().__init__() self.probability = probability def forward(self, sample: Tuple[Image.Image, Image.Image]): image, target = sample if np.random.random_sample() > self.probability: image = TF.hflip(image) # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image target = TF.hflip(target) # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image return image, target
[docs]class PadToSize(torch.nn.Module): """Pad an image to a specified size. Args: size (Tuple[int, int]): the size (height x width) of the image after padding. fill (Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]): the value to use for the padded pixels. Default: ``0``. """ def __init__(self, size: Tuple[int, int], fill: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 0): super().__init__() self.size = size self.fill = fill def forward(self, image: Image.Image): padding = max(self.size[0] - image.height, 0), max(self.size[1] - image.width, 0) padding = (padding[1] // 2, padding[0] // 2, ceil(padding[1] / 2), ceil(padding[0] / 2)) image = TF.pad(image, padding, fill=self.fill) # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image return image
[docs]class PhotometricDistoration(torch.nn.Module): """Applies a combination of brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue jitters with random intensity. This is a less severe form of PyTorch's ColorJitter used by the mmsegmentation library here: Args: brightness (float): max and min to jitter brightness. contrast (float): max and min to jitter contrast. saturation (float): max and min to jitter saturation. hue (float): max and min to jitter hue. """ def __init__(self, brightness: float, contrast: float, saturation: float, hue: float): super().__init__() self.brightness = brightness self.contrast = contrast self.saturation = saturation self.hue = hue def forward(self, image: Image.Image): if np.random.randint(2): brightness_factor = np.random.uniform(1 - self.brightness, 1 + self.brightness) image = TF.adjust_brightness( image, brightness_factor) # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image contrast_mode = np.random.randint(2) if contrast_mode == 1 and np.random.randint(2): contrast_factor = np.random.uniform(1 - self.contrast, 1 + self.contrast) image = TF.adjust_contrast( image, # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image contrast_factor) if np.random.randint(2): saturation_factor = np.random.uniform(1 - self.saturation, 1 + self.saturation) image = TF.adjust_saturation( image, saturation_factor) # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image if np.random.randint(2): hue_factor = np.random.uniform(-self.hue, self.hue) image = TF.adjust_hue(image, hue_factor) # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image if contrast_mode == 0 and np.random.randint(2): contrast_factor = np.random.uniform(1 - self.contrast, 1 + self.contrast) image = TF.adjust_contrast( image, # type: ignore - transform typing does not include PIL.Image contrast_factor) return image
[docs]class ADE20k(Dataset): """PyTorch Dataset for ADE20k. Args: datadir (str): the path to the ADE20k folder. split (str): the dataset split to use, either 'train', 'val', or 'test'. Default: ``'train'``. both_transforms (torch.nn.Module): transformations to apply to the image and target simultaneously. Default: ``None``. image_transforms (torch.nn.Module): transformations to apply to the image only. Default: ``None``. target_transforms (torch.nn.Module): transformations to apply to the target only. Default ``None``. """ def __init__(self, datadir: str, split: str = 'train', both_transforms: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, image_transforms: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, target_transforms: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None): super().__init__() self.datadir = datadir self.split = split self.both_transforms = both_transforms self.image_transforms = image_transforms self.target_transforms = target_transforms # Check datadir value if self.datadir is None: raise ValueError("datadir must be specified") elif not os.path.exists(self.datadir): raise FileNotFoundError(f"datadir path does not exist: {self.datadir}") # Check split value if self.split not in ["train", "val", "test"]: raise ValueError(f"split must be one of [`train`, `val`, `test`] but is: {self.split}") self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'images', self.split) if not os.path.exists(self.image_dir): raise FileNotFoundError(f"ADE20k directory structure is not as expected: {self.image_dir} does not exist") self.image_files = os.listdir(self.image_dir) # Filter for ADE files self.image_files = [f for f in self.image_files if f[:3] == 'ADE'] # Remove grayscale samples if self.split == 'train': corrupted_samples = ['00003020', '00001701', '00013508', '00008455'] for sample in corrupted_samples: sample_file = f'ADE_train_{sample}.jpg' if sample_file in self.image_files: self.image_files.remove(sample_file) def __getitem__(self, index): # Load image image_file = self.image_files[index] image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image_file) image = # Load annotation target if using either train or val splits if self.split in ['train', 'val']: target_path = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'annotations', self.split, image_file.split('.')