Source code for composer.algorithms.stochastic_depth.stochastic_layers

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

import torch
from torchvision.models.resnet import Bottleneck

def _sample_bernoulli(probability: torch.Tensor,
                      device_id: int,
                      module_id: int,
                      num_modules: int,
                      generator: torch.Generator,
                      use_same_depth_across_gpus: bool,
                      use_same_gpu_seed: bool = False):
    """Gets a sample from a Bernoulli distribution.

    Provides functionality to have different seeds across GPUs and to have the same set of seeds across GPUs.

    if use_same_gpu_seed:
        sample = torch.bernoulli(probability)
        return sample

    # Get a separate generator for each GPU
    rand_int = torch.randint(low=2**17, high=2**27, size=(1,), dtype=torch.long, generator=generator)
    gpu_seed = (rand_int * (device_id + 1))

    if use_same_depth_across_gpus:
        gpu_generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed(gpu_seed.item())  #type: ignore
        layer_seed = (torch.randperm(num_modules, generator=gpu_generator)[module_id] + 1) * rand_int
        layer_seed = (module_id + 1) * gpu_seed
    layer_generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed(layer_seed.item())  # type: ignore

    sample = torch.bernoulli(probability, generator=layer_generator)
    return sample

[docs]class StochasticBottleneck(Bottleneck): """Stochastic ResNet Bottleneck block. This block has a probability of skipping the transformation section of the layer and scales the transformation section. output by ``(1 - drop probability)`` during inference. Args: drop_rate: Probability of dropping the block. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. module_id: The placement of the block within a network e.g. 0 for the first layer in the network. module_count: The total number of blocks of this type in the network use_same_gpu_seed: Set to ``True`` to have the same layers dropped across GPUs when using multi-GPU training. Set to ``False`` to have each GPU drop a different set of layers. Only used with ``"block"`` stochastic method. use_same_depth_across_gpus: Set to ``True`` to have the same number of blocks dropped across GPUs. Should be set to ``True`` when ``drop_distribution`` is ``"uniform"`` and set to ``False`` for ``"linear"``. """ def __init__(self, drop_rate: float, module_id: int, module_count: int, use_same_gpu_seed: bool, use_same_depth_across_gpus: bool, rand_generator: torch.Generator, **kwargs): super(StochasticBottleneck, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.drop_rate = torch.tensor(drop_rate) self.module_id = module_id self.module_count = module_count self.use_same_gpu_seed = use_same_gpu_seed self.use_same_depth_across_gpus = use_same_depth_across_gpus self.rand_generator = rand_generator def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: identity = x sample = _sample_bernoulli(probability=(1 - self.drop_rate), device_id=x.get_device(), module_id=self.module_id, num_modules=self.module_count, generator=self.rand_generator, use_same_gpu_seed=self.use_same_gpu_seed, use_same_depth_across_gpus=self.use_same_depth_across_gpus) if not or sample: out = self.conv1(x) out = self.bn1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.bn2(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv3(out) out = self.bn3(out) if not out = out * (1 - self.drop_rate) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity out = self.relu(out) else: if self.downsample is not None: out = self.relu(self.downsample(x)) else: out = identity return out
[docs] @staticmethod def from_target_layer(module: Bottleneck, module_index: int, module_count: int, drop_rate: float, drop_distribution: str, rand_generator: torch.Generator, use_same_gpu_seed: bool = False): """Helper function to convert a ResNet bottleneck block into a stochastic block.""" if drop_distribution == 'linear': drop_rate = ((module_index + 1) / module_count) * drop_rate use_same_depth_across_gpus = (drop_distribution == 'uniform') rand_generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed( rand_generator.initial_seed()) # copy the generator for each layer return StochasticBottleneck(drop_rate=drop_rate, module_id=module_index, module_count=module_count, use_same_depth_across_gpus=use_same_depth_across_gpus, use_same_gpu_seed=use_same_gpu_seed, rand_generator=rand_generator, inplanes=module.conv1.in_channels, planes=module.conv3.out_channels // module.expansion, stride=module.stride, downsample=module.downsample, groups=module.conv2.groups, dilation=module.conv2.dilation)