Source code for composer.utils.object_store.oci_object_store

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""OCI-Compatible object store."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import pathlib
import uuid
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

from composer.utils.import_helpers import MissingConditionalImportError
from composer.utils.object_store.object_store import ObjectStore

__all__ = ['OCIObjectStore']

def _reraise_oci_errors(uri: str, e: Exception):
        import oci
    except ImportError as e:
        raise MissingConditionalImportError(conda_package='oci', extra_deps_group='oci',
                                            conda_channel='conda-forge') from e

    # If it's an oci service error with code: ObjectNotFound or status 404
    if isinstance(e, oci.exceptions.ServiceError):
        if e.status == 404:  # type: ignore
            if e.code == 'ObjectNotFound':  # type: ignore
                raise FileNotFoundError(f'Object {uri} not found. {e.message}') from e  # type: ignore
            if e.code == 'BucketNotFound':  # type: ignore
                raise ValueError(f'Bucket specified in {uri} not found. {e.message}') from e  # type: ignore
            raise e

    # Client errors
    if isinstance(e, oci.exceptions.ClientError):
        raise ValueError(f'Error with using your OCI config file for uri {uri}') from e
    if isinstance(e, oci.exceptions.MultipartUploadError):
        raise ValueError(f'Error when uploading {uri} using OCI parallelized uploading') from e

    # Otherwise just raise the original error.
    raise e

[docs]class OCIObjectStore(ObjectStore): """Utility for uploading to and downloading from an OCI bucket. Args: bucket (str): The bucket name. prefix (str): A path prefix such as `folder/subfolder/` to prepend to object names. Defaults to ''. """ def __init__( self, bucket: str, prefix: str = '', ) -> None: try: import oci except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError(conda_package='oci', extra_deps_group='oci', conda_channel='conda-forge') from e # Format paths self.bucket = bucket.strip('/') self.prefix = prefix.strip('/') if self.prefix != '': self.prefix += '/' try: if 'OCI_CONFIG_FILE' in os.environ: config = oci.config.from_file(os.environ['OCI_CONFIG_FILE']) else: config = oci.config.from_file() self.client = oci.object_storage.ObjectStorageClient(config=config, retry_strategy=oci.retry.DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) except Exception as e: _reraise_oci_errors(self.get_uri(object_name=''), e) self.namespace = self.client.get_namespace().data self.upload_manager = oci.object_storage.UploadManager(self.client) def get_uri(self, object_name: str) -> str: return f'oci://{self.bucket}/{object_name}' def get_object_size(self, object_name: str) -> int: try: response = self.client.get_object( namespace_name=self.namespace, bucket_name=self.bucket, object_name=object_name, ) except Exception as e: _reraise_oci_errors(self.get_uri(object_name), e) if response.status == 200: return int(['Content-Length']) else: raise ValueError(f'OCI get_object was not successful with a {response.status} status code.') def upload_object( self, object_name: str, filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, ): del callback try: self.upload_manager.upload_file(namespace_name=self.namespace, bucket_name=self.bucket, object_name=object_name, file_path=filename) except Exception as e: _reraise_oci_errors(self.get_uri(object_name), e) def download_object( self, object_name: str, filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], overwrite: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, ): del callback if os.path.exists(filename) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f'The file at {filename} already exists and overwrite is set to False') tmp_path = str(filename) + f'.{uuid.uuid4()}.tmp' try: response = self.client.get_object( namespace_name=self.namespace, bucket_name=self.bucket, object_name=object_name, ) except Exception as e: _reraise_oci_errors(self.get_uri(object_name), e) with open(tmp_path, 'wb') as f: f.write( if overwrite: os.replace(tmp_path, filename) else: os.rename(tmp_path, filename)