[0] + '.png') target = if self.both_transforms: image, target = self.both_transforms((image, target)) if self.target_transforms: target = self.target_transforms(target) if self.image_transforms: image = self.image_transforms(image) if self.split in ['train', 'val']: return image, target # type: ignore else: return image def __len__(self): return len(self.image_files)
[docs]@dataclass class ADE20kDatasetHparams(DatasetHparams, SyntheticHparamsMixin): """Defines an instance of the ADE20k dataset for semantic segmentation from a local disk. Args: split (str): the dataset split to use either 'train', 'val', or 'test'. Default: ``'train```. base_size (int): initial size of the image and target before other augmentations. Default: ``512``. min_resize_scale (float): the minimum value the samples can be rescaled. Default: ``0.5``. max_resize_scale (float): the maximum value the samples can be rescaled. Default: ``2.0``. final_size (int): the final size of the image and target. Default: ``512``. ignore_background (bool): if true, ignore the background class when calculating the training loss. Default: ``true``. """ split: str = hp.optional("Which split of the dataset to use. Either ['train', 'val', 'test']", default='train') base_size: int = hp.optional("Initial size of the image and target before other augmentations", default=512) min_resize_scale: float = hp.optional("Minimum value that the image and target can be scaled", default=0.5) max_resize_scale: float = hp.optional("Maximum value that the image and target can be scaled", default=2.0) final_size: int = hp.optional("Final size of the image and target", default=512) ignore_background: bool = hp.optional("If true, ignore the background class in training loss", default=True)
[docs] def validate(self): if self.datadir is None and not self.use_synthetic: raise ValueError("datadir must specify the path to the ADE20k dataset.") if self.split not in ['train', 'val', 'test']: raise ValueError(f"split value {self.split} must be one of ['train', 'val', 'test'].") if self.base_size <= 0: raise ValueError("base_size cannot be zero or negative.") if self.min_resize_scale <= 0: raise ValueError("min_resize_scale cannot be zero or negative") if self.max_resize_scale < self.min_resize_scale: raise ValueError("max_resize_scale cannot be less than min_resize_scale")
[docs] def initialize_object(self, batch_size, dataloader_hparams) -> DataSpec: self.validate() if self.use_synthetic: if self.split == 'train': total_dataset_size = 20_206 elif self.split == 'val': total_dataset_size = 2_000 else: total_dataset_size = 3_352 dataset = SyntheticBatchPairDataset( total_dataset_size=total_dataset_size, data_shape=[3, self.final_size, self.final_size], label_shape=[self.final_size, self.final_size], num_classes=150, num_unique_samples_to_create=self.synthetic_num_unique_samples, device=self.synthetic_device, memory_format=self.synthetic_memory_format, ) collate_fn = None device_transform_fn = None else: # Define data transformations based on data split if self.split == 'train': both_transforms = torch.nn.Sequential( RandomResizePair(min_scale=self.min_resize_scale, max_scale=self.max_resize_scale, base_size=(self.base_size, self.base_size)), RandomCropPair( crop_size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), class_max_percent=0.75, num_retry=10, ), RandomHFlipPair(), ) # Photometric distoration values come from mmsegmentation: # r_mean, g_mean, b_mean = IMAGENET_CHANNEL_MEAN image_transforms = torch.nn.Sequential( PhotometricDistoration(brightness=32. / 255, contrast=0.5, saturation=0.5, hue=18. / 255), PadToSize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), fill=(int(r_mean), int(g_mean), int(b_mean)))) target_transforms = PadToSize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), fill=0) else: both_transforms = None image_transforms = transforms.Resize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), interpolation=TF.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR) target_transforms = transforms.Resize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), interpolation=TF.InterpolationMode.NEAREST) collate_fn = pil_image_collate device_transform_fn = NormalizationFn(mean=IMAGENET_CHANNEL_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_CHANNEL_STD, ignore_background=self.ignore_background) # Add check to avoid type ignore below if self.datadir is None: raise ValueError("datadir must specify the path to the ADE20k dataset.") dataset = ADE20k(datadir=self.datadir, split=self.split, both_transforms=both_transforms, image_transforms=image_transforms, target_transforms=target_transforms) sampler = dist.get_sampler(dataset, drop_last=self.drop_last, shuffle=self.shuffle) return DataSpec(dataloader=dataloader_hparams.initialize_object(dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, collate_fn=collate_fn, drop_last=self.drop_last), device_transforms=device_transform_fn)
