Source code for composer.algorithms.utils.augmentation_primitives

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""Helper functions to perform augmentations on a :class:`PIL.Image.Image`.

Augmentation that take an intensity value are normalized on a scale of 1-10,
where 10 is the strongest and maximum value an augmentation
function will accept.

Adapted from
`AugMix: A Simple Data Processing Method to Improve Robustness and Uncertainty <>`_.

    AugmentationFn ((PIL.Image.Image, float) -> PIL.Image.Image): The type annotation for describing an
        augmentation function.

        Each augmentation takes a :class:`~PIL.Image.Image` and an intensity level on the range ``[0; 10]``,
        and returns an augmented image.

    augmentation_sets (Dict[str, List[AugmentationFn]]): The collection of all augmentations.
        This dictionary has the following entries:

        * ``augmentation_sets["safe"]`` contains augmentations that do not overlap with ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test sets.
        * ``augmentation_sets["original"]`` contains augmentations that use the original implementations of
          enhancing color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness.
        * ``augmentation_sets["all"]`` contains all augmentations.
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageOps

AugmentationFn = Callable[[Image.Image, float], Image.Image]

__all__ = [

def _int_parameter(level: float, maxval: float):
    """Helper function to scale a value between ``0`` and ``maxval`` and return as an int.

      level (float): Level of the operation that will be between ``[0, 10]``.
      maxval (float): Maximum value that the operation can have. This will be scaled to

      int: The result from scaling ``maxval`` according to ``level``.
    return int(level * maxval / 10)

def _float_parameter(level: float, maxval: float):
    """Helper function to scale a value between ``0`` and ``maxval`` and return as a float.

      level (float): Level of the operation that will be between [0, 10].
      maxval (float): Maximum value that the operation can have. This will be scaled to
      float: The result from scaling ``maxval`` according to ``level``.
    return float(level) * maxval / 10.

def _sample_level(n: float):
    """Helper function to sample from a uniform distribution between ``0.1`` and some value ``n``."""
    return np.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=n)

def _symmetric_sample(level: float):
    """Helper function to sample from a distribution over the domain [0.1, 10] with median == 1 and uniform probability
    of x | 0.1 โ‰ค x โ‰ค 1, and x | 1 โ‰ค x โ‰ค 10.

    Used for sampling transforms that can range from intensity 0 to infinity, and for which an intensity of 1 == no
    if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
        return np.random.uniform(1, level)
        return np.random.uniform(1 - (0.09 * level), 1)

[docs]def autocontrast(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float = 0.0): """Autocontrast an image. .. seealso:: :func:`PIL.ImageOps.autocontrast`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image """ del level # unused return ImageOps.autocontrast(pil_img)
[docs]def equalize(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Equalize an image. .. seealso:: :func:`PIL.ImageOps.equalize`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image """ del level # unused return ImageOps.equalize(pil_img)
[docs]def posterize(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Posterize an image. .. seealso:: :func:`PIL.ImageOps.posterize`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]`` """ level = _int_parameter(_sample_level(level), 4) return ImageOps.posterize(pil_img, 4 - level)
[docs]def rotate(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Rotate an image. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ degrees = _int_parameter(_sample_level(level), 30) if np.random.uniform() > 0.5: degrees = -degrees return pil_img.rotate(degrees, resample=Image.BILINEAR)
[docs]def solarize(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Solarize an image. .. seealso:: :func:`PIL.ImageOps.solarize`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _int_parameter(_sample_level(level), 256) return ImageOps.solarize(pil_img, 256 - level)
[docs]def shear_x(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Shear an image horizontally. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _float_parameter(_sample_level(level), 0.3) if np.random.uniform() > 0.5: level = -level return pil_img.transform(pil_img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, level, 0, 0, 1, 0), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
[docs]def shear_y(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Shear an image vertically. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _float_parameter(_sample_level(level), 0.3) if np.random.uniform() > 0.5: level = -level return pil_img.transform(pil_img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, 0, level, 1, 0), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
[docs]def translate_x(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Shear an image horizontally. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _int_parameter(_sample_level(level), pil_img.size[0] / 3) if np.random.random() > 0.5: level = -level return pil_img.transform(pil_img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, level, 0, 1, 0), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
[docs]def translate_y(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Shear an image vertically. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _int_parameter(_sample_level(level), pil_img.size[1] / 3) if np.random.random() > 0.5: level = -level return pil_img.transform(pil_img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, level), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
# The following augmentations overlap with corruptions in the ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test # sets. Their original implementations also have an intensity sampling scheme that # samples a value bounded by 0.118 at a minimum, and a maximum value of intensity*0.18+ # 0.1, which ranged from 0.28 (intensity = 1) to 1.9 (intensity 10). These augmentations # have different effects depending on whether they are < 0 or > 0, so the original # sampling scheme does not make sense to me. Accordingly, I replaced it with the # _symmetric_sample() above.
[docs]def color(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance color on an image. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Color`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _symmetric_sample(level) return ImageEnhance.Color(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def color_original(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance color on an image, following the corruptions in the ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test sets. .. seealso :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Color`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _float_parameter(_sample_level(level), 1.8) + 0.1 return ImageEnhance.Color(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def contrast(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance contrast on an image. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Contrast`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _symmetric_sample(level) return ImageEnhance.Contrast(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def contrast_original(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance contrast on an image, following the corruptions in the ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test sets. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Contrast`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _float_parameter(_sample_level(level), 1.8) + 0.1 return ImageEnhance.Contrast(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def brightness(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance brightness on an image. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _symmetric_sample(level) # Reduce intensity of brightness increases if level > 1: level = level * .75 return ImageEnhance.Brightness(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def brightness_original(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance brightness on an image, following the corruptions in the ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test sets. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _float_parameter(_sample_level(level), 1.8) + 0.1 return ImageEnhance.Brightness(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def sharpness(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance sharpness on an image. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Sharpness`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _symmetric_sample(level) return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(pil_img).enhance(level)
[docs]def sharpness_original(pil_img: Image.Image, level: float): """Enhance sharpness on an image, following the corruptions in the ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test sets. .. seealso:: :class:`PIL.ImageEnhance.Sharpness`. Args: pil_img (Image.Image): The image. level (float): The intensity, which should be on ``[0, 10]``. """ level = _float_parameter(_sample_level(level), 1.8) + 0.1 return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(pil_img).enhance(level)
augmentation_sets = { "all": [ autocontrast, equalize, posterize, rotate, solarize, shear_x, shear_y, translate_x, translate_y, color, contrast, brightness, sharpness ], # Augmentations that don't overlap with ImageNet-C/CIFAR10-C test sets "safe": [autocontrast, equalize, posterize, rotate, solarize, shear_x, shear_y, translate_x, translate_y], # Augmentations that use original implementations of color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness "original": [ autocontrast, equalize, posterize, rotate, solarize, shear_x, shear_y, translate_x, translate_y, color_original, contrast_original, brightness_original, sharpness_original ], }