Source code for composer.callbacks.memory_monitor

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Log memory usage during training."""
import logging
import math
import warnings
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import torch.cuda

from composer.core import Callback, State
from composer.loggers import Logger

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['MemoryMonitor']

[docs]class MemoryMonitor(Callback): """Logs the memory usage of the model. This callback calls the torch memory stats API for CUDA (see :func:`torch.cuda.memory_stats`) on the :attr:`.Event.AFTER_TRAIN_BATCH` and reports different memory statistics. Example: .. doctest:: >>> from composer import Trainer >>> from composer.callbacks import MemoryMonitor >>> # constructing trainer object with this callback >>> trainer = Trainer( ... model=model, ... train_dataloader=train_dataloader, ... eval_dataloader=eval_dataloader, ... optimizers=optimizer, ... max_duration="1ep", ... callbacks=[MemoryMonitor()], ... ) The memory statistics are logged by the :class:`.Logger` to the following keys as described below. +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Logged data | +==========================+=============================================================+ | | Several memory usage statistics | | ``memory/{statistic}`` | are logged on | | | :attr:`.Event.AFTER_TRAIN_BATCH` event. | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ The following statistics are recorded: +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Statistic | Description | +================+===================================================================================+ | allocated_mem | Amount of allocated memory in gigabytes. | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | active_mem | Amount of active memory in gigabytes at the time of recording. | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | inactive_mem | Amount of inactive, non-releaseable memory in gigabytes at the time of recording. | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | reserved_mem | Amount of reserved memory in gigabytes at the time of recording. | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | alloc_retries | Number of failed cudaMalloc calls that result in a cache flush and retry. | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Memory usage monitoring is only supported for GPU devices. Args: memory_keys (Dict[str, str], optional): A dict specifying memory statistics to log. Keys are the names of memory statistics to log from `torch.cuda.memory_stats()`, and values are the names they will be logged under. If not provided, the above statistics are logged. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, memory_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None: self.memory_keys = memory_keys def init(self, state: State, logger: Logger) -> None: # Not relying on `torch.cuda.is_available()` since the model could be on CPU. model_device = next(state.model.parameters()).device if model_device.type != 'cuda': warnings.warn(f'The memory monitor only works on CUDA devices, but the model is on {model_device.type}.') def after_train_batch(self, state: State, logger: Logger): memory_report = {} model_device = next(state.model.parameters()).device if model_device.type != 'cuda': return memory_report = _get_memory_report(self.memory_keys) logger.log_metrics({f'memory/{mem_stat}': val for (mem_stat, val) in memory_report.items()})
_MEMORY_KEYS = { 'allocated_bytes.all.current': 'allocated_mem', 'active_bytes.all.current': 'active_mem', 'inactive_split_bytes.all.current': 'inactive_mem', 'reserved_bytes.all.current': 'reserved_mem', 'num_alloc_retries': 'alloc_retries', } def _get_memory_report(memory_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Dict[str, Union[int, float]]: memory_stats = torch.cuda.memory_stats() memory_keys = memory_keys or _MEMORY_KEYS # simplify and reformat the memory_stats memory_report = {} for (torch_name, name) in memory_keys.items(): if torch_name in memory_stats: # Convert to gigabytes if 'bytes' in torch_name: gigabytes = memory_stats[torch_name] / 1.0e9 # Round to preserve 5 significant digits if gigabytes != 0: order_of_magnitude = int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(gigabytes)))) gigabytes = round(gigabytes, -order_of_magnitude + 4) memory_report[name.replace('bytes', 'gigabytes')] = gigabytes else: memory_report[name] = memory_stats[torch_name] return memory_report