[docs]@dataclass class ADE20kWebDatasetHparams(WebDatasetHparams): """Defines an instance of the ADE20k dataset for semantic segmentation from a remote blob store. Args: remote (str): S3 bucket or root directory where dataset is stored. Default: ``'s3://mosaicml-internal-dataset-ade20k'`` name (str): Key used to determine where dataset is cached on local filesystem. Default: ``'ade20k'`` split (str): the dataset split to use either 'train', 'val', or 'test'. Default: ``'train'``. base_size (int): initial size of the image and target before other augmentations. Default: ``512``. min_resize_scale (float): the minimum value the samples can be rescaled. Default: ``0.5``. max_resize_scale (float): the maximum value the samples can be rescaled. Default: ``2.0``. final_size (int): the final size of the image and target. Default: ``512``. ignore_background (bool): if true, ignore the background class when calculating the training loss. Default: ``True``. """ remote: str = hp.optional('WebDataset S3 bucket name', default='s3://mosaicml-internal-dataset-ade20k-3') name: str = hp.optional('WebDataset local cache name', default='ade20k') split: str = hp.optional("Which split of the dataset to use. Either ['train', 'val', 'test']", default='train') base_size: int = hp.optional("Initial size of the image and target before other augmentations", default=512) min_resize_scale: float = hp.optional("Minimum value that the image and target can be scaled", default=0.5) max_resize_scale: float = hp.optional("Maximum value that the image and target can be scaled", default=2.0) final_size: int = hp.optional("Final size of the image and target", default=512) ignore_background: bool = hp.optional("If true, ignore the background class in training loss", default=True)
[docs] def validate(self): if self.split not in ['train', 'val', 'test']: raise ValueError(f"split value {self.split} must be one of ['train', 'val', 'test'].") if self.base_size <= 0: raise ValueError("base_size cannot be zero or negative.") if self.min_resize_scale <= 0: raise ValueError("min_resize_scale cannot be zero or negative") if self.max_resize_scale < self.min_resize_scale: raise ValueError("max_resize_scale cannot be less than min_resize_scale")
[docs] def initialize_object(self, batch_size, dataloader_hparams) -> DataSpec: from composer.datasets.webdataset_utils import load_webdataset self.validate() # Define data transformations based on data split if self.split == 'train': both_transforms = torch.nn.Sequential( RandomResizePair(min_scale=self.min_resize_scale, max_scale=self.max_resize_scale, base_size=(self.base_size, self.base_size)), RandomCropPair( crop_size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), class_max_percent=0.75, num_retry=10, ), RandomHFlipPair(), ) # Photometric distoration values come from mmsegmentation: # r_mean, g_mean, b_mean = IMAGENET_CHANNEL_MEAN image_transforms = torch.nn.Sequential( PhotometricDistoration(brightness=32. / 255, contrast=0.5, saturation=0.5, hue=18. / 255), PadToSize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), fill=(int(r_mean), int(g_mean), int(b_mean)))) target_transforms = transforms.Compose([ PadToSize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), fill=0), transforms.Grayscale(), ]) else: both_transforms = None image_transforms = transforms.Resize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), interpolation=TF.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR) target_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(size=(self.final_size, self.final_size), interpolation=TF.InterpolationMode.NEAREST), transforms.Grayscale(), ]) def map_fn(args): x, y = args if both_transforms: x, y = both_transforms((x, y)) if image_transforms: x = image_transforms(x) if target_transforms: y = target_transforms(y) return x, y preprocess = lambda dataset: dataset.decode('pil').to_tuple('scene.jpg', 'annotation.png').map(map_fn) dataset = load_webdataset(self.remote,, self.split, self.webdataset_cache_dir, self.webdataset_cache_verbose, self.shuffle, self.shuffle_buffer, preprocess, dist.get_world_size(), dataloader_hparams.num_workers, batch_size, self.drop_last) collate_fn = pil_image_collate device_transform_fn = NormalizationFn(mean=IMAGENET_CHANNEL_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_CHANNEL_STD, ignore_background=self.ignore_background) return DataSpec(dataloader=dataloader_hparams.initialize_object( dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=None, drop_last=self.drop_last, collate_fn=collate_fn, ), device_transforms=device_transform_fn)