Source code for composer.core.types

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Reference for common types used throughout the composer library.

    Batch (BatchPair | BatchDict | torch.Tensor): Union type covering the most common representations of batches.
        A batch of data can be represented in several formats, depending on the application.
    BatchPair (Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]]): Commonly used in computer vision tasks.
        The object is assumed to contain exactly two elements, where the first represents inputs
        and the second represents targets.
    BatchDict (Dict[str, Tensor]): Commonly used in natural language processing tasks.
    PyTorchScheduler (torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler): Alias for base class of learning rate schedulers such
        as :class:`torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ConstantLR`.
    JSON (str | float | int | None | List['JSON'] | Dict[str, 'JSON']): JSON Data.
    Dataset ([Batch]): Alias for :class:``.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch

from composer.utils.string_enum import StringEnum

    from typing import Protocol
except ImportError:
    Protocol = object  # Protocol is not available in python 3.7

    from typing import Protocol

__all__ = [
    "Batch", "BatchPair", "BatchDict", "PyTorchScheduler", "JSON", "MemoryFormat", "as_batch_dict", "as_batch_pair",
    "DataLoader", "BreakEpochException"

# For BatchPar, if it is a list, then it should always be of length 2.
# Pytorch's default collate_fn returns a list even when the dataset returns a tuple.
BatchPair = Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]]
BatchDict = Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
Batch = Union[BatchPair, BatchDict, torch.Tensor]

Dataset =[Batch]

PyTorchScheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler

JSON = Union[str, float, int, None, List['JSON'], Dict[str, 'JSON']]

[docs]def as_batch_dict(batch: Batch) -> BatchDict: """Casts a :class:`Batch` as a :class:`BatchDict`. Args: batch (Batch): A batch. Raises: TypeError: If the ``batch`` is not a :class:`BatchDict`. Returns: BatchDict: The batch, represented as a :class:`BatchDict`. """ if not isinstance(batch, dict): raise TypeError(f'batch_dict requires batch of type dict, got {type(batch)}') return batch
[docs]def as_batch_pair(batch: Batch) -> BatchPair: """Casts a :class:`Batch` as a :class:`BatchPair`. Args: batch (Batch): A batch. Returns: BatchPair: The batch, represented as a :class:`BatchPair`. Raises: TypeError: If the batch is not a :class:`BatchPair`. """ if not isinstance(batch, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError(f'batch_pair required batch to be a tuple or list, got {type(batch)}') if not len(batch) == 2: raise TypeError(f'batch has length {len(batch)}, expected length 2') return batch
[docs]class BreakEpochException(Exception): """Raising this exception will immediately end the current epoch. If you're wondering whether you should use this, the answer is no. """ pass
[docs]class DataLoader(Protocol): """Protocol for custom DataLoaders compatible with :class:``. Attributes: dataset (Dataset): Dataset from which to load the data. batch_size (int, optional): How many samples per batch to load for a single device (default: ``1``). num_workers (int): How many subprocesses to use for data loading. ``0`` means that the data will be loaded in the main process. pin_memory (bool): If ``True``, the data loader will copy Tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them. drop_last (bool): If ``len(dataset)`` is not evenly divisible by :attr:`batch_size`, whether the last batch is dropped (if True) or truncated (if False). timeout (float): The timeout for collecting a batch from workers. sampler ([int]): The dataloader sampler. prefetch_factor (int): Number of samples loaded in advance by each worker. ``2`` means there will be a total of 2 * :attr:`num_workers` samples prefetched across all workers. """ dataset: Dataset batch_size: Optional[int] num_workers: int pin_memory: bool drop_last: bool timeout: float sampler:[int] prefetch_factor: int def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Batch]: """Iterates over the dataset. Yields: Iterator[Batch]: An iterator over batches. """ ... def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns the number of batches in an epoch. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised if the dataset has unknown length. Returns: int: Number of batches in an epoch. """ ...
[docs]class MemoryFormat(StringEnum): """Enum class to represent different memory formats. See :class:`torch.torch.memory_format` for more details. Attributes: CONTIGUOUS_FORMAT: Default PyTorch memory format represnting a tensor allocated with consecutive dimensions sequential in allocated memory. CHANNELS_LAST: This is also known as NHWC. Typically used for images with 2 spatial dimensions (i.e., Height and Width) where channels next to each other in indexing are next to each other in allocated memory. For example, if C[0] is at memory location M_0 then C[1] is at memory location M_1, etc. CHANNELS_LAST_3D: This can also be referred to as NTHWC. Same as :attr:`CHANNELS_LAST` but for videos with 3 spatial dimensions (i.e., Time, Height and Width). PRESERVE_FORMAT: A way to tell operations to make the output tensor to have the same memory format as the input tensor. """ CONTIGUOUS_FORMAT = "contiguous_format" CHANNELS_LAST = "channels_last" CHANNELS_LAST_3D = "channels_last_3d" PRESERVE_FORMAT = "preserve_format"