Source code for composer.algorithms.selective_backprop.selective_backprop

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from composer.core import Algorithm, Event, State
from composer.loggers import Logger
from composer.models import ComposerModel

[docs]def should_selective_backprop( current_duration: float, batch_idx: int, start: float = 0.5, end: float = 0.9, interrupt: int = 2, ) -> bool: """Decide if selective backprop should be run based on time in training. Returns true if the ``current_duration`` is between ``start`` and ``end``. Recommend that SB be applied during the later stages of a training run, once the model has already "learned" easy examples. To preserve convergence, SB can be interrupted with vanilla minibatch gradient steps every ``interrupt`` steps. When ``interrupt=0``, SB will be used at every step during the SB interval. When ``interrupt=2``, SB will alternate with vanilla minibatch steps. Args: current_duration (float): The elapsed training duration. Must be within :math:`[0.0, 1.0)`. batch_idx (int): The current batch within the epoch start (float, optional): The duration at which selective backprop should be enabled. Default: ``0.5``. end (float, optional): The duration at which selective backprop should be disabled Default: ``0.9``. interrupt (int, optional): The number of batches between vanilla minibatch gradient updates Default: ``2``. Returns: bool: If selective backprop should be performed on this batch. """ is_interval = ((current_duration >= start) and (current_duration < end)) is_step = ((interrupt == 0) or ((batch_idx + 1) % interrupt != 0)) return is_interval and is_step
[docs]def select_using_loss(input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, model: Callable[[Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]], torch.Tensor], loss_fun: Callable, keep: float = 0.5, scale_factor: float = 1) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Selectively backpropagate gradients from a subset of each batch (`Jiang et al, 2019 <https://\\>`_). Selective Backprop (SB) prunes minibatches according to the difficulty of the individual training examples and only computes weight gradients over the selected subset. This reduces iteration time and speeds up training. The fraction of the minibatch that is kept for gradient computation is specified by the argument ``0 <= keep <= 1``. To speed up SB's selection forward pass, the argument ``scale_factor`` can be used to spatially downsample input tensors. The full-sized inputs will still be used for the weight gradient computation. Args: input (torch.Tensor): Input tensor to prune target (torch.Tensor): Output tensor to prune model (Callable): Model with which to predict outputs loss_fun (Callable): Loss function of the form ``loss(outputs, targets, reduction='none')``. The function must take the keyword argument ``reduction='none'`` to ensure that per-sample losses are returned. keep (float, optional): Fraction of examples in the batch to keep. Default: ``0.5``. scale_factor (float, optional): Multiplier between 0 and 1 for spatial size. Downsampling requires the input tensor to be at least 3D. Default: ``1``. Returns: (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): The pruned batch of inputs and targets Raises: ValueError: If ``scale_factor > 1`` TypeError: If ``loss_fun > 1`` has the wrong signature or is not callable Note: This function runs an extra forward pass through the model on the batch of data. If you are using a non-default precision, ensure that this forward pass runs in your desired precision. For example: .. code-block:: python with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(True): X_new, y_new = selective_backprop(X, y, model, loss_fun, keep, scale_factor) """ INTERPOLATE_MODES = {3: "linear", 4: "bilinear", 5: "trilinear"} interp_mode = "bilinear" if scale_factor != 1: if input.dim() not in INTERPOLATE_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Input must be 3D, 4D, or 5D if scale_factor != 1, got {input.dim()}") interp_mode = INTERPOLATE_MODES[input.dim()] if scale_factor > 1: raise ValueError("scale_factor must be <= 1") if callable(loss_fun): sig = inspect.signature(loss_fun) if not "reduction" in sig.parameters: raise TypeError("Loss function `loss_fun` must take a keyword argument `reduction`.") else: raise TypeError("Loss function must be callable") with torch.no_grad(): N = input.shape[0] # Maybe interpolate if scale_factor < 1: X_scaled = F.interpolate(input, scale_factor=scale_factor, mode=interp_mode) else: X_scaled = input # Get per-examples losses out = model(X_scaled) losses = loss_fun(out, target, reduction="none") # Sort losses sorted_idx = torch.argsort(losses) n_select = int(keep * N) # Sample by loss percs = np.arange(0.5, N, 1) / N probs = percs**((1.0 / keep) - 1.0) probs = probs / np.sum(probs) select_percs_idx = np.random.choice(N, n_select, replace=False, p=probs) select_idx = sorted_idx[select_percs_idx] return input[select_idx], target[select_idx]
[docs]class SelectiveBackprop(Algorithm): """Selectively backpropagate gradients from a subset of each batch (`Jiang et al, 2019 <https://\\>`_). Selective Backprop (SB) prunes minibatches according to the difficulty of the individual training examples, and only computes weight gradients over the pruned subset, reducing iteration time and speeding up training. The fraction of the minibatch that is kept for gradient computation is specified by the argument ``0 <= keep <= 1``. To speed up SB's selection forward pass, the argument ``scale_factor`` can be used to spatially downsample input image tensors. The full-sized inputs will still be used for the weight gradient computation. To preserve convergence, SB can be interrupted with vanilla minibatch gradient steps every ``interrupt`` steps. When ``interrupt=0``, SB will be used at every step during the SB interval. When ``interrupt=2``, SB will alternate with vanilla minibatch steps. Args: start (float, optional): SB interval start as fraction of training duration Default: ``0.5``. end (float, optional): SB interval end as fraction of training duration Default: ``0.9``. keep (float, optional): fraction of minibatch to select and keep for gradient computation Default: ``0.5``. scale_factor (float, optional): scale for downsampling input for selection forward pass Default: ``0.5``. interrupt (int, optional): interrupt SB with a vanilla minibatch step every ``interrupt`` batches. Default: ``2``. """ def __init__(self, start: float = 0.5, end: float = 0.9, keep: float = 0.5, scale_factor: float = 0.5, interrupt: int = 2): self.start = start self.end = end self.keep = keep self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.interrupt = interrupt self._loss_fn = None # set on Event.INIT
[docs] def match(self, event: Event, state: State) -> bool: """Matches :attr:`Event.INIT` and `Event.AFTER_DATALOADER` * Uses `Event.INIT` to get the loss function before the model is wrapped * Uses `Event.AFTER_DATALOADER`` to apply selective backprop if time is between ``self.start`` and ``self.end``. """ if event == Event.INIT: return True if event != Event.AFTER_DATALOADER: return False is_keep = (self.keep < 1) if not is_keep: return False is_chosen = should_selective_backprop( current_duration=float(state.get_elapsed_duration()), batch_idx=state.timer.batch_in_epoch.value, start=self.start, end=self.end, interrupt=self.interrupt, ) return is_chosen
[docs] def apply(self, event: Event, state: State, logger: Optional[Logger] = None) -> None: """Apply selective backprop to the current batch.""" if event == Event.INIT: if self._loss_fn is None: if not isinstance(state.model, ComposerModel): raise RuntimeError("Model must be of type ComposerModel") self._loss_fn = state.model.loss return input, target = state.batch_pair assert isinstance(input, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(target, torch.Tensor), \ "Multiple tensors not supported for this method yet." # Model expected to only take in input, not the full batch model = lambda X: state.model((X, None)) def loss(p, y, reduction="none"): assert self._loss_fn is not None, "loss_fn should be set on Event.INIT" return self._loss_fn(p, (torch.Tensor(), y), reduction=reduction) with state.precision_context: new_input, new_target = select_using_loss(input, target, model, loss, self.keep, self.scale_factor) state.batch = (new_input, new_